Canadian Judicial Council



Annual Reports

By-Laws and Procedures


Judicial Conduct

Technology Issues





 Annual Reports

Annual Report, 2004-2005 (PDF, 300 Kb)

Annual Report, 2003-2004 (PDF, 2000 Kb)

Annual Report, 2002-2003 (PDF, 526 Kb) 

Annual Report, 2001-2002 (PDF, 350 Kb)

Annual Report, 2000-2001 (PDF, 278 Kb)
Annual Report, 1999-2000 (PDF, 561 Kb) 

Annual Report, 1998-99 (PDF, 187 Kb)

Annual Report, 1997-98 (PDF, 239 Kb) 

Annual Report, 1996-97 (PDF, 218 Kb) Appendices (PDF 130 Kb)

Annual Report, 1995-96 (PDF, 2970 Kb)

Judicial Conduct

2004, The Conduct of Judges and the Role of the Canadian Judicial Council  (PDF Format)  An explanation of the conduct process.

1998, Ethical Principles for Judges  (PDF Format)

1998, Model Policy on Equality within the Court  (PDF, 13KB)

By-Laws and Procedures

2005, Operating Procedures (updated in 2005, approved in 2002)

2003, Complaints Procedures (Note: These are internal procedures.  For a general description of the complaint process, click here.)

2003, Inquiries and Investigations By-laws (PDF)

Technology Issues

2005, Use of Personal Information in Judgments and Recommended Protocol (also available in PDF version).

2004, Canadian Judicial Council Blueprint for the Security of Judicial Information  (PDF, 416 KB)

2004, Model Protocol for Court Technology Committees  (PDF, 70 KB)

2003, Model Judicial Acceptable Use Policy for Computer Technology  (PDF, 88KB)

2003, Open Courts, Electronic Access to Court Records, and Privacy  (PDF, 255 KB)

2002, Canadian Guide to the Uniform Preparation of Judgments  (PDF, 112KB)

2002, Computer and E-Mail Workplace Surveillance in Canada, Geist, Professor Michael.  (PDF, 150KB) 

2002, Computer Monitoring Guidelines

1999, A Neutral Citation Standard for Case Law


2002, The Way Forward, (PDF Format), Final Report of the Special Committee on Future Directions to the Canadian Judicial Council.

1999, A Neutral Citation Standard for Case Law

1999, The Judicial Role in Public Information

1998, Position of the Canadian Judicial Council on the Appointment of Federally Appointed Judges to Commissions of Inquiry

1995, A Place Apart: Judicial Independence and Accountability in Canada, A report prepared for the Council by Martin L. Friedland, 1995, soft cover, 401 pages, $29.95. Available from Communications Canada, Ottawa, ON K1A 0S9, phone (613) 941-5995 or 1-800-635-7943; internet:

1991, One Trial Court: Possibilities and Limitations, Carl Baar, A report prepared for the Council in November 1991, soft cover, 127 pages.

1991, Commentaries on Judicial Conduct, hard cover, 129 pages, $35.00. Available from Les Editions Yvon Blais Inc., P.O. Box 180 Cowansville, Quebec J2K 3H6, phone 514-263-1086; facsimile 514-263-9256.