Social Union: Main Menu

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All information relating to the National Child Benefit is now maintained on the National Child Benefit web site.


Three-Year Review of the Social Union Framework Agreement
Three-Year Review of the Social Union Framework Agreement

The "social union" initiative is the umbrella under which governments will concentrate their efforts to renew and modernize Canadian social policy. It focuses on the pan-Canadian dimension of health and social policy systems, the linkages between the social and economic unions, and the recognition that reform is best achieved in partnership among provinces, territories and the Government of Canada. The primary objective of the social union initiative is to reform and renew Canada's system of social services and to reassure Canadians that their pan-Canadian social programs are strong and secure. In working to build a strong social union, the Government of Canada and the provinces and territories have reached a broad consensus that the first priorities should be children in poverty and persons with disabilities.

First Ministers created the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Council on Social Policy Renewal* in 1996 and directed it to guide the social union initiative. The Council monitors work on overarching social policy issues and, as well, coordinates and supports "sectoral" councils that examine cross-sectoral issues such as supporting children and persons with disabilities. The Council includes representation from nine provinces, three territories and the Government of Canada and is co-chaired by Ken Dryden, Minister of Social Development Canada, and Stan Hagen, Minister of children and Family Development, British Columbia.

This website provides an overview of activities associated with the social union.

[* While sharing essentially the same concerns, the Government of Quebec does not participate on the F-P-T Council on Social Policy Renewal.]

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