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Draft Terms of Reference - Joint Working Group B - Type Approval

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Draft Terms of Reference-Joint Working Group B-Type Approval, in PDF Format, 80 KB

January 2005

1. Mandate

The mandate of the Type Approval Joint Working Group (JWGB) is to develop a type approval program as specified in Water Trade Sector Review recommendation # 3 and # 4. The Measurement Canada personnel on JWGB are responsible for defining the actions required by Measurement Canada to ensure that this recommendation can be implemented. The Industry members on JWGB are responsible for defining important technical and administrative issues and assisting with the implementation of this recommendations.

2. Scope

The Type Approval Joint Working Group (JWGB) task is to:

    • Develop a type approval program.
    • Solicit information on type approval programs and testing being performed in other jurisdictions (ex. CTEP, NWML, Australia).
    • Research existing type approval test procedures (ex. OIML, AWWA, NIST HB 44, ISO).
    • Compare existing procedures and modify if necessary.
    • Recommend a recognized type approval test procedures
    • Conduct Cost Benefit Analysis for type approval program:
      • develop model
      • obtain data
      • analyse data and report to SMC
    • With respect to the sunset date for type approvals:
      • identify meter manufacturers
      • develop a list of existing meter models
      • consult with meter manufacturers/utilities
      • recommend sunset date

3. Reporting

3.1 The JWGB Chairperson will report directly to the Vice President, Program Development Directorate, Measurement Canada (VP, PDD).

3.2 All type approval recommendations/issues will be directed, for decision, to the VP, PDD (Vice President, Program Development Directorate). The VP, ISD (Vice President, Innovative Services Directorate) will be involved in decisions related to alternative service delivery (ASD).

3.3 If JWGB cannot reach a consensus for a specific issue or recommendation - the positions of all parties must be documented and submitted to the VP, PDD. The VP, ISD will be involved in decisions related to alternative service delivery (ASD).

4. Structure

4.1 This working group will be commissioned by the Vice President, Program Development Directorate, Measurement Canada (VP, PDD) . This working group will be balanced in representation. It will be composed of members from the water industry and Measurement Canada. A balance of regional representation will also be considered.

4.2 The composition of this working group is tentatively planned to include:
      • Measurement Canada (2 or 3)
      • Meter Manufacturers (3)
      • CWWA designated representative (1)
      • Water Utility (2)

4.3 Each member will be responsible for their travel and related costs incurred while participating on this working group.

4.4 Measurement Canada will be responsible for the costs associated with:
      • meeting rooms (federal government facilities where possible)
      • providing coffee and working lunches when appropriate
      • other supplies

5. Operations

5.1 The final Terms of Reference document will identify the name, title and organization of the Chairperson and each working group Member.

5.2 The Chairperson is responsible for scheduling and conducting meetings in accordance with the Terms of Reference and the meeting agenda.

5.3 The Chairperson will develop the meeting agenda. Working Group members will be given the opportunity to contribute their topics for inclusion in the agenda. The agenda and supporting documentation will be distributed to all members in a timely manner prior to the commencement of the meeting.

5.4 Members are responsible to submit their proposed agenda items and supporting documentation to the Chairperson. This should be done in a timely manner and prior to the meeting

5.5 Agenda topics will generally include:
    • the acceptance of previous meeting minutes.
    • the status of action items from previous meetings.
    • items which members want to discuss at the meeting (these topics should fall within the mandate and terms of reference of this working group).

5.6 The Chairperson is responsible for the distribution of the meeting minutes to the group members. This will be done after the conclusion of a meeting and in a timely manner. The minutes shall reflect the discussions and action items of the meeting.

5.7 The minutes from all working group meetings will be sent to the VP, PDD. The meeting minutes will then be posted, in both official languages, on the MC Website (Water Section). On-line subscribers will be notified of the posting.

5.8 The timing and location of all meetings shall be scheduled in a manner to optimize the use of the working group’s valuable time and resources. The group may consider the use of conference calls and e-mail to supplement the normal schedule of meetings or when there is a need to address an urgent matter. These conference calls will be scheduled and facilitated by the Chairperson.

5.9 Members may, on occasion, and with the prior approval of the Chairperson, invite resource persons or guests to meetings so that they may contribute to a specific agenda item.

6. Expectations

6.1 The joint working group should take into consideration the following matters when making decisions/recommendations:
    • Measurement Canada will establish requirements in a manner that will maximize the potential for the alternate service delivery of type approval evaluation testing.
    • Canada’s commitment to not create technical barriers to trade.
    • the implementation costs for Measurement Canada and the water industry.
    • the magnitude of the issues being addressed.
    • the potential risks and benefits for Canadians.

6.2 The joint working group should facilitate and encourage the sharing of information and expertise amongst members and other water trade sector stakeholders.

7. Roles and Responsibilities

7.1 During the joint working group meetings, members should:
    • participate actively in discussions by providing suggestions, information, views, and concerns from their organizations and/or constituents
    • seek to arrive at decisions which are in the best interest of the water trade sector and not simply those of their own organization
    • support decisions made by the joint working group and support their implementation within the water trade sector
    • be on time for the start of the meeting and, if possible, attend the entire meetings. If they have to be absent from a meeting, they should inform the chair in advance
    • treat as confidential and commercially sensitive information discussed or distributed to them. Members are not to disclose any such information without prior approval, except to the extent that the information is already in the public domain

7.2 After the joint working group meetings, members should:
    • report joint working group decisions to their respective organizations and/or constituents
    • consult their respective organizations and/or constituents on requirements/policies/procedures under development.
    • provide meaningful and timely input on draft requirements/policies/procedures when requested by the Chairperson.

8.0 Sign Off of Working Group Members, Chairperson and Measurement Canada Authorization

    Created: 2005-08-04
Updated: 2005-12-02
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