enter benefits

  EDC helps Canadian exporters of all sizes
  Ninety percent of our customers are smaller companies. EDC can make exporting easier and less risky, while helping you access more cash from your financial institution. Get more information on how EDC can help you export when you have started your business.
  Other Government of Canada services to get you started
Being export-ready means having a product or service that a U.S. or other foreign market needs. The Canadian government offers various services to help you become export-ready.
  • Explore a world of export opportunities with help from Canada’s most complete online source of export information.
  • Research target sectors and markets for your product or service with the Virtual Trade Commissioner.
  • Plan your business with a single gateway to government business services, tools and information.
  • Engage the consulting services of the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) to help you research your prospective market and create a marketing strategy.
  • Call your local Canada Business Service Centre at 1-866-287-4283 for help on successfully launching your business.
  FREE Export information resources
Top Questions
What if I'm worried about getting paid?
What if my buyer needs financing?
What if I need extra financing?

Learn more from EDC
Online Solutions Advisor
Steps to Exporting Success
New monthly column for small business
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