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  Top Questions
  1. What is EDC’s view of diversity in its workforce?
  2. What regulations for implementing Employment Equity are EDC governed by?
  3. What additional steps does EDC take to ensure equal opportunities for everyone?
  4. What is EDC’s Code of Conduct?
  5. How does EDC build support for diversity among its employees?
  1. What is EDC’s view of diversity in its workforce?
  The more diverse our own workforce, the wider the pool of skills and perspectives we can bring to the 200 foreign markets and wide variety of Canadian businesses we work with. New perspectives lend themselves to innovative financial solutions that can leverage our business, the success of our customers and the prosperity of Canada, says A. Ian Gillespie, EDC President and Chief Executive Officer. This, after all, is what our vision of leadership in trade finance is all about.
  2. What regulations for implementing Employment Equity are EDC governed by?
  The Canadian Employment Equity Act addresses these disparities by requiring all federally regulated employers with 100 or more employees to:
a) Eliminate employment barriers and correct workplace disadvantages experienced by the designated groups; and
b) Take proactive measures to enhance their employment opportunities and accommodate differences.
  3. What additional steps does EDC take to ensure equal opportunities for everyone?
  • Identification: Surveying the EDC population by asking employees whether or not they are members of the designated groups, and conducting a workforce analysis to determine how representative our workforce is of Canadian society.

  • Review: Reviewing EDC's employment systems, policies and practices to ensure there are no employment barriers for designated group members.

  • Implementation: Developing an EE plan that establishes or revises policies and practices, as required, to eliminate barriers and accommodate the special needs of designated groups.

  • Communication: Creating awareness and support among management and staff for EDC's EE plan, and establishing regular channels (the Management Advisory Group [MAG] and Sounding Board [SB]) for consultation and feedback on EE issues on an ongoing basis.
  4. What is EDC’s Code of Conduct?
  In addition to our policies on diversity and employment equity, EDC has developed a Code of Conduct that provides specific procedures for dealing with employee ethics, conflicts of interest, confidentiality, insider trading and more. We believe that our Code of Conduct protects the integrity and legal liability not only of our employees, but of our customers and business partners as well. In fact, we are confident that we have buy-in from all employees, managers and members of the EDC Board of Directors as they must review and sign our Code of Conduct every year.
  5. How does EDC build support for diversity among its employees?
  EDC continues to build support for employment equity through ongoing education, maintaining a work environment that includes people of all backgrounds and by implementing a formal ethics program that includes a Code of Conduct, Code of Business Ethics and Mutual Respect Policy and Values.
Diversity Policy
Employment Equity
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