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  How do I expand my export business? Contact EDC
  EDC has decades of experience in helping Canadian exporters of all sizes. Our solutions have been designed to make exporting easier and less risky, while helping you access more cash. EDC’s products and services can help you:
  Timesaver Export Tools
These are tools designed to save you time while helping you expand your export business. Use the tools to do the following:
  You can also access sector and foreign market assistance with the Virtual Trade Commissioner from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
  Still have questions?
To speak with an EDC representative, call 1-866-283-2957, weekdays 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST.
Top Questions
What if I'm worried about getting paid?
What if my buyer needs financing?
What if I need extra financing?

FREE Export Resources
Online Solutions Advisor
Steps to Exporting Success
Tools, publications and

eLearning for Business
Monthly Article for Small Business

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