enter benefits

  Safeguarding and Promoting the Environment
  Protecting the Earth we inhabit
EDC's environmental commitments are a key component of CSR at the corporation. EDC conducts its activities in a socially responsible manner, recognizing that norms in this area continue to evolve through international agreements and emerging practices.
  Environmental Review
EDC’s Environmental Policy sets out the Corporation’s commitment to environmental review and describes the systematic processes followed when assessing the environmental impacts of projects we are asked to support. The Environmental Review Directive is a key component of the Environmental Policy.
  Cooperative Efforts
EDC continues to pursue an international multilateral consensus on environmental review practices so that all exporters are subject to the same rules. EDC has adopted and implemented the OECD Recommendation on Common Approaches on Environment and Officially Supported Export Credits. EDC has also taken steps towards developing common global environmental practices by signing the United Nations Environmental Program Statement for Financial Institutions.
Beyond these measures to safeguard the environment, recent decades have seen the emergence of a large market for remediating environmental problems and developing new clean technologies. The global market demand for these water purification, solid waste management and clean energy technologies exceeds $1 trillion per year. Through its EnviroExport initiative, EDC has been actively involved in helping Canadian environmental exporters succeed internationally. Among other activities, our financing products help to support around one-third of Canadian exports in this area.
  Environmental and Social Reporting (D3)
Where EDC is considering providing support, in the form of financing, political risk insurance to lenders or equity, to the sponsor of a Category A project under the Environmental Review Directive, EDC will seek consent to inform the public via its web site that it is considering support to such project.

Top Questions
Where can I find more information about EDC's environmental review procedures?
What does EDC do in the area of corporate social responsibility?
Where can I find more information about EDC's international environmental efforts?

Environmental and Social Reporting of Category A Projects
EDC’s Chief Environmental Advisor’s Report for 2004 (PDF Format)

Related Resources
Environmental Policy (PDF Format)
Environmental Review Directive (PDF Format)
Corporate Social Responsibility Brochure (PDF Format)
Disclosure Policy (PDF Format)
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