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Sources of Federal Employee Information 2004-2005,

Info Source

Sources of Federal
Employee Information


A. Forward

B. Inside Info Source

C. Roles and Responsibilities

D. Privacy Act

E. Personal Information Banks

F. How to Apply

G. Where to obtain Info Source

H. Useful Terms

A. Forward
B. Inside Info Source
C. Roles and Responsibilities
D. Privacy Act
E. Personal Information Banks
F. How to Apply
G. Where to obtain Info Source
H. Useful Terms


A. Forward

Info Source: Sources of Federal Employee Information will help you, as a current or former federal employee, to locate your personal information held by the government. It will also help you to exercise your rights under the Privacy Act.

This publication is one of a series of four reference tools to assist you and other members of the pubic in exercising your rights under two Canadian laws - the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. The Info Source publications support the government's policy to explain and promote open and accessible information regarding its activities.

Info Source is comprised of the following publications:

Info Source: Sources of Federal Employee Information:

  • contains information to help current and former federal government employees to locate personal information held by the government.
  • is intended to help former and current government employees to exercise their rights under the Privacy Act.

Info Source: Sources of Federal Government Information:

  • provides information about the Government of Canada, its organization and its information holdings.
  • helps individuals determine which institution to contact about requesting information formally or informally.
  • provides individuals who are not, and who have never been employees of the federal government, with relevant information to facilitate access to personal information about them held by a federal government institution subject to the Privacy Act.

Info Source: The Access to Information Act and Privacy Act Bulletin:

  • provides statistical information about the number of Access to Information and Privacy requests on an annual basis and cumulative statistics since 1983.
  • contains a summary of federal court cases related to Access to Information.

Info Source: Directory of Federal Government Enquiry Points:

  • contains addresses and telephone numbers for federal departments and agencies subject to the Access to Information Act and/or the Privacy Act.
  • Other institutions associated with the federal government are included to facilitate access.

Info Source is distributed to libraries, municipal offices and federal government offices across Canada.

However, it is helpful for you to understand the basic differences between the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. The information accessible under each Act is different and there are different procedures to obtain it. The following pages describe the essential details.

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B. Inside Info Source

This Info Source publication has three main components:

The Introduction includes:

  • a summary of the roles and responsibilities of the federal government institutions (Section C – Roles and Responsibilities) that are either responsible for the production of Info Source or are responsible for the provision of input to the Info Source publications;
  • some essential points about the Privacy Act (Section D) and detailed information about the various categories of Personal Information Banks (PIBs) (Section E);
  • directions on how to locate information by using Info Source (Section F);
  • contact information if you wish to obtain a copy of any of the Info Source publications (Section G);
  • information about the terms used throughout the book (Section H – Glossary of Terms); and
  • a listing of Privacy Coordinators, which is organized in the same order as the Table of Contents, gives you the address and telephone number of all Privacy offices.

Standard Personal Information Banks (PIB)
Standardized descriptions of personal information have been developed by Treasury Board to describe personal information that may be found in records commonly maintained by federal institutions and are included in this publication. Institutions may choose to register and declare one or more of these standard Personal Information Banks rather than develop institution-specific PIBs.

There is one chapter for each federal government department or agency subject to the Privacy Act. Chapters are arranged in alphabetical order by the commonly used name of the institution. Each chapter contains a description of personal information relating to current and former employees of the institution, the purpose and intended use (consistent use) of the information, and a statement of how long the records containing the information are retained by the institution (retention), what happens to the records when no longer required by the institution (disposal which is either destruction or transfer to the Library and Archives Canada for permanent retention and the authority reference that permits the initiation of the disposition action (Retention Disposition Authority).

Using Info Source quickly and effectively

Determine the correct chapter
Turn to the chapter of the department or agency you think has the information, and check the Personal Information Banks.

If you don't know if you have the correct department or agency, a telephone call, email or letter to any Privacy Coordinator's office should provide the answer.

For persons with disabilities
Individuals who are unable to exercise their rights using regular procedures may obtain further assistance from any Privacy Coordinator's office.

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C. Roles and Responsibilities

Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada (TBS)
In accordance with the Privacy Act, Treasury Board is responsible for the annual publication ofan index of personal information that will both serve to keep the public information of how the government handles personal information, as well as facilitating the public's ability to exercise its rights under the Privacy Act. Treasury Board Secretariat fulfils these requirements through the annual publication of Info Source .

Info Sourceis distributed to libraries, municipal offices and federal government offices across Canada.

Library and Archives Canada (LAC)
Under the Library and Archives Canada Act (2004), the Library and Archives Canada is charged with various responsibilities regarding the disposition of information created by federal institutions in support of public policy, administration of government and program delivery. These responsibilities include the authorization of records destruction by government institutions and the preservation of records for their historical or archival importance.

Through the Government Records Disposition Program, the Librarian and Archivist of Canada issues Records Disposition Authorities (RDA) to enable government institutions to dispose of records which no longer have operational value, either by permitting their destruction (at the discretion of institutions), by requiring their transfer to the Library and Archives Canada, or by agreeing to their alienation from the control of the Government of Canada.

Questions concerning the application or interpretation of the Multi-Institutional Disposition Authorities may be addressed to the Information Management Centre of the Library and Archives Canada (LAC) at (613) 944-IMGI (4644) or by e-mailing

The Library and Archives Canada ( provides guidelines on retention periods for common administrative records on their Internet site at

Individual Institutions
Government institutions are required to provide details about personal information banks as well as descriptions of their organization and information holdings to Treasury Board Secretariat on an annual basis. These descriptions are utilized in the production of the publications required by the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act. Each department and agency is responsible for the information it submits.

Government institutions are also responsible for ensuring that all information/records are managed within an established life cycle. It is incumbent upon each government institution to understand and apply any legislation regarding the retention of information and more specifically, its own legislation. Each government institution is required to determine the appropriate retention periods for its records, including those common administrative records covered by a MIDA. Accountability regarding the decision to destroy records, once a Records Disposition Authority (RDA) has been established, and the timing of records destruction rests with individual government institutions.

Each federal institution has a Privacy Coordinator. The Coordinators' offices are staffed by people to answer questions and help identify the records or information you wish to see.

Coordinators may be contacted in person, by telephone, e-mail, letter or through the submission of a completed Privacy Request Form.

Privacy Commissioner
The Privacy Commissioner is an ombudsman with the power to look into complaints of improper collection, use, storage, disclosure or disposition of personal information. The Privacy Commissioner may also help if you are dissatisfied with the response to your formal application or the time it has taken to obtain your response. If the Privacy Commissioner recommends that you be given access to records and the institution still refuses, an appeal may be made to the Federal Court.

When the Privacy Commissioner's investigation is completed, an individual who is of the opinion that they have not been given access to all of their personal information to which they are entitled, has the right to apply to the Federal Court -Trial Division for a review of the matter.

You may write or call the Privacy Commissioner's office at:

Office of the Privacy Commissioner
Place de Ville, 3rd Floor, Tower B
112 Kent Street, Ottawa ON K1A 1H3

General Enquiries

(613) 995‑8210


(613) 947‑6850




(613) 992‑9190

Web Site

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D. Privacy Act

In its day-to-day operations, federal government departments and agencies collect personal information from almost all Canadians. The Privacy Act gives Canadian citizens and people present in Canada the right to have access to information that is held about them by the federal government. It also protects against unauthorized disclosure of that personal information. In addition, it strictly controls how the government will collect, use, store, disclose and dispose of any personal information.

Most information is available when you ask
Most of your personal information is available to you at your request. This Info Source publication has been designed to help you pinpoint the department or agency where the information is held and assist you in obtaining it.

Types of personal information held
You probably already know about many of the programs and operations of the government that use personal information such as income tax at Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, citizenship at Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Employment Insurance program at Social Development Canada.

Exclusions: The Access to Information Act does not apply to public information that is already available, such as publications and material in libraries and museums. It also excludes material such as Cabinet documents.

Note: The Privacy Act does not control nor give you access to records that are not held by the federal government, such as those maintained by provincial or municipal governments or by private organizations such as commercial banks and credit bureaus. Most provincial governments have legislation similar to the Privacy Act. Consult the provincial government listings in the blue pages of your local telephone book.

Some personal information is confidential
The federal government must keep some personal information confidential under the Privacy Act, much of which relates to other people, national security or law enforcement.

Safeguarding personal information
The protection of your personal information and privacy is a very important aspect of the Privacy Act. The Act states how and when the government may collect, store and dispose of personal information. It also covers specifically why and how the information may be used or given out, as well as who may use or receive it.

Giving out information
The government may only disclose your information to someone else with your consent or when one or more of the criteria in the Privacy Act are met, such as to comply with a subpoena. Such disclosures are discretionary and are subject to any other Act of Parliament.

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E. Personal Information Banks

Personal Information Banks provide a summary of the type of information about individuals that is held by federal departments and agencies. The Privacy Act requires that Personal Information Banks include all personal information that is organized and retrievable by a person's name or by an identifying number, symbol or other particular assigned only to that person. Personal Information Banks must also include personal information that has been or is being used, or is available for use for an administrative purpose.

The three types of Personal Information Banks contained within Info Source: Sources of Federal Employee Information relate only to current and former Government of Canada employees and they are as follows:

Standard Employee Banks: There are a number of Employee Related Standard Personal Information Banks (Standard Employee Banks) that describe personal information contained in records commonly maintained by most government institutions about their employees. Institutions may require several or all of these Standard Banks to describe the personal information contained within their records. The Standard Banks describe information about such activities as pay and benefits, training and development, performance, etc.

Central Banks: These records and their related banks are maintained by central agencies such as the Public Service Commission, Public Works and Government Services Canada, and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. They describe information about employees from all or several government institutions.

Particular Banks: Particular Banks describe personal information about employees that is specific to the requirements of each department or agency and is held within their record keeping systems.

The other types of Personal Information Banks (PIB) relate to members of the general public or a combination of members of the general public and federal employees (current and former). These PIBs are contained the complementary volume to this publication -- Info Source: Sources of Federal Government Information, whichis available in the office of the Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator at each federal government department or agency, federal government personnel offices and federal libraries.

Standard Banks: There are a number of Standard Personal Information Banks (Standard Banks) that describe personal information contained in records commonly maintained by most government institutions. Institutions may require several or all of these Standard Banks to describe the personal information contained within their records. The Standard Banks describe information about such activities as Access to Information and Privacy Requests, Executive Correspondence Management Systems, etc.

These Standard Banks are identified with the unique identifier "PSU" Giving out information

Particular Banks: describe personal information about members of the general public, contained in the records of the particular institution declaring that PIB. In addition, this type of Personal Information Bank may describe personal information about members of the general public and federal employees (current and former).

These Personal Information Banks are identified with the unique identifier "PPU".

Standard Banks: There are a number of Standard Personal Information Banks (Standard Banks) that describe personal information contained in records commonly maintained by most government institutions. Institutions may require several or all of these Standard Banks to describe the personal information contained within their records. The Standard Banks describe information about such activities as Access to Information and Privacy Requests, Executive Correspondence Management Systems, etc.

These Standard Banks are identified with the unique identifier "PSU".

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F. How to Apply

Privacy Act
When you have decided to make a formal request under the Privacy Act, there are certain procedures to follow. Remember, you will find what you are looking for faster if you already have a good idea of which department or agency has the information you want.

  • Obtain a Personal Information Request Form at any location where Info Source is available (including the Web Site:
  • Fill out the form and identify yourself in such a way that the government may verify who you are, i.e. that it is you, and not someone else, asking for your information. The more precise the information you provide, the faster your request can be answered.
  • Send the form to the Privacy Coordinator of the appropriate department or agency.

There is no charge to apply for information under the Privacy Act.

To change the information
If you believe the information that a federal institution has on file about you is untrue or misleading, you may ask to have it corrected. Even if the department or agency does not agree to change this information, it must make a note that you have asked for the change and attach it to the file.

Turnaround time
Under the law, all or most of the information you ask for should be disclosed within 30 days of receiving the request. If a time extension is required, you will be notified within the first 30 days and told why up to another 30 days may be needed. Privacy Act.

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G. Where to obtain Info Source

For more information about Info Source, the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act, you may contact:

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
L'Esplanade Laurier, 8th Floor, East Tower
140, O'Connor Street, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0R5

General Enquiries

(613) 957 2400


(613) 995 2855


(613) 996 0518


(613) 957 9090

General Library Reference

(613) 996 5494


Web Site

If you would like a copy of the Directory of Federal Government Enquiry Points or the Access to Information Act and Privacy Bulletin, please contact:

Treasury Board Distribution Centre
L'Esplanade Laurier, Room P-140, Level P-1W
300 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa ON K1A 0R5


(613) 995 2855


(613) 996 0518


If you would like to purchase a copy of Sources of Federal Government Information or Sources of Federal Employee Information, please contact:

Publishing and Depository Services
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Ottawa ON K1A 0S5



(613) 941-5995

Telephone Toll-free

1-800-635-7943 (Canada & US)


(613) 954-5779

Fax Toll-free

(Canada & US) Web


All four Info Source publications are also available free of charge on the Internet at:

Note: Privacy Act requests must be addressed to the appropriate institutions, at the addresses listed in the pages that follow.

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H. Useful Terms

Glossary of Terms



Privacy Coordinator

Most federal government institutions have a Privacy Coordinator. The Coordinators' offices are staffed by people to answer questions and help identify the records or information you wish to see.

Administrative Purpose

The use of personal information in a decision making process that directly affects the individual(s) to whom the information relates.

Bank or PIB Number

A unique identifying number created for each Personal Information Bank. This number is assigned by each institution as a finding tool to link the PIB to the records and information maintained in their information management system.

Data Matching

An activity that involves comparing personal data obtained from a variety of sources, including personal information banks, for the purpose of making decisions about the individuals to whom the data pertains.

This category was created to ensure that government departments and agencies account for all personal information that they hold.

Information Life Cycle

The life cycle of information encompasses the stages of the planning, collection, creation, receipt, and capture of information by an institution. The life cycle includes the organization, retrieval, use, accessibility, dissemination and transmission; storage, maintenance and protection; and disposition and preservation of information.

Multi-Institutional Disposition Authority (MIDA)

A Records Disposition Authority granted by the Librarian and Archivist of Canada to government institutions on a multi-institutional basis. A MIDA relates to records managed by all or a multiple number of government institutions, and which allows the institutions empowered to use the authority to dispose of records under certain terms and conditions. MIDAs are designed to eliminate the need for government institutions individually to prepare submissions for and negotiate agreements with the National Archivist for records that have similar administrative or operational status.

Personal Information Bank (PIB)

Personal Information Banks provide a summary of the type of information about individuals that is held by federal departments and agencies.

  • The Privacy Act requires that Personal Information Banks include all personal information that is organized and retrievable by a person's name or by an identifying number, symbol or other particular assigned only to that person.
  • Personal Information Banks must include personal information that has been or is being used, or is available for use for an administrative purpose.

Program Records

Descriptions of the records and information created, captured and used by each federal government institution in support of its mandate. Program Records provide pointers to information usually held by federal government departments or agencies in their record keeping system. The Program Record descriptions identify the subject areas covered by an institution's functions, programs and activities.

Program Record Number

A unique identifying number created for each Program Record description.

  • This number is assigned by each institution as a finding tool to access the information contained in their records.

Records Disposition Authority (RDA) 

The instrument that the Librarian and Archivist of Canada issues to enable government institutions to dispose of records which no longer have operational or other utility. There are three disposition methods – destroying the records (at the discretion of institutions), transferring historical records to the control of the Library and Archives of Canada or the removal of records from the control of the Government of Canada, i.e. transferring them to a Special Operating Agency or other level of government.

Retention and Disposal Standards

A timetable for the length of time institutional information/record is maintained under the control of the institution. These standards also indicate the disposition method to be applied to institutional records when no longer required to meet operational, legal or other requirements, and when the RDA may be applied for final disposition.

Standard Personal Information Banks

Standard Personal Information Banks (PIBs) have been developed to describe personal information that may be found in types of records commonly maintained by federal institutions. These records document internal administrative functions, systems and procedures that are common to or shared by all federal government institutions. They describe information related to pay and benefits, training and development, performance, etc.

Federal departments and agencies may declare one or all of the Standard Program Records within their chapters instead of developing institution-specific program record descriptions.

Access to Information and Privacy Coordinators

To view the updated list of Coordinators, please visit this link:


Standard Personal Information Bank (PIB) Descriptions

Standard Personal Information Bank (PIBs) descriptions have been developed to describe personal information that may be found in types of records commonly maintained by federal institutions. These records document internal administrative functions, systems and procedures that are common to or shared by all federal government institutions. They describe information related to pay and benefits, training and development, performance, etc.

These information banks are identified with the unique identifier "PSE" as part of the bank number contained within the PIB.

Retention and Disposal Standards for Standard PIBs:

The following Retention and Disposal Standards statement applies to all Standard PIBs unless otherwise noted within a specific PIB.

  • The records containing the personal information described in the standard banks may be retained for different periods of time as decided by each government institution, unless otherwise specified.
  • At a minimum, personal information used for an administrative purpose must be retained for at least two years unless the individual consents to its earlier disposal. Any disposal of such records must be in accordance with Records Disposition Authorities issued by the Librarian and Archivist of Canada.
    • The Privacy Act defines administrative purpose to mean the use of that information in a decision making process that directly affects an individual.
  • For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.

Attendance and Leave
The records containing the information described in this bank may include absence reports and leave applications, as well as physicians' certificates associated with sick leave, all of which include the individual's Personal Record Identifier (PRI) and correspondence about attendance and leave. The annual record of attendance and leave may be attached to the Employee Personnel Record. Some attendance and leave information exists in automated form in institutional personnel databases, especially in time/attendance, leave control and absenteeism systems.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution.
Purpose: The purpose of these records is to support administration of employee attendance and leave within government departments and agencies.
Consistent Uses: To record attendance and authorize leave. To support decisions on pay and benefits, such as those concerning leave and termination of employment, and to evaluate use of leave and rates of absenteeism.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related Program Number: PRN 918
Bank Number: PSE 903

The records containing the information described in this bank may include notices of disciplinary action and correspondence about employee misconduct; testimony by witnesses; legal opinions; investigations of possible misconduct and analysis reports of these investigations. It is important to note that notices of disciplinary action may be attached to the Employee Personnel Record.
Class of Individuals: Employees and former employees of the institution.
Purpose: The purpose of these records is to maintain information used in disciplinary actions in government institutions and to determine the need for and nature of disciplinary actions.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions on pay and benefits; attendance and leave; transfer, demotion and termination of employment. Information may be disclosed to professional regulatory bodies if applicable.
Retention and Disposal Standards: (1) For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator. (2) Documentation concerning a specific employee including documentation related to disciplinary action – the time limit for disposal is that specified in applicable collective agreements or a minimum of two years following the date of disciplinary action, provided no further disciplinary action has been recorded in the meantime. (3) In cases where a disciplinary action has been rescinded, the onus is on the institution to ensure that the documentation of the action concerned is immediately destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related Program Number: PRN 926
Bank Number: PSE 911

Employee Personnel Record
This bank describes information that may be contained in an Employee's Personnel Record – a record that provides information related to an individual's employment with government institutions listed in the Schedule to the Privacy Act. The Employee Personnel Record relating to an employee is under the control of his/her current employing institution and may contain some or all of the following information: personal characteristics, including age and sex; Social Insurance Number (SIN); Personal Record Identifier (PRI); home address; citizenship; education, including transcripts, certificates and diplomas; non-government employment history; career resumés and references.
The Employee Personnel Record may also contain information related to staffing, attendance and leave, pay, benefits, garnishments, training and development, decisions concerning compensation and fitness for work, official languages, discipline, level of security clearance, location of employment; appointments, transfers, deployments, promotions and demotions; periods of employment, including probationary periods, layoffs and tenure; classification, including position numbers, groups, levels, titles and salaries; superannuation and insurance, including names of beneficiaries. Also included where applicable is information concerning military service, including periods and areas of service; collective bargaining exclusion, including designation status and bargaining agent identification; professional achievements, including publications, patents and awards; passports and firearm permits related to employment; and termination of employment, including certificates and reasons for termination.
Please refer to other Standard Banks for a more complete description of the information contents of institutional records related to some of the topics identified above.
In cases when an individual moves from one organization to another (when both institutions are under the Schedule of the Privacy Act), pertinent records may be retained by the first organization until all required administrative actions have been completed at the first institution prior to the transfer of those records to the second institution.
Class of Individuals: Employees and former employees of the institution.
Purpose: Employee Personnel Records are maintained for the purpose of facilitating personnel administration in the employing organization, as well as for ensuring continuity and accuracy when an employee is transferred from one organization to another within the universe listed under the schedule of the Privacy Act. The records containing the information described in this bank are used to ensure that personnel actions within government institutions are coordinated in the interests of both the individual and the employer. As such, the information is sometimes used for planning future personnel actions based on current demographics of the employee population, including succession planning.
Consistent Uses: Consistent uses include supporting the administration of the personnel functions listed in the Description above. Other consistent uses include confirming the identity of employees where required for access to governmental and departmental web-sites and data-bases. Some information is also provided to Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) to facilitate payment of salaries; to various provincial health insurance plans; to group insurers, where applicable; to Social Development Canada (SDC) for Employment Insurance and pension purposes; and to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and Province of Quebec for tax purposes. Some information is shared between previous and current employers for the purpose of finalizing payments, including retroactive payments and the recovery of outstanding amounts due to the Crown when an employee terminates employment with one organization and starts employment with another organization.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained by the current employing institution for the duration of employment in organizations listed under the schedule of the Privacy Act plus one year after the last administrative use, and then transferred to the control of of the Federal Records Centre, National Capital Region, Library and Archives Canada. The civilian personnel records are destroyed by the Library and Archives Canada when the individual turns eighty (80) years of age provided 2 years have elapsed since the last administrative action on the file.
RDA Number: 98/005 and 98/018
Related Program Number: PRN 921
Bank Number: PSE 901

Employment Equity Program
: The records containing the information described in this bank include personal information on employees such as education, work history and career aspirations, and training and development, which is collected by means of questionnaires and/or interviews or compiled from employees' files or automated data systems. The information is collected on a voluntary basis, and respondents are asked to identify whether they are male or female, whether they are an aboriginal person, and whether they have a disability or are a member of a visible minority group. The Personal Record Identifier (PRI) may be used to identify employees in instances where government institutions are not able to employ an anonymous questionnaire, as well as when these identifiers are required to locate employee records.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution.
Purpose: Related records provide documentation for the implementation of the employment equity policy in government institutions falling under the Public Service Staff Relations Act, Part I, Schedule I. Data are collected to provide a comprehensive picture of employees by sex and by target group status (e.g., women, aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minority groups). This information is used to compile a personnel profile of employees and to compare the situation of target group members with non‑target group members within a government institution and with their counterparts in the general labour market. The Personal Record Identifier (PRI) may be used to link information in this bank with that in another bank containing employee information (e.g., the Personnel Management Information System) in order to obtain statistical information, where the securing of such information would be consistent with the uses for which the personal information was collected. Self‑identification information may be obtained from the departmental records as described in Staffing translation required (PSE 902).
Consistent Uses: The department may collect data for statistical purposes, for purposes relating to individuals, or for both. Personal data are released to the Employment Equity Target Group Data Bank (TBS PCE 706) for statistical purposes only. The information gathered will be used for institutional purposes in the government's employment equity program to identify and eliminate systemic discrimination in employment and to introduce temporary special measures to ensure that target groups participate in and are equitably represented in the federal public service. It may also be used for policy and planning purposes related to employment equity.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related Program Number: PRN 921
Bank Number: PSE 918

The records containing the information described in this bank may include presentations by employees and bargaining unit representatives; receipt notices and replies by management; testimony by witnesses; legal opinions; investigation and analysis reports; job descriptions in regard to classification grievances, and correspondence about grievances.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution.
Purpose: The purpose of this record is to capture information used in the grievance process through all levels up to the Public Service Staff Relations Board.
Consistent Uses: Information described in this bank is used exclusively to accommodate and, where possible, resolve grievances through all levels in the grievance process, up to referral to the Public Service Staff Relations Board.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related Program Number: PRN 926
Bank Number: PSE 910

The records containing the information described in this bank may include information related to harassment complaints, to the resolution of harassment issues including mediation and investigations. The records include the letters of complaint regarding allegations of harassment and responses; records of interviews both with complainants and respondents; records of interviews with witnesses to incidents; reports of investigations and analyses of events and findings, and records of decisions taken about particular incidents or harassment complaints. When mediation is used, profiles and evaluations of the mediators, mediation and settlement agreements, and notes and opinions of the mediators may be included in the file. Such information must be retained as a separate record and not placed on the complainant's Employee Personnel Record. When a disciplinary action results from an investigation, information may be transferred to a relevant Discipline record and contain information as described in the Discipline Standard PIB.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution and other persons working for the public service.
Purpose: The purpose of these records is to capture information necessary for dealing with harassment complaints, to make decisions in specific instances on whether or not harassment is occurring, and when this is the case to determine the appropriate action, including disciplinary action, to deal with a harassment situation.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions on transfer and discipline of employees and to ensure fairness in the harassment investigation process, information concerning the findings and recommendations resulting from the investigation of a complaint of harassment may be disclosed to the complainant as well as the respondent. Any corrective or disciplinary action taken as a result of a founded complaint may be disclosed to the complainant. Generic information about non-identifiable individuals may be used to analyze trends and share information with persons working in the prevention and resolution of harassment.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related Program Number: PRN 921 & PRN 926
Bank Number: PSE 919

Identification and Building‑Pass Cards
Description: The records containing the information described in this bank may include photographs, signatures, surnames, given names and card numbers of pass holders, identification forms and correspondence related to the issuance and maintenance of identification and building-pass cards and access control records.
Class of Individuals: Employees and those individuals on assignment or contract who require access to a federal institution.
Purpose: The purpose of these records are to maintain information relating to the issuance, use and cancellation of identification and building-pass cards and to assist in ensuring the security of government facilities and the safety and security of individuals and assets present in such facilities.
Consistent Uses: To issue identification and building-pass cards. Additionally, with the consent of the individual concerned, photographs held on file may be used for identification purposes in support of personnel security screening. The identification and building-pass database may record entry and exit times from facilities and may be used in the event of security-related incidents such as thefts or emergency situations. In such cases, the information may be shared with appropriate law enforcement agencies and emergency workers.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001
Related Program Number: PRN 931
Bank Number: PSE 917

Occupational Safety and Health
Description: The records containing the information described in this bank may include accident and occupational injury or illness investigation reports, related correspondence and copies of the supervisor's Accident Investigation Report, which are retained by institutions in the appropriate responsibility centre. First Aid Treatment records are also retained by the institution in accordance with Treasury Board policy. Records, including medical documents about individuals; claims for compensation; related correspondence and records of monies paid are held by Social Development Canada (SDC). Records of occupational health evaluations and all personal medical data are retained by the Medical Services Branch, Health Canada under medical confidential status. Records concerning the occurrence, investigation and settlement of vehicle accidents are described in Standard Bank PSE 908.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution.
Purpose: The purpose of these records is to provide documentation for the administration of occupational safety and health programs in government institutions, including accident prevention, health protection and authorization of leave and benefits associated with work‑related injury or illness. Safety and health details and causes of accidents/injuries for accident prevention and health protection purposes are also recorded to support the effective administration of each institution's safety and health program.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions relating to worker's compensation and injury‑on‑duty leave; to act as a means of preventing injuries and illnesses and subsequent disabilities arising out of, or aggravated by, conditions of work; to establish that individuals subject to certain identified occupational risks are able to continue working without detriment to their health or safety or to that of others; and to establish the conditions under which certain individuals with identified illnesses or disabilities are able to continue to work under controlled conditions.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related Program Number: PRN 922
Bank Number: PSE 907

Official Languages
Description: This bank contains course enrolment and attendance information; language training applications containing basic personal data, such as first official language, date of birth, and Personal Record Identifier (PRI) for purposes of identification; language knowledge examination scores; training certificates and correspondence about the official languages qualifications of employees. The bank may also contain duplicate input forms for the Official Languages Information System (OLIS). Language examination, exemption and training records are attached to the Employee Personnel Record. Similar data is also described by translation required Particular Banks of the Public Service Commission and Treasury Board Secretariat.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution.
Purpose: The purpose of the information described by this bank is to provide documentation for administration of official languages policies as they pertain to employees of the federal public service, to document and support decisions pertaining to official languages qualifications and language testing and to document the language training needs and accomplishments of employees.
Consistent Uses: To support and document decisions concerning individual employees on staffing, entitlement to bilingual bonus, transfers and promotions; and to aid in determining the linguistic status of employees and auditing of the administration of official language programs.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related Program Number: PRN 923
Bank Number: PSE 906

The records containing the information described in this bank may include permit applications and correspondence about parking of motor vehicles on government‑owned or leased property. Records for deductions for payment of parking fees are included in the Pay and Benefits Bank while records of parking violations are maintained by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) or the City of Ottawa.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution.
Purpose: The purpose of these records is to maintain information for the administration of parking privileges.
Consistent Uses: To issue parking permits. Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001
Related Program Number: PRN 903
Bank Number: PSE 914

Pay and Benefits
The records containing information described in this bank may include certificates for pay, records regarding allowances and deductions, which set out pay and benefit information for each employee, and includes the Social Insurance Number (SIN) as well as correspondence related to the administration of pay and benefits. The records may also include orders for garnishment, attachment and diversion of funds, as well as information concerning payroll deductions for donations to charitable organizations. (N.B. Earning and superannuation records may be attached to the Employee Personnel Record.)
Class of Individuals: Employees and former employees of the institution.
Purpose: The purpose of the documentation described in this bank is for the administration of pay and benefits within government institutions and to approve disbursement of salaries and allowances and retention of deductions. The provision of the SIN by employees is mandatory for this bank and is required for disclosure to Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), which upon receipt will subsequently create a Personnel Record Identifier (PRI). The SIN is also collected on behalf of and disclosed to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for income tax purposes and the issuing of T4s.
Consistent Uses: To enable audit and reconciliation of payroll accounts (e.g. employee remuneration and entitlements), to support the recovery of overpayments and debts owed to the Crown and, where applicable, to enable execution of orders of garnishment, attachment, or diversion of funds in accordance with the Family Support Orders and Agreements Garnishment Regulations.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that these types of documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related Program Number: PRN 924 & PRN 925 Bank Number: PSE 904

Performance Reviews and Employee Appraisals
The records containing the information described in this bank may include appraisals, reports and correspondence concerning an employee's work performance in terms of skills, abilities, accomplishments and interests.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution.
Purpose: The purpose of these records is to maintain information regarding the level of performance on individual employees within government institutions and to determine the level of performance of individual employees, including the identification of training and development needs, approval of performance pay and annual increments, retention of employees, extension of probation and rejection of employees on probation.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions regarding promotions, transfers, demotion, employee assistance, discipline and termination of employment.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related Program Number: PRN 921
Bank Number: PSE 912

Personnel Security Screening (Reliability Screening/Security Clearance)
Description: The records containing the information described in this bank include information gathered by government institutions in conducting reliability checks and/or security clearances on individuals working or applying for work with a government institution by way of appointment, assignment or contract in accordance with the Government Security Policy (GSP). The records include completed Personnel Consent and Authorization Forms, applicable Security Clearance and Personal History documentation, certification data of educational and professional qualifications, employment, criminal records (including fingerprint impressions used in support of security screening), credit data where required, photographs, as well as other personal information. Information provided by applicants may only be shared with credit bureaus, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) which conduct the requisite checks in accordance with the GSP or for purposes of transferability as defined within the Personnel Security Standards of the GSP, other federal department's security offices. Notation of level of reliability/clearance authorizations may be attached to the Employee Personnel Record. Details of CSIS investigations are described by a CSIS bank.
Class of Individuals: Individuals working or applying for work with the federal government by way of appointment, assignment, temporary agency engagement or contract whose position requires a reliability screening status and/or security clearance classification.
Purpose: The purpose of these records is to document and retain information pertinent to the determination of an individual's identity, honesty, trustworthiness, suitability and loyalty to protect the employer's assets; and to provide information necessary to make a security screening determination in accordance with the Government Security Policy. Institutions may have access only to the information described by this bank and not to investigative information contained in the CSIS bank.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions on new hires, transfers, promotions, discipline, and termination of employment or contractual agreements.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/001
Related Program Number: PRN 920 & PRN 921
Bank Number: PSE 924

Recognition Policy
The records containing the information described in this bank relates to information on employees who have been nominated for awards under the federal government's Recognition Policy or similar institutional policies. Such information may include curricula vitae, narratives in support of meritorious contributions related to their duties or practised suggestions for improvement of public service operations and completed recommendation reports.
Class of Individuals: Employees who have been nominated for awards under the federal government's Recognition Policy or internal recognition policies.
Purpose: To identify individuals who have been nominated for awards in accordance with Recognition Policies.
Consistent Uses: The information in these records is used to establish precedents for awards and to provide an audit trail for the disbursements of funds.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related Program Number: PRN 918
Bank Number: PSE 920

The records containing the information described in this bank may include staffing requests; position descriptions; salary ranges; selection profiles; competition posters; transfer requests; layoff lists; human resources inventory print‑outs; candidates' applications; lists of candidates; rating board assessments, including evaluation notes from staffing boards; examination papers and test results; eligibility lists; offers of employment; notices to candidates; notices of right of appeal and appeal documents; and correspondence concerning staffing by various processes, including competitions and human resources inventory searches. Records in the bank contain a variety of personal information which may include age, sex, education level, Social Insurance Number (SIN) and voluntary self‑identification data relating to employment equity. (N.B. Notations of staffing decisions may also appear in the Employee Personnel Record).
Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution.
Purpose: The records document the information used in staffing positions in a government institution. They are also a source of data for employment equity programs and services.
Consistent Uses: To select candidates, staff positions and process appeals for appointments and promotions. Voluntary self‑identification information relating to employment equity programs and services may be linked with data contained in other banks where the securing of this information is consistent with the uses for which the personal information was collected. On request, information may be provided to a participant in a selection action in accordance with the Public Service Commission (PSC) policy on Disclosure of Information Following a Selection Action to explain the reasons for the selection decision. Access procedures: Competition number, where applicable, should be quoted.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related Program Number: PRN 918, PRN 919 & PRN 920
Bank Number: PSE 902

Training and Development
The records related to the information described in this bank may contain personal data including course applications and evaluations; Personal Record Identifier; employment equity target group status; examination results and certificates; records of fee payments; and correspondence related to participation of employees in training and development activities sponsored by the government and operated by private organizations. It should be noted that participation and achievement records are attached to the Employee Personnel Record and that information on an employee's needs for individual development related to performance is described in the Performance Reviews and Employee Appraisals Bank.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution.
Purpose: The purpose of these records are to provide documentation for the administration of training and development programs, including those related to employment equity, within government institutions.
Consistent Uses: To approve and register the participation of employees in training and development activities and to certify the achievements of employees. To link voluntary self‑identification data to information contained in other banks for the purpose of implementing and evaluating government policies relating to employment equity programs.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related Program Number: PRN 927
Bank Number: PSE 905

Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service
The information contained in records relevant to this topic include (1) Confidential Reports of assets, liabilities and participation in outside activities subject to confidential reporting in accordance with the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service and (2) investigation reports and correspondence about potential and actual employee conflicts between the private interests or holdings of an employee and the employee's official duties and responsibilities.
Class of Individuals: Current and former employees of government institutions listed in Part I, Schedule I, of the Public Service Staff Relations Act.
Purpose: The purpose of these records is to (1) maintain information about potential and actual conflict of interest situations for employees of a government institution listed in Part I, Schedule I, of the Public Service Staff Relations Act; (2) to record potential conflicts of interest; and (3) to record any post‑employment compliance action required of the employee, including decisions reducing the limitation period.
Consistent Uses: To resolve situations of potential and actual conflicts of interest and to support decisions on transfers, discipline and termination of employment if conflict of interest exists. Additionally, to enable designated officials to determine whether a former public servant, to whom post‑employment compliance measures apply, is in compliance. This impacts on a public officer's ability to deal with a former public servant.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related Program Number: PRN 921
Bank Number: PSE 915

Vehicle, Ship, Boat and Aircraft Accidents
The records containing information described in this bank may contain reports on accidents; claims of damages; legal decisions; settlement transactions and correspondence concerning accidents involving government‑owned and leased vehicles, ships, boats and aircraft as well as privately‑owned vehicles, ships, boats and aircraft used on official business. Records concerning occupational health and safety, as well as authorization of leave and benefits associated with work‑related injury or illness are described in Standard Bank PSE 907.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution.
Purpose: The purpose of these records is to maintain information regarding vehicle, ship, boat and aircraft accidents involving employees of a government institution.
Consistent Uses: To determine liability for such accidents and to approve damage settlements.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
Related Program Number: PRN 901 & PRN 913
Bank Number: PSE 908

Workplace Day Care
The records containing information described in this standard bank may contain information collected from employee surveys conducted by departments for the purpose of estimating employee demand for workplace day care and from workplace day care centre records for evaluating the workplace day care policy. Such information may include employee or user personal data, data on their children, anticipated demand for day care and probability and reasons for enrolling a child in a department‑sponsored workplace day care centre.
Class of Individuals: All federal employees included in Schedule 1, Part 1 of the Public Service Staff Relations Act.
Purpose: These records are to be used to determine whether sufficient employer interest and demand exist to merit further consideration (viability study) by the department of the possibility of establishing a workplace day care centre. They will be used to determine the level of ongoing federal rental support for the workplace day care centre. This information will also be used for the purposes of evaluating the day care centre policy.
Consistent Uses: The information in these records will be used for administrative and statistical purposes associated with the establishment of a day care centre. It will also be used for the evaluation and monitoring of the federal public service workplace day care policy. The information may be disclosed to Treasury Board, the department, an authorized committee of the department, a custodian department and the Board of Directors of the Day Care Centre. Together with the linked information from the files identified below, this information will form the basis for tabulations of the extent and type of employee day care users.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For the specific amount of time that different types of common administrative documents are retained by a given government institution, please contact that institution's ATIP Co-ordinator.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related Program Number: PRN 921
Bank Number: PSE 930

Index of Standard Employee Personal Information Banks (PIBs)

Bank Number

Title of Standard Personal Information Bank

PSE 901

Employee Personnel Record

PSE 902


PSE 903

Attendance and Leave

PSE 904

Pay and Benefits

PSE 905

Training and Development

PSE 906

Official Languages

PSE 907

Occupational Safety and Health

PSE 908

Vehicle, Ship, Boat and Aircraft Accidents

PSE 909

See PSE 924

PSE 910


PSE 911


PSE 912

Performance Reviews and Employee Appraisals

PSE 913

See PSU 908, 909

PSE 914


PSE 915

Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service

PSE 916

Employee Assistance

PSE 917

Identification and Building-Pass Cards

PSE 918

Employment Equity Program

PSE 919


PSE 920

Recognition Policy

PSE 921

See PSE 924

PSE 922

See PSU 905

PSE 923

See PSU 906

PSE 924 Personnel Security Screening (Reliability Screening/Security Clearance)

PSE 930

Workplace Day Care

Index of Central Banks

Bank Name

Name of Institution

Bank Number

Accelerated Economist Training Program (AETP): Inventory of Applicants and Participants

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Accelerated Executive Development Program (AEXDP): Inventory of Applicants

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Accelerated Executive Development Program (AEXDP): Inventory of Participants

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Community Awards for Excellence

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


Adjudication – Section 92 (PSSRA) References

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


Adjudication – Section 98 and 99 (PSSRA) References

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


Analytical Environment (formerly EDP Statistical Systems)

Public Service Commission of Canada


Appeal Hearings

Public Service Commission of Canada


Applicant Inventories and Referrals

Public Service Commission of Canada


Applications for Extension of Time

Public Service Staff Relations Board


Assessment Centre for Executive Appointment (AC for EXA)

Public Service Commission of Canada


Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) Prequalification Process (PQP): Inventory of Applicants

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) Prequalification Process (PQP): Inventory of Participants

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Assistant Deputy Minister and Successful PQP Personal Files

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Assistant Deputy Minister Business Support System

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Assistant Deputy Minister Resourcing – Closed Competition

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Assistant Deputy Minister Resourcing – Deployment from Pool

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Assistant Deputy Minister Resourcing – Open Competition

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Assistant Deputy Minister Resourcing – Without Competition

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Career Assignment Program (CAP): Inventory of Candidates and Participants

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Career Consultation and Development, Diversity Management: Senior Levels (formerly Executive Programs Employment Equity)

Public Service Commission of Canada



Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


Classification Grievances Tracking System

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Classification Standards Review System

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Client and Functional Community Feedback

Industry Canada

IC PCE 702

Complaint/Grievance Mediation

Public Service Staff Relations Board


Complaints - Canada Labour Code - Part II

Public Service Staff Relations Board


Complaints by Bargaining Agents

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


Complaints of Unfair Labour Practices

Public Service Staff Relations Board


Conflict of Interest Records

Industry Canada

IC PCE 701

Consent to Prosecute

Public Service Staff Relations Board


Course Registration and Information

Canada School of Public Service


Crown Housing Records

Public Works and Government Services Canada


Decisions of Safety Officers

Public Service Staff Relations Board


Departmental Contact Identification System

Canada School of Public Service


Deployment Recourse

Public Service Commission of Canada


Determination of Designated Positions

Public Service Staff Relations Board


Employee Medical Records at Ste. Anne's Hospital

Veterans Affairs Canada


Employment Equity Data Bank (EEDB) (Previously "System for Human Resources Monitoring" (SHURM))

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Enlargement of Time to Present a Grievance

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


Entitlements and Deductions System

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


EX-04 To EX-05 Promotion Process

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Exclusion System (EXCL)

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Executive Counselling Services Assessment Results (formerly called Diagnostic and Career Counselling Service Assessment Results)

Public Service Commission of Canada


Executive Group Classification Information System

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Executive Resourcing

Public Service Commission of Canada


Extra Duty Reporting System

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Former Civilian Employees — Employee Personnel Record

Library and Archives Canada


Government Compensation Records

Human Resources And Skills Development Canada



Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


Health Unit Files

Health Canada

HCan PCE 703

Incentive Awards

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Incumbent System

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Insurance Application Cards

Public Works and Government Services Canada


Interchange Canada: Inventory of Applicants and Participants

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


International Programs: Inventory

Public Service Commission of Canada



Public Service Commission of Canada


Language Review Committee

Canada School of Public Service


Language Training Module (LTM)

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Language Training Orientation

Canada School of Public Service


Language Training Services

Canada School of Public Service


Leadership Competencies Assessment Services (formerly Assessment Centre for Early Identification of Executive Potential)

Public Service Commission of Canada


Leave of Absence to Seek Election

Public Service Commission of Canada


Leave Reporting System

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Leave Without Pay System

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Management Resources Information System (MRIS) (ceased to be updated in 1993)

Public Service Commission of Canada


Management Trainee Program (MTP): Inventory of Applicants and Participants

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Mediation, Investigation and Coaching in the Prevention and Resolution of Harassment in the Workplace

Public Service Commission of Canada


Mobility File

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


National Joint Council Grievances

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


Objections to Managerial and Confidential Exclusions

Public Service Staff Relations Board


Occupational Health Medical Records

Health Canada

HCan PCE 701

Occupational Test Results

Public Service Commission of Canada


Official Languages Exclusion Approval Order

Public Service Commission of Canada


Official Languages Information System (OLIS II)

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Other Inquiries

Public Service Commission of Canada


PERSFILE Automated Index System

Library and Archives Canada


Personnel Administration: Non‑Foreign Affairs Appointments

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade


Personnel Selection (excluding Executive Resourcing)

Public Service Commission of Canada


Persons Appointed under an Exclusion Approval Order

Public Service Commission of Canada


Pilot Project in Disability Management

Social Development Canada


Point of Contact (Assignment Service)

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Policy Research and Development Program (PRDP)

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Position Classification Information System (PCIS)

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency


Post-Secondary Recruitment (PSR) Program: Inventory of Applicants

Public Service Commission of Canada


PSC Transfer Files (ceased in June 1996)

Public Service Commission of Canada


Public Servants Released or Demoted (PSC authority for this function ceased in 1993)

Public Service Commission of Canada


Public Service Health Medical Advisory Committee

Health Canada

HCan PCE 702

Public Service Pay Systems

Public Works and Government Services Canada


Public Service Pension Cases

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


Public Service Pensions Data Bank

Public Works and Government Services Canada


References of Grievances to Adjudication

Public Service Staff Relations Board


Relocation Policy Exceptions – Individual Cases

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


Requests for Review of Decisions

Public Service Staff Relations Board


Revocation of Certification of Bargaining Agents

Public Service Staff Relations Board


Second Language Assessment by Regional Offices

Public Service Commission of Canada


Second Language Evaluation (SLE) Examiners

Public Service Commission of Canada


Second Language Evaluation (SLE) Test Results

Public Service Commission of Canada


Special Measures Program Participants (Ceased in 1998)

Public Service Commission of Canada


Special Pension Plans

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


Staffing Consultant Certification

Public Service Commission of Canada


Statutory and Regulatory Priorities

Public Service Commission of Canada


Submissions to Treasury Board

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


Travel Policy Exception – Individual Cases

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


Workforce Adjustment Monitoring (WFAM) System

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency




Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Atlantic Pilotage Authority Canada
Top of Page


Bank of Canada
Belledune Port Authority
Blue Water Bridge Authority
British Columbia Treaty Commission
Business Development Bank of Canada
Top of Page


Canada Border Services Agency
Canada Council for the Arts
Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
Canada Firearms Centre
Canada Industrial Relations Board
Canada Lands Company Limited
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Canada Post Corporation
Canada Revenue Agency
Canada School of Public Service
Canada Science and Technology Museum Corporation
Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board
Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Canadian Commercial Corporation
Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board
Canadian Dairy Commission
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Canadian Forces Grievance Board
Canadian Grain Commission
Canadian Heritage
Canadian Human Rights Commission
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Canadian International Development Agency
Canadian International Trade Tribunal
Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
Canadian Museum of Nature
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Canadian Polar Commission
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Canadian Space Agency
Canadian Tourism Commission
Canadian Transportation Agency
Canadian Wheat Board
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP
Copyright Board Canada
Correctional Service of Canada
Top of Page


Defence Construction Canada
Department of Finance Canada
Department of Foreign Affairs
Department of International Trade
Department of Justice Canada
Top of Page


Environment Canada
Export Development Canada
Top of Page


Farm Credit Canada
Federal Bridge Corporation Limited
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Fraser River Port Authority
Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation
Top of Page


Great Lakes Pilotage Authority Canada
Gwich’in Land and Water Board
Gwich’in Land Use Planning Board
Top of Page


Halifax Port Authority
Hamilton Port Authority
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission
Health Canada
Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada
Human Resources Development Canada
Top of Page


Immigration and Refugee Board
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada
Industry Canada
Infrastructure Canada
International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development
International Development Research Centre
Top of Page


Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated, The
Top of Page


Laurentian Pilotage Authority Canada
Law Commission of Canada
Library and Archives Canada
Top of Page


Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board
Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board
Military Police Complaints Commission
Montréal Port Authority
Top of Page


Nanaimo Port Authority
National Arts Centre
National Battlefields Commission (The)
National Capital Commission
National Defence
National Energy Board
National Farm Products Council
National Film Board of Canada
National Gallery of Canada
National Parole Board
National Research Council Canada
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
Natural Resources Canada
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
North Fraser Port Authority
Northern Pipeline Agency Canada
Northwest Territories Water Board
Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal
Nunavut Water Board
Top of Page


Office of the Auditor General of Canada
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
Office of the Correctional Investigator
Office of the Inspector General of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Office of the Ombudsman National Defence and Canadian Forces
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada
Top of Page


Pacific Pilotage Authority Canada
Parks Canada Agency
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Pension Appeals Board
Port Alberni Port Authority
Prince Rupert Port Authority
Privy Council Office
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada
Public Service Commission of Canada
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada
Public Service Integrity Office
Public Service Staff Relations Board
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Top of Page


Québec Port Authority
Top of Page


Royal Canadian Mint
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee
Top of Page


Saguenay Port Authority
Sahtu Land and Water Board
Sahtu Land Use Planning Board
Saint John Port Authority
Seaway International Bridge Corporation, Ltd
Security Intelligence Review Committee
Sept-Îles Port Authority
Social Development Canada
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
St. John’s Port Authority
Standards Council of Canada
Statistics Canada
Status of Women Canada
Top of Page


Telefilm Canada
Thunder Bay Port Authority
Toronto Port Authority
Transport Canada
Transportation Safety Board of Canada
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Trois-Rivières Port Authority
Top of Page


Vancouver Port Authority
Veterans Affairs Canada
Top of Page


Western Economic Diversification Canada
Windsor Port Authority
Top of Page


Yukon Surface Rights Board
Government of Canada
Last updated: 2005-07-11
Date reviewed: 2005-07-11