Bar Chart of: Number of Hotspots 1999

This bar chart shows the forest fire hotspots for 1999. The horizontal axis indicates the date from May 1st to September 30th. Each month has three bars representing ten-day periods. These periods are numbered: 1 to 10, 11 to 20, and 21 to 30 (or 31). The vertical axis represents the number of hotspots, with values ranging from 0 to 3000. Most hotspots occurred in the period August 1 to 10. There were also high counts for the June 11 to 20, May 1 to 10, and August 11 to 20 periods. The month with the fewest hotspots is September. The approximate values are as follows: May 1 to 10, 1900 hotspots; 11 to 20, 150 hotspots; and 21 to 31, 650 hotspots. June 1 to 10, 650 hotspots; 11 to 20, 2100 hotspots; and 21 to 30, 1500 hotspots. July 1 to 10, 1100 hotspots; 11 to 20, 1750 hotspots; and 21 to 31, 1450 hotspots. August 1 to 10, 2850 hotspots; 11 to 20, 1950 hotspots, and 21 to 31, 800 hotspots. September 1 to 10, 100 hotspots; 11 to 20, 150 hotspots; and 21 to 30, 125 hotspots.