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Do you need advice and expertise on...

  • The publication process?
  • Style, format, and design?
  • Market analysis?
  • Promotion to your target audience?
  • Costs, demand, and financial viability?

We produce publications from most government departments and agencies, including mandatory government information products and non-mandatory publications on many topics.

Check out our services:

  1. Marketing research
  2. Publishing methods
  3. Formats
  4. Coordination, design, and production
  5. Channels of information/distribution
  6. Government publishing policies/directives
  7. For more information

1. Marketing research. We can help you:

  • Identify and measure potential markets - primary, secondary, tertiary;
  • Establish the economics of free or priced distribution;
  • Assess price sensitivities;
  • Determine appropriate quantities.
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2. Publishing methods. We can act as your publisher or negotiate a co-publishing arrangement on your behalf with a private sector publisher or other government departments/agencies.

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3. Formats. We can help you choose the best formats for your publication:

  • Traditional print hard or soft cover, including print-on-demand
  • Electronic formats - diskette, CD-ROM, online publishing
  • Web site publishing
  • Alternative formats - large print, Braille, audio-cassette
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4. Coordination, design and production. We can also:

  • Oversee design including graphics and illustration
  • Handle production - project planning, costing, scheduling, printing
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5. Channels of information and distribution.We can market your product through our:

  • Network of bookstores and distributors in Canada and around the world
  • Central ordering desk service that accepts public orders - telephone, regular mail, fax, e-mail
  • Web site
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6. Government publishing policies/directives. We can offer guidance on:

  • Federal Identity Program
  • Crown Copyright Act
  • Official Languages Act
  • Depository Services Program
  • Government Communications Policy
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7. For more information. To find out more about our consulting/coordination services, contact:

Joanne Joanisse,
Manager, Publishing Programs
Telephone: (613) 996-3049
Fax: (613) 947-6949

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Last Updated: 2005-01-10 Important Notices