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Sea Islands

Photo of a sea island in the canadian articThese tables refer to major and minor islands. A major island has a land area exceeding 129 square kilometres, a minor island is smaller than that. The perimeters of some minor islands were considered too small to be reliably measured.

All islands were enumerated and the total island count obtained for each region. Rocks or islets depicted on 1:250 000 maps as minute dots were not included.

The Canadian Arctic Islands were measured as two geographic groups: 1) the Queen Elizabeth Islands and 2) Other Arctic Islands. These two tables make it clear which of the major islands are in Nunavut (NU), or Northwest Territories (NT).

List of Sea Island Facts:

Queen Elizabeth Islands (in Nunavut unless otherwise noted)
Island Name Degrees
(square kilometres)
Ellesmere Island 79° 50' 80° 00' 196 236 10 748
Devon Island 75° 47' 88° 00' 55 247 3 589
Axel Heiberg Island 79° 45' 91° 00' 43 178 3 061
Melville Island (NT, NU) 75° 30' 111° 30' 42 149 3 107
Bathurst Island 75° 45' 100° 00' 16 042 2 069
Prince Patrick Island (NT) 76° 45' 119° 30' 15 848 1 672
Ellef Ringnes Island 78° 30' 103° 00' 11 295 1 027
Cornwallis Island 75° 05' 95° 00' 6 995 636
Amund Ringnes Island 78° 20' 96° 25' 5 255 500
Mackenzie King Island (NT, NU) 77° 45' 112° 00' 5 048 444
Borden Island (NT, NU) 78° 30' 111° 30' 2 794 418
Cornwall Island 77° 37' 94° 38' 2 358 311
Eglinton Island (NT) 75° 48' 118° 30' 1 541 227
Graham Island 77° 25' 90° 30' 1 378 171
Lougheed Island 77° 26' 105° 06' 1 308 243
Byam Martin Island 75° 12' 104° 15' 1 150 145
Île Vanier 76° 10' 103° 15' 1 126 169
Cameron Island 76° 30' 103° 50' 1 059 219
Meighen Island 79° 55' 99° 30' 955 188
Brock Island (NT) 77° 52' 114° 19' 764 174
King Christian Island 77° 48' 101° 40' 645 116
North Kent Island 76° 40' 90° 08' 590 122
Emerald Isle (NT) 76° 48' 114° 10' 549 117
Alexander Island 75° 52' 102° 37' 484 129
Massey Island 76° 00' 103° 00' 432 113
Little Cornwallis Island 75° 30' 96° 30' 412 158
Coburg Island 75° 57' 89° 26' 344 138
Helena Island 76° 39' 101° 04' 326 98
Stor Island 78° 59' 85° 50' 313 79
Baillie-Hamilton Island 75° 52' 94° 35' 290 74
Griffith Island 74° 35' 95° 30' 189 63
Hoved Island 77° 32' 85° 09' 158 55
Lowther Island 74° 33' 97° 30' 145 58
Buckingham Island 77° 12' 91° 00' 137 45
Major islands     416 640 30 483
2 092 minor islands     2 321 3 779
Total     418 961 34 262
Top of Page
Other Arctic Islands (in Nunavut unless otherwise noted)
Island Name Degrees
(square kilometres)
Baffin Island 70° 00' 75° 00' 507 451 28 308
Victoria Island (NT, NU) 71° 00' 110° 00' 217 291 7 091
Banks Island (NT) 72° 45' 121° 30' 70 028 1 920
Southampton Island 64° 20' 84° 40' 41 214 1 944
Prince of Wales Island 72° 40' 99° 33' 33 339 2 576
Somerset Island 73° 15' 93° 30' 24 786 1 297
King William Island 69° 10' 97° 25' 13 111 1 289
Bylot Island 73° 13' 78° 34' 11 067 579
Prince Charles Island 67° 47' 76° 12' 9 521 402
Coats Island 62° 30' 83° 00' 5 498 385
Stefansson Island 73° 20' 105° 45' 4 463 449
Mansel Island 62° 00' 79° 50' 3 180 298
Akimiski Island 53° 00' 81° 20' 3 001 261
Richards Island (NT) 69° 20' 134° 30' 2 165 486
Air Force Island 67° 58' 74° 05' 1 720 201
Flaherty Island 56° 14' 79° 17' 1 585 933
Nottingham Island 63° 20' 77° 55' 1 372 274
Wales Island 68° 01' 86° 40' 1 137 176
Rowley Island 69° 06' 78° 52' 1 090 219
Resolution Island 61° 30' 65° 00' 1 015 394
Vansittart Island 65° 50' 84° 00' 997 344
Russell Island 74° 00' 98° 25' 940 214
Jens Munk Island 69° 39' 80° 04' 920 298
Akpatok Island 60° 25' 68° 08' 903 129
Salisbury Island 63° 30' 77° 00' 804 278
Big Island 62° 43' 70° 43' 803 309
White Island 65° 50' 84° 50' 789 188
Bray Island 69° 16' 77° 00' 689 166
Foley Island 68° 32' 75° 05' 637 153
Sillem Island 70° 56' 71° 43' 482 93
Matty Island 69° 29' 95 40 477 285
Koch Island 69° 38' 78° 20' 458 130
Jenny Lind Island 68° 43' 101° 58' 420 113
Prescott Island 73° 03 96° 50' 412 87
Crown Prince Frederik Island 70° 02 86° 50' 401 108
Loks Land Island 62° 26' 64° 38' 419 206
Melbourne Island 68° 30' 104° 45' 381 82
Tukarak Island 56° 16' 78° 45' 349 174
Kugong Island 56° 18' 79° 50' 321 184
Charlton Island 52° 00' 79° 30' 308 93
Tennent Island 69° 30' 96° 30' 308 113
Edgell Island 61° 50' 65° 00' 287 148
Brevoort Island 63° 30' 64° 20' 271 177
Adams Island 71° 27 73° 05' 267 113
Charles Island 62° 39' 74° 15' 235 132
Moodie Island 64° 37' 65° 30' 233 172
Gateshead Island 70° 36' 100° 26' 220 129
Mill Island 64° 00' 77° 48' 181 146
Admiralty Island 69° 28' 101° 10' 171 154
Long Island 54° 52' 79° 25' 168 159
North Twin Island 53° 18' 80° 00' 157 58
South Tweedsmuir Island 68° 23' 74° 15' 158 64
Padloping Island 67° 06' 62° 38' 150 89
Pandora Island 72° 48' 96° 48' 142 58
Dexterity Island 71° 36' 72° 50' 135 43
Angijak Island 65° 40' 62° 18' 134 132
Smith Island 60° 45' 78° 25' 131 90
Major islands     969 292 55 093
34 377 minor islands     19 417 47 974
Total     988 709 103 067
Top of Page
Pacific Coast Islands (all in British Columbia)
Island Name Degrees
(square kilometres)
Vancouver Island 49° 30' 125° 30' 31 285 3 226
Graham Island 53° 20' 132° 25' 6 361 1 106
Moresby Island 52° 25' 131° 30' 2 608 1 180
Princess Royal Island 52° 55' 128° 50' 2 251 592
Pitt Island 53° 30' 129° 47' 1 375 465
Banks Island 53° 25' 130° 10' 990 288
King Island 52° 15' 127° 35' 808 236
Porcher Island 53° 58' 130° 25' 521 267
Nootka Island 49° 45' 126° 45' 510 187
Aristazabal Island 52° 38' 129° 05' 420 171
Gilford Island 50° 45' 126° 20' 384 170
Hawkesbury Island 53° 35' 129° 04' 365 122
Hunter Island 51° 57' 128° 00' 363 238
Calvert Island 51° 32' 128° 00' 329 124
Texada Island 49° 40' 124° 25' 301 124
Swindle Island 52° 32' 128° 35' 285 172
McCauley Island 54° 40' 130° 15' 275 108
Louise Island 52° 59' 131° 47' 275 87
Quadra Island 50° 12' 125° 15' 270 159
Gil Island 53° 12' 129° 14' 236 92
Roderick Island 52° 38' 128° 22' 233 119
Pearse Island 54° 52' 130° 20' 220 98
Gribbell Island 53° 25' 129° 01' 202 71
Saltspring Island 48° 45' 123° 29' 187 119
Lyell Island 52° 40' 131° 30' 176 130
West Redonda Island 50° 12' 124° 53' 171 105
Campania Island 53° 05' 129 ° 25' 169 127
Price Island 52° 28' 128° 42' 166 98
Pooley Island 52° 43' 128° 14' 163 87
Sonora Island 50° 22' 125° 15' 163 85
Flores Island 49° 20' 126° 10' 150 82
Cracroft Island 50° 33' 126° 20' 150 113
Dundas Island 54° 33' 130° 52' 148 100
Broughton Island 50° 49' 126° 45' 135 142
Campbell Island 52° 07' 128° 12' 132 124
Kunghit Island 52° 06' 131° 05' 132 121
Major islands     52 909 10 835
5 198 minor islands     4 789 7 868
Total     57 698 18 703
Top of Page
Newfoundland and Labrador (unless otherwise noted)
Island Name Degrees
(square kilometres)
Island of Newfoundland 48° 45' 56° 00' 108 860 9 871
South Aulatsivik Island 56° 45' 61° 30' 456 228
Killiniq Island (NL, NU) 60° 21' 64° 31' 269 196
Fogo Island 49° 40' 54° 10' 254 142
Random Island 48° 08' 53° 44' 249 119
New World Island 49° 35' 54° 40' 189 216
Tunungayualok Island 56° 05' 61° 05' 186 137
West Okak Island 57° 30' 61° 52' 179 71
Paul Island 56° 30' 61° 25' 179 171
Kikkertavak Island 56° 22' 61° 35' 140 114
East Okak Island 57° 30' 61° 50' 140 95
Cod Island 57° 47' 61° 47' 135 79
Merasheen Island 47° 25' 54° 15' 129 109
Major islands     111 365 11 548
7 170 minor islands     3 598 9 236
Total     114 963 20 784
Top of Page
Island Name Degrees
(square kilometres)
Anticosti Island 49° 30' 63° 00' 7 941 554
2 341 minor islands     686 2 380
Total     8 627 2 934
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Prince Edward Island
Island Name Degrees
(square kilometres)
Main Island 46° 30' 63° 00' 5 620 1 107
231 minor islands     36 153
Total     5 656 1 260
Top of Page
Nova Scotia
Island Name Degrees
(square kilometres)
Cape Breton Island 46° 00' 60° 30' 10 311 1 775
Boularderie Island 46° 13' 60° 27' 192 108
Major islands     10 503 1 883
871 minor islands     479 1 645
Total     10 982 3 528
Top of Page
New Brunswick
Island Name Degrees
(square kilometres)
Île Lamèque 47° 48' 64° 35' 150 101
Grand Manan Island 44° 40' 66° 45' 137 76
Major islands     287 177
230 minor islands     231 568
Total     518 745
Date modified: 2004-03-10 Top of Page Important Notices