Canada Revenue Agency Government of Canada
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Fact Sheet

October 2003

My Account – Personal tax and benefit information for individuals

Committed to client-service excellence and a leader in electronic service delivery, the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) is pleased to offer an online service that provides fast, easy, convenient, and secure access to an individual's own personal tax and benefit account information via the Internet.

What is My Account?

My Account provides the convenience and flexibility of accessing your own personal income tax data, as well as Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB), goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) credit, and other tax-related information, on a secure Web site at

My Account is easy to understand and user-friendly. The following information is available for individuals on the My Account page of the CCRA Web site:

  • tax refund information;
  • comprehensive statements of account, including account balances and instalment payment information;
  • information about the assessment of individual tax returns;
  • CCTB payment information;
  • GST/HST credit payment information;
  • confirmation of current client address and telephone records on file;
  • registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) contributions made, deductions claimed, and contribution limits; and,
  • Home Buyers' Plan and Lifelong Learning Plan statement information.

My Account is a part of a suite of secure online services including NETFILE, Address Changes Online, the Interactive Information Service, and Online Requests. In the next year, the CCRA intends to introduce even more online information and the ability to conduct several types of "self-serve" transactions through a secure Web site.

How do I access My Account?

To access My Account, you will need to keep a record of the amount you reported at line 150 of your income tax return for the previous year (as opposed to the amount that was actually assessed.) You will also need to provide the following information:

  • your date of birth;
  • your social insurance number; and
  • your Web access code.

The Web access code is an eight-digit code that is printed on any Notice of Assessment issued after February 2002. If you did not get a Notice of Assessment, you can call the e-service Helpdesk at 1-800-714-7257 for an access code.

To ensure that others cannot access your account information, keep each piece of your identification confidential.

You also have the option of completely blocking online access to your account information. Simply contact the CCRA and request that no online access to your account be permitted. You can choose to enable online access again at any time.

Security and confidentiality

Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of client information is critical to the CCRA. We use sophisticated and proven security technology and procedures to protect both our Web site and clients' confidential tax information at all times.

Confidential tax and benefit information is not stored in the Web-server environment, and sophisticated security technology is used to protect the information during transmission. The CCRA uses 128-bit secure sockets layer (SSL) encryption protocol to create a secure channel before any information is exchanged. 128-bit SSL encryption is the standard for online services such as banking, where security is a priority. Your electronic authentication is verified before any personal tax information is provided to you. Security is maintained throughout the session.

For more information, visit My Account online at

This document is also available for download in .pdf format.

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