Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada / Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, Government of Canada
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Programs and Services

This page contains programs and services offered by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, both under the Agricultural Policy Framework (APF) and those continuing non-APF programs. You can browse program and service information by the categories below or search alphabetically through our A-Z Index. To find out what programs are delivered by your province or territory, please visit the province and territory agriculture Web sites.  For a printable version of federal, provincial and territorial programs, you can download the PDF version of the APF Program Book. [About PDFs]

Program Name Who can apply
Managing the risk of your business
Advance Payments Program (APP) Canadian producers of eligible crops through producer organizations designated as program administrators
Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Producers reporting farm income or loss to CRA, who have at least 6 months of farming activity and have completed a production cycle in the program year.
Drought Watch All Canadians
Farm Income Payment Program

General Payment: Producers who reported farming income or loss to CRA in 2002, excluding supply managed.

Direct Payment: Producers who reported farming income or loss to CRA in 2003, and owned cattle or other eligible ruminants as of December 23, 2003.

Livestock Tax Deferral Plan Canadian producers
Price Pooling Program (PPP) Canadian marketing agencies operating under a cooperative plan
Private Sector Risk Management Program (PSRMP) Canadian national and regional producer groups and associations
Production Insurance (PI) Canadian producers
Spring Credit Advance Program (SCAP) Canadian producers of eligible crops through producer organizations designated as program administrators
Expanding your business options
Advancing Canadian Agriculture & Agri-Food (formerly Canadian Adaptation and Rural Development Fund) Eligible recipients must be legal entities, and may include: individuals; not-for-profit organizations and associations; universities; colleges; cooperatives; marketing boards; aboriginal groups and for-profit companies.
Agri-Food Trade Service Exporters and potential exporters
Benchmarking for Success and Agricultural Services Website Public and producers
Canadian Agricultural Skills Service (CASS) Eligible producers
Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services (CFBAS)
  • Farm Business Assessment
  • Specialized Business Planning Services
Eligible producers, agricultural cooperatives & corporations
Capturing Opportunities from Science and Innovation Activities undertaken are expected to be used by federal, provincial and territorial governments to enhance the suite of policies and programs available to producers
Farm Debt Mediation Service (FDMS) Insolvent producers and their creditors
Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act (FIMCLA) Canadian producers actively engaged in farming
Planning and Assessment for Value-added Enterprises (PAVE) Eligible producers, agricultural cooperatives & corporations
Ruminant Slaughter Loan Loss Reserve Program Canadian producers and agri-businesses through eligible capital providers
Ruminant Slaughter Facility Assessment Assistance Program All legally established entities in Canada (formal partnership, corporation, co-operative or other association of persons) with three or more eligible producers (an individual, formal partnership, corporation, co-operative or other association of persons in Canada actively engaged in commercial agricultural production), members or shareholders.
Ruminant Slaughter Equity Assistance program
Agricultural producers can apply if they are an:
  • Individual, partnership, corporation, co-operative or other association of persons actively engaged in commercial agricultural production and;
  • They have invested, or have funds held "in trust" to invest, in an eligible ruminant slaughter facility; and
  • They have an agreement with the eligible ruminant slaughter facility for the delivery of animals over a five year period.
Making foods that satisfy consumers and markets
Canadian Food Safety and Quality Program (CFSQP)
  • On-Farm Implementation
  • System Development
National associations
Positioning you for international markets
Agri-Food Trade Service Exporters and potential exporters
Canadian Agriculture and Food International (CAFI) Organizations and associations in the Canadian agriculture, agri-food, beverage and seafood sectors, and companies working through their associations
Genetics Marketing Program National dairy, goat, sheep, bison, cervid, and llama/alpaca associations undertaking market development activities for their respective sectors.
Other Ruminants Market Development (ORMD) Program National goat, sheep, bison cervid, and veal associations undertaking market development activities for their respective sectors.
Sustaining the Genetic Quality of Ruminants (SGQR) Program National breed association recognized under the Animal Pedigree Act representing cattle, goats, sheep, bison, or llamas/alpacas.
Protecting the environment
Agri-Environmental International Exchange Internal AAFC program
Environmental Certification Producers, industry, government, non-profit organizations, cooperatives, incorporated environment groups, and educational institutions
Environmental Farm Planning (EFP) Producers and land managers
Greencover Canada Producers, industry, government, non-profit organizations, cooperatives, incorporated environment groups, and educational institutions
Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Program for Canadian Agriculture (GHGMP) Industry partners solicit projects and proposals which demonstrate nutrient, soil and livestock GHG mitigation management practices, in addition to other allied awareness activities.
Information Gaps in Water Quality and Nutrients (GAPS) AAFC researchers who lead national teams of researchers from other federal departments, universities and/or provincial governments
National Agri-Health Analysis and Reporting Program (NAHARP) Internal AAFC program
National Farm Stewardship Program (NFSP)
(Implementation of Environmental Farm Plans)
Producers/Land Managers with eligible environmental farm plans or equivalent agri-environmental plans
National Land and Water Information Service (NLWIS) All Canadians
National Water Supply Expansion Program (NWSEP) Canadian producers, agri-businesses, rural communities, and governments
Pesticide Risk Reduction and Minor Use Programs The PRR program provides financial support for the implementation of commodity-specific risk reduction strategies. The research community and grower organizations are invited to respond to requests for proposals (RFPs) addressing particular pest management issues.
Prairie Grain Roads Program (PGRP) Municipalities and provincial governments
Prairie Shelterbelt Program Western Canadian producers, governments, conservation groups, and First Nations
Shelterbelt Enhancement Program (SEP) Western Canadian Producers, governments, and owners of rural holdings greater than 39 acres, who receive seedlings from the Prairie Shelterbelt Programs
Science and research
Agri-Innovation Program Cooperatives, commodity groups, agri-businesses, governments, and education institutions
Broker Program Cooperatives, commodity groups, agri-businesses, governments, and education institutions
Services for Rural Canadians
Canadian Rural Information Service Rural clients
Canadian Rural Partnership Rural residents, local, municipal, provincial or national rural stakeholder organisations and/or associations, community development associations, and/or rural not-for-profit organisations.
Co-operative Development Initiative (CDI) Individual co-operatives, co-operative associations and federations, community economic development groups, Aboriginal communities, social development groups, and research and learning institutes engaged in co-operative research.
Co-operatives Secretariat N/A
Date Modified: 2006-01-18
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