Canada Revenue Agency Government of Canada
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Fact Sheet

The Post Montreal Strategy

The aims:
To follow up the Montreal discussions the co-sponsoring organizations will:
  • Continue to discuss the key tax administrative issues raised by electronic commerce with a view to developing a taxation framework that can accommodate established taxation principles that operate across a wide range of countries.
  • Encourage governments to identify the opportunities provided by the new technologies to improve taxpayer service and to reduce compliance costs for taxpayers and administrative costs for tax administrations
  • Assist governments to identify taxpayers engaged in e-commerce and to audit, assess and collect tax due
More generally, the sponsoring organizations will:

  • Identify outstanding e-commerce issues which require joint work
  • Strengthen the ties between them thereby improving the level and quality of communications and assist in the development of a framework for improved co-operation including areas that go beyond e-commerce
The Means
To achieve these aims the sponsoring organizations will:
  • Maintain the informal steering group which has contributed to the success of the Montreal conference
  • Develop links between the websites of each of the participating organizations
  • Develop joint papers on issues of concern to tax administrations where common guidelines and best practices could emerge
  • Develop further the joint training programmes which already exist between the organizations
  • Explore the hosting of further conferences on topics of mutual interest to their member countries

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