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  Profit Squeeze Getting Worse for Some – February 1, 2006
By Stephen S. Poloz, Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs and Chief Economist

There is a widespread perception that the Canadian profit picture is a strong one. True, aggregate corporate profits are up significantly, but that hides a lot of stress beneath the surface. Full Report
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  Weekly Commodity Price Update – February 1, 2006
EDC Economics’ all-commodity price index was steady for the week ending January 27 as lower energy prices, particularly natural gas prices, offset increases in all the other major commodity indexes... Full Report (PDF Format)
  EXPORT Instant Insight
Declining natural gas sales contribute to the first export fall in nine months

After reaching a record $40.5bn in October, the dollar value of Canadian merchandise exports fell 2.0% m/m in November (+13.9% y/y). Much of the decline was a result of lower shipments of natural gas as prices and volumes fell as US domestic supply continued to recover from the effects of last years hurricanes.... Full Report
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