Indian Claims Commission | Commission des revendications des Indiens
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 Recent News

Ottawa - December 22, 2005
ICC releases report on QVIDA mediation

Ottawa - November 15, 2005
Chief Commissioner speaks to House of Commons Committee

Ottawa - October 20, 2005
Blood Tribe / Kainaiwa Claim Resolved with ICC’S Mediation Assistance

Ottawa - October 20, 2005
Chippewas of the Thames Claim Resolved with ICC Mediation Assistance

Ottawa - October 20, 2005
Keeseekoowenin Claim Resolved with ICC Mediation Assistance

Ottawa - October 20, 2005
ICC Issues Mediation Report on Touchwood Agency Claim

Ottawa - August 30, 2005
ICC Chief Commissioner Appointed As A Member Of Order Of Canada

Ottawa - May 20, 2005
Government Should Negotiate With CHCN re: IR 100A

Ottawa - May 20, 2005
Ottawa Should Negotiate With Two Saskatchewan Indian Bands Over Compensation For Thousands Of Acres, Says The ICC

Ottawa - May 20, 2005
ICC Panel Recommends Government Accept Chakastaypasin Claim

Ottawa - May 20, 2005
Panel Says Amalgamation Invalid

April 1, 2005 - Ottawa
ICC Issues Report on Betsiamites Inquiries

December 1, 2004 - Ottawa
ICC Appoints Executive Director


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Indian Claims Commission

Last updated: 2003-11-10