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  Code of Business Ethics
  Commitment to Legal and Ethical Conduct
  EDC will conduct its business and affairs in accordance with the letter and spirit of all applicable laws in the countries in which it does business. If any EDC employee or representative is ever uncertain as to the interpretation or application of a particular law, he or she must seek advice from Legal Services before taking action. Compliance with the law may, however, fall short of the standard of ethical conduct expected by EDC.

Accordingly, it is EDC’s policy that each of its directors, employees and representatives conduct EDC’s business with honesty, integrity, and fairness. It is also corporate policy that communication and relationships with stakeholders be truthful and transparent in a way that will withstand the highest degree of public scrutiny. Working relationships will be based on candour and openness, treating each other fairly and with respect, while acting with integrity, and weighing responsibilities to all stakeholders.
  The Environment
  In considering transactions, EDC examines environmental risk along with any other risk. EDC is developing its own environmental assessment framework in consultation with Canadian exporters, environmental organizations and other stakeholders. This framework will support EDC’s desire to conserve and enhance environmental quality and to advocate concern for the environmental impact of projects it supports in foreign jurisdictions. EDC will encourage best practices among those with whom it does business, with the aim of raising international environmental standards. EDC will strive for high standards of environmental conservation while ensuring this does not unduly hinder EDC’s ability to support Canadian exporters to compete on a global scale.
  Prohibitions Against Bribery and Corruption
  Basic criminal statutes of virtually all countries prohibit extortion and bribery. Under no circumstances will EDC, directly or indirectly, knowingly offer or give a bribe. Further, EDC will not support a transaction that involves the offer or giving of a bribe, and will exercise reasonable diligence and care not to support unknowingly such a transaction.
  Human Rights
  EDC values human rights and promotes the protection of internationally recognized human rights, consistent with the policies of the government of Canada. EDC recognizes the sovereignty of other national governments when there is consistency with the policies of the government of Canada.

EDC employees, representatives and other stakeholders are entitled to have their dignity as human beings respected and to work in an environment free from intimidation, hostility or offensiveness. EDC is therefore committed to creating and maintaining a work and business environment that is free from harassment and discrimination on prohibited grounds. These prohibited grounds include: age, race, colour, religion, creed, sex, nationality, ethnic or place of origin, citizenship, language, political belief, marital or family status, pregnancy, sexual orientation and disability.
  Avoiding Conflicts of Interest
  Employees and representatives of EDC have a duty to act in the best interests of EDC at all times. A conflict of interest arises when an employee must choose between EDC’s best interests and his/her own. The judgment of EDC employees and representatives must be, and must be seen to be, independent of any personal or financial interests that arise from business dealings, social ties, or other personal considerations.

EDC has adopted a code of conduct that requires employees and representatives of EDC to adhere to the highest standards of conduct with respect to conflicts of interest. Compliance with these standards is achieved through avoidance, disclosure, discontinuance or divestment.
  Maintaining Confidentiality of Information
  EDC will respect the privacy rights of its stakeholders, including their right to security of information. EDC will preserve confidential information in its possession, and use such information only for corporate purposes.

Some employees have access to sensitive or confidential information that, if released, could significantly harm EDC, its employees or other stakeholders. Therefore, employees and other representatives of EDC must use extreme care when handling such information. As a general rule, such information shall not be provided to EDC employees or representatives other than on a need-to-know basis or to anyone outside EDC who is not authorized or legally entitled to receive it.

EDC’s Code of Conduct provides examples of confidential information and contains stringent rules regarding the disclosure, use and communication of such information.
Code of Business Ethics
Letter from the President

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