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  Who We Are

Unique financial and insurance services
EDC is a Crown corporation that provides trade finance and risk management services to Canadian exporters and investors in up to 200 markets worldwide.

These developing markets offer a wealth of opportunity for Canadian exporters and investors, but also involve greater risk. We help them assess the long-term potential and manage the increased complexity and risk. Last year, Canadian business concluded $54.9 billion in export and domestic sales and investments in markets using EDC trade financing services, up 6 per cent over the previous year. Without our deal-structuring capabilities, many of these deals would not have been possible.

Committed to small business
Nearly 90 per cent of our customers are smaller companies. We've developed a number of programs, many in partnership with other financial institutions, to service their particular needs. For example, we joined forces with Montcap Financial and Accord Business Credit Inc., to launch ExportEase. With this service, exporters can concentrate on developing business leads while we provide administration and risk management support such as collections and cash management.

Delivering service
Our financial services include credit insurance, bonding and guarantees, political risk insurance, direct loans to buyers and lines of credit in other countries to encourage buyers to 'buy Canadian.' We also provide limited recourse financing arrangements, and joint ventures for projects involving long-term leasing arrangements and equity participation.

Who We Are
Why We Exist
Why Trade is Crucial to Canada
How We Work
Who We Are Accountable to
Our Team Approach
Audit Committee

Top Questions
What is EDC?
What kind of financial services does EDC offer?
How does EDC provide support to Canadian exporters?

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