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Specifications Relating to Metrological Software

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Specifications Relating to Metrological Software, in PDF format, 61 KB

Table of Contents

1. Application
2. Interpretation
3. Design, Composition and Construction
4. Installation and Use

1. Application

These Specifications apply to metrological software, used in software based measurement systems. They do not apply to the metrological software in built-for-purpose devices.

2. Interpretation

In these specifications:

“approval applicant” means a person or organization that has submitted a metrological software programme to the Approval Services Laboratories.

“Approval Services Laboratories” means the approval services division of Measurement Canada.

“built-for-purpose device” means any device which was manufactured with the primary intent that it be used as a weighing or measuring machine or part thereof.

“configuration parameter” means any adjustable or selectable parameter for a device feature that can have an effect on the accuracy of a transaction or can significantly increase the potential for fraudulent use of the device and, due to its nature, needs to be updated only during device calibration or upon replacement of a component.

“computer” means equipment which through the use of software, receives, processes and presents data.

“computer malfunction” means any conditions where a computer fails to operate in its intended manner.

“event” means an action in which:

a) one or more changes are made to a configuration parameter; or

b) the information in an event logger is downloaded.

“event logger” means a portion of a metrological software programme consisting of a series of records each of which contains information relating to an event.

“measurement function” means any functions of a measuring chain from the sensing of the commodity or service to be measured up to and including the first legal and continuous display of the results of the measurement.

“measuring chain” means a series of elements of a measuring instrument or system which constitutes the path of the measurement signal from the input to the output.

“metrological function” means a function of a device which is necessary for the measurement process, including the sensing of the measured quantity, the transmission, processing, storage and correction or adjustment of measurement signals or values and that can:

a) impact on the final quantity determination or price calculation; or

b) affect the validity of transactions.

2.1 For the purpose of this specification, metrological functions are broken into three categories:

a) control functions;

b) computational functions; and

c) measurement functions.

“software based measurement system” means a device, including a computer and transducer(s), installed in such a manner that when controlled by metrological software can measure commodities or services for trade purposes.

3. Design, Composition and Construction

3.1 Metrological software shall be fully compatible with all hardware and software with which it is intended to be used. If the approval applicant becomes aware that the metrological software is not compatible with later versions of hardware or software, the approval applicant shall notify the Approval Services Laboratories of the compatibility limitations.

3.1.2 Metrological software which performs measurement functions, that is installed and used in a system where the only functions performed by that system are related to the measurement process, shall include a means to determine if the software based measurement system resources are adequate to permit accurate measurement at the time of start up. In the event that the metrological software determines that the software based measurement system resources are not adequate to permit accurate measurement, the measurement process shall become inoperative.

3.1.3 Metrological software which performs measurement functions, that may be installed in a system that performs functions other than those related to the measurement process, shall include a means to determine if the software based measurement system resources are adequate to permit accurate measurement at the time any measurement transaction is initiated. In the event that the metrological software determines that the software based measurement system resources are not adequate to permit accurate measurement, the measurement process shall become inoperative and minimize the loss of unmeasured commodity or service.

3.1.4 Metrological software which performs measurement functions shall determine, at the time of start up, if its software code or configuration parameters have been altered in any way since the last logged event. If it is determined that the software code or configuration parameters have been altered, the software based measurement system shall become inoperative.

3.1.5 Metrological software shall be designed to be protected against unauthorized modifications.

3.1.6 Metrological software which performs measurement functions shall include a means to determine if input and output signals, from any transducers or peripheral equipment, are complete and ensure the integrity of data and signal transmission.

a) Subject to subsection;

b) If a signal is corrupt or incomplete, the software based measurement system shall become inoperative; and

c) Where it is not practical or is unsafe to have a software based measurement system become inoperative due to a corrupt or incomplete signal, the software based measurement system shall indicate an error condition. All printed records related to measurements made while an error condition exists shall indicate the nature of the error.

3.2 The approval applicant shall:

a) define the minimum hardware required to operate the system which shall include the processor version, memory requirements, processor speed, and operating system or other required software;

b) provide the hardware on which the metrological software which performs measurement functions is to be evaluated; and

c) provide the server, when the hardware is part of a server system.

3.2.1 Versions of previously approved metrological software which performs measurement functions that have had added, by the approval applicant, any new or unevaluated measurement functions, are not considered approved under the existing approval. Such modified software shall be submitted to the Approval Services Laboratories for further evaluation.

3.2.2 Metrological software which performs measurement functions may be changed, by the approval applicant, to correct problems, including compatibility problems, provided that the Approval Services Laboratories is notified of the modifications. The notification shall include:

a) the approval number of the metrological software;

b) details of the problem the modifications were intended to correct;

c) details of the nature of the correction;

d) the version identification of the uncorrected software and of the corrected software;

e) details and results of testing performed; and

f) a copy of the corrected software.

3.2.3 The Approval Services Laboratories may evaluate any approved metrological software which performs measurement functions which has been modified in accordance with section 9 to determine if it continues to meet the applicable requirements.

3.3 Metrological software shall be designed so that no measurement information, ascertained up to immediately prior to a power failure or computer malfunction, is lost due to power failure or computer malfunction, unless the commodity or service can be directly and readily remeasured.

3.4 Hardware, on which metrological software which performs measurement functions is installed and used and that contains no components which could affect the accuracy of the measurement process due to temperature change, is exempt from applicable temperature variation specifications.

3.5 For the purpose of inspection, metrological software used in a software based measurement system shall display or be able to display or print:

a) information regarding the current parameter settings;

b) the name of the manufacturer or importer of the software;

c) the model number of the software;

d) the approval number of the software;

e) in the case of software intended for use with a volumetric liquid meter;

      i) the minimum and maximum flow rates; and
      ii) where the meter is equipped with an automatic temperature compensator, the words “Volume corrected to 15 EC” or “Volume corrigé B 15 EC”, immediately adjacent to the registration of net quantity.

f) in the case of software intended for use with a weighing machine, the maximum load that may be weighed on the machine;

g) in the case of software intended for use with equipment or accessories, the range for which they are approved; and

h) any other information that is required by a notice of approval.

3.6 A software based measurement system containing metrological software which performs measurement functions shall incorporate an event logger.

3.6.1 When an event occurs, the event logger shall automatically create a record that contains the following information:

a) the date and time of the event in an unambiguous format;

b) identification of each parameter that was changed and each of the new values;

c) in systems consisting of 2 or more devices or measuring elements, identification of the devices or measuring elements that the changes apply to;

d) a unique, sequential event identifier; and

e) an identifier for the organization or person that caused the event.

3.6.2 An event logger shall store at least 1,000 event records.

3.6.3 Once an event logger has reached capacity, each new event shall be recorded in a manner that results in the disappearance of the oldest record in the event logger.

3.6.4 Access to the information stored in an event logger for the purpose of review shall:

a) be separate from any adjustment, calibration and configuration programmes;

b) be achieved by a simple process;

c) not affect the normal operation of a software based measurement system; and

d) not be logged as an event.

3.6.5 Event records contained in an event logger shall be displayed or printed:

a) in order from the most recent event to the oldest event; and

b) in readily understandable blocks of data.

3.6.6 Access to event records shall be on a read only basis.

3.6.7 Information contained in an event logger that is not directly related to changes to metrological adjustments or configuration parameters shall be excluded when event logger records are displayed or printed.

3.6.8 A hard copy printout of the contents of the event logger shall be available upon demand from the software based measurement system or from an associated device on the site.

3.6.9 Other than as prescribed by sub paragraph 4 of this section, downloading shall not erase any event records contained in an event logger.

3.7 When metrological software that performs measurement functions is in a mode other than a normal mode of use, such as, but not limited to, a training mode or inventory mode, it shall clearly display and print, if required, a statement to that effect.

4. Installation and Use

All components installed and used in conjunction with a software based measurement system which directly sense or measure the commodity or service and can affect the accuracy of a measurement shall be approved, either separately or as a part of another approved device.

4.1 Metrological software which performs measurement functions shall only be installed and used on hardware with which it is fully compatible.

4.2 A software based measurement system shall include a visual means of display to indicate measurement information.

4.3 A software based measurement system shall provide a record, in a format that is satisfactory to all parties, when:

a) all parties to the related trade transaction are not present at the time of the measurement; or

b) the net measured commodity or service has been corrected to conditions other than those at which the measurement took place; or

c) the calculation of the net measured commodity or service involves a tare or other correction factors which are stored by the software based measurement system or manually entered; or

d) a total price is calculated by the software based measurement system.

4.4 The record referred to in section 4.3 shall contain:

a) gross measured values of the commodity or service;

b) the net calculated values of the commodity or service;

c) all values of conditions surrounding the measurement when those conditions are used to correct the measured quantity to standard conditions;

d) any value of tare or other factor which is used in the calculation of a net quantity. Point of Sales systems in retail locations are exempt from this requirement when both the net and the gross weight values are displayed;

e) where a value of tare or other factor is manually entered, it must be clearly identified as such;

f) the unit price when a total price is calculated;

g) the unit of measure or monetary value of any information included, in close proximity to the value expressed;

h) in the case where more than one measurement device exists at one location, information identifying the device that made the measurement;

i) the date and time of the measurement; and

j) the name and address of the trader.

4.5 Metrological software shall not be installed or used with any other software which could adversely affect the accuracy of the measuring system.

4.6 A software based measurement system shall not be used in ambient conditions outside of those recommended by the manufacturer(s) of the hardware. In the absence of manufacturers specifications, software based measurement systems shall not be used at temperatures below -10°C or above 40°C.

4.7 A software based measurement system incorporating metrological software which performs only control or computational functions shall be installed and used in such a manner as to minimize the loss of unmeasured commodity or service in the event of power failure or computer malfunction.

4.8 The visual means of display required by section 4.2 shall be of a size and contrasted such that it may be read by all parties to a transaction when viewed from the location where they would normally be situated. The display shall be free of information or graphics which are not pertinent to the transaction and that could be construed as confusing.

4.9 Software based measurement systems which are attached to or used in conjunction with the internet or other external communication networks, shall be used in conjunction with suitable software which scans all incoming information for known software viruses.

    Created: 2005-08-04
Updated: 2005-12-05
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