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For any questions regarding the following information, contact our fully bilingual Customer Service.


Go to top of pageExcellent Language Tools: New, Improved and Now Available!

October 7, 2005

The following publications which were some of our most popular and effective English as a Second Language (ESL) tools have recently been revised and are now in stock:

If you’ve ever found that carrying on conversations or participating in meetings presented a challenge to you, you need to read Gambits 1, 2 and 3. These books will provide you with all of the language and practice skills you will ever need to carry on conversations anywhere, anytime, from beginning to end – with confidence!

Gambits 1 ... Cat. No. SC103-8/2005E
Gambits 2 ... Cat. No. SC103-9/2005E
Gambits 3 ... Cat. No. SC103-10/2005E

Created for second language learners who already have a base in English, the revised Telephone Gambits is perfect for learning how to conduct all types of telephone calls.

Telephone Gambits ... Cat. No. SC103-13/2005E

The newly revised Rhythm and Unstress presents rhythm, stress and unstress patterns which show you how to listen to a new language and teaches you how to successfully produce the new sounds and intonation of a new language.

Rhythm and Unstress ... Cat. No. SC103-11/2005E

Idioms introduces you to common and useful idiomatic expressions and proverbs, all in appropriate situations.

Idioms 1 ... Cat. No. SC103-12/2005E


Go to top of pageCataloguing in Publication (CIP)

April 21, 2005

As part of a decision to consolidate the Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) program, responsibility for the assignment of Government of Canada CIP will be transferred from the Depository Services Program (DSP) to Library and Archives Canada (LAC) effective May 1, 2005.

After that date, CIP requests from GoC departments and agencies should be submitted to LAC at:

(Nicole Caissy):
(819) 997-7065
Fax: (819) 953-0291

LAC will be responsible for obtaining ISBN's and GoC Catalogue numbers from the DSP as part of this process.


Go to top of pageOn-line Claims

November 9, 2004

Electronic submission of claims is now available for the libraries and depositories. Simply complete the following form and submit. For further information on claims, please read our claim policy.


Go to top of pageWe distribute selected Publications Ontario titles

June 7, 2004

Through a special arrangement, we now distribute a selection of Publications Ontario's most requested titles. For a complete listing of their publications, visit the Publications Ontario Web site.


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Last Updated: 2005-10-07 Important Notices