Canadian Cryospheric Information Network




The Canadian Cryospheric Information Network (CCIN) has been developed as a collaborative partnership between the Federal Government (Canadian Space Agency, Meteorological Service of Canada, Natural Resources Canada), University of Waterloo and the private sector (Noetix Research Inc.) to provide the data and information management infrastructure for the Canadian cryospheric community. The main objective of the CCIN is to enhance awareness and access to Canadian cryospheric information and related data.

The network consists of a central server referred to as the CCIN server and is located at the University of Waterloo. This system is a one-window entry point for researchers to discover and access cryospheric data. Data resides on the CCIN server as well as on distributed nodes across Canada which can be accessed through the CCIN server using interoperable standards and technology. CCIN can connect to the GeoConnections Discovery Portal (GDP) to access information about other cryospheric data or be accessed from the GDP. Canadian Ice Service archive located in Ottawa, Ontario is another example where the CCIN server connects remotely.

The cryosphere - sea ice, lake ice, snow cover, frozen ground and glaciers plays a significant role in the Earth's climate system. Canada occupies a unique geographic position on the globe: almost half of the planet's northern cryosphere falls within Canada's territorial boundaries. Under the current conditions of rapid climate change over northern high latitudes, Canada has an obligation to measure, model and understand the complex relationships between the cryosphere and the Earth's climate system in order to provide accurate and timely information on cryospheric variability and change to the public and decision makers.

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Environment Canada
Canadian Space Agency
University of Waterloo