Better Teaching. Better Learning. A Better Tomorrow.





Solar Oven Challenge

In the Solar Oven Challenge, students are invited to use our detailed construction plans to build working models of a solar oven. It is designed to teach students about solar heat, solar electricity and other clean energy technologies, but can be modified to incorporate culinary arts, food safety and culture. You may use the solar oven construction plan provided at, or your students can design their own plans.

As students explore renewable energy hands-on, they can expect to:

  • Discover the fundamental principles of biology, chemistry and physics,
  • See the application of science and technology to some of today’s most important environmental issues,
  • Enjoy the challenge of building working models of a solar oven.
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Lending a Hand Challenge

Are you interested in introducing your students to the world of micro lending, cooperative banking and social finance? We want to hear from you!

Starting this September, GreenLearning is looking for a minimum of 15 high school classes across Canada to participate in an innovative project called Lending A Hand Challenge – Introducing Youth to Micro Lending.” In this project, high schoolers will learn how they can tie personal financial success to priorities like personal happiness, a more equitable society and a sustainable future.

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Energy Revealed

Energy Revealed is a groundbreaking program for youth across Canada that will completely revolutionize the way that youth understand and interact with energy and change the face of energy education. Energy Revealed is grounded in research, backed by science, and is data driven. By making energy visible, it will turn youth into expert energy managers, and will result in measurable reductions in greenhouse gases in the short term, creating a new generation of responsible and innovative energy users over the long term.

Energy Revealed helps schools, the environment and empowers students to:

  • Become energy efficiency experts and future energy managers.
  • Develop their competencies, innovative mindsets, and workplace skills, preparing them for careers in a low carbon economy.
  • Drive down the use of electricity, gas, and water at school, at home, and in their communities.
  • Help reduce greenhouse gases, utility bills, and carbon levy payments.
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The aim of Newsparks is to improve media literacy amongst youth regarding environmental issues by distilling the news into a format that easily enables classroom discussion. With each topic, students will engage more fully with current affairs and become critical and perceptive consumers of media.

Newsparks will help youth analyze how the media represents current issues of climate change, energy, and sustainability. Each Newspark will open with a general introduction of the topic and summary of essential facts. We then provide a list of discussion questions aimed at provoking deeper inquiry into both the issue itself and how the media has represented the issue in its news coverage. Finally, we provide a sampling of links to various news sources and excerpts of relevant perspectives in the issue at hand.

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Oil Sands Education Dialogue

The Oil Sands Education Dialogue helps students understand the ramifications of the volatile price of oil on the Canadian economy, politics and their lives while encouraging them to voice their informed opinion for collaborative solutions between all the stakeholders. Students will learn about oil production processes, how oil prices are set, and they will examine the environmental, social and economic impacts of the oil sands project through a simulated hearing.

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“I would highly recommend GreenLearning resources to any school district! They not only support the various curriculum areas (e.g. Language Arts, Social Studies, Science), but also can help districts establish networking groups around sustainability issues.”


“I greatly value the contribution GreenLearning makes to environmental education across the province.”


“It [Electricity All Around Us] was well thought out, likely made by actual teachers. Online activities really engaged the students, many of whom said that they never knew that ‘learning science could be so fun.'”


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Please note: all of our resources fall under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs  creative commons license. Our learning resources can be downloaded and shared with proper credit but cannot be changed in any way or used commercially.