Canada Revenue Agency Government of Canada
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Contract Payment Reporting

Self-employed individuals and small unincorporated enterprises form an increasingly large part of the Canadian economy. Research at the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency and the Department of Finance has identified a high rate of non-compliance in this area. As a result, tax and other compliance measures have been introduced to address the issue.

Of particular note, the 1998 Federal Budget announced that mandatory reporting requirements for service contracts would be implemented for: Government departments and agencies in January 1998; and Crown corporations and the construction sector in January 1999. This measure is the cornerstone of the Government's efforts to introduce reporting requirements in this sector.

For additional information, contact the Business Enquiries section of your tax services office, or call 1-800-959-5525.

Links to private-sector and non-government partners

Get it in Writing! is a national campaign to warn consumers of the risks involved in dealing with contractors in the construction business who offer "under-the-table" cash deals and to explain why it's important to insist on a written contract and get receipts.

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