Government of Canada

Office of the Minister Responsible for Royal Canadian Mint

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Statement by the Honourable John McCallum, P.C., M.P.

I was informed earlier today by the Master of the Mint, Mr. David Dingwall, that he would be resigning his post effective immediately. Mr. Dingwall also signalled his decision to the Prime Minister.

During Mr. Dingwall's tenure at the Mint, the Crown Corporation rebounded to profitable status. 2004 marked one of the largest single financial swings in Mint history, resulting in a net surplus of $11.3 million.

Mr. Dingwall informed me that he wishes to have the freedom to respond to critics - whose allegations he disputes unequivocally - without distraction to the Mint or to the government. His resignation has been accepted with reluctance on that basis.

The Board of Directors will be convening this afternoon to discuss the appointment of an interim Master of the Mint.

In closing, I would like to thank Mr. Dingwall for his service to Canadians and wish him and his family every success in future endeavours.

For media information:
David Hurl
Office of the Minister
(613) 995-2960

Date modified: 2005-09-28 Top of page
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