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Depository Services Program


AUGUST 29th-30th, 2005


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Mr. Daniel Normandeau introduced himself and explained his role as meeting facilitator.


Opening Remarks

Ms. Jane Meyboom-Hardy, Assistant Deputy Minister, Government Information Services Branch, Public Works and Government Services Canada  

Ms. Meyboom-Hardy noted that there had been a long pause since the last meeting of the Library Advisory Committee and expressed the hope that the meeting would be a new start for both the Depository Services Program (DSP) and the library community. She emphasized that while the DSP’s mandate had remained essentially unchanged since its creation it had and would have to continue to adapt to a constantly changing environment  

To help inform the discussions, Ms. Meyboom-Hardy provided an overview of the complex world of Government within which the DSP must operate, including the priorities set by the Government of Canada in its February 2005 Budget and the role of the Public Works and Government Services Canada. The DSP was an important element in meeting the Government priority of citizen engagement through ensuring that Canadians have access to Government information through libraries at no cost – linking Canadians together and as citizens to their government.

Ms. Meyboom-Hardy also described the Service Canada Initiative, through which a new organization, Service Canada, will offer one-stop, easy access to all federal programs and services. It was intended that the DSP would be transferred to Service Canada but the timing was uncertain. There would, however, be no change in the DSP and the library community would continue to be a major partner in helping to ensure that the program met Canada’s needs.  Moreover, there would be no disruption since only change in reporting relationships was involved, unlike the DSP’s previous movement from Communications Canada in the past to Public Works and Government Services Canada. Unfortunately, customers never forgot service disruption, even when, as in the case of the DSP, service improvements were subsequently made. However, it was hoped to be able to examine service standards and measurement of service to regain and maintain the community’s confidence.

The meeting would allow for drawing out ideas and revitalizing the Committee. It would offer the opportunity for an exchange of information and, with appropriate terms of reference, to clarify the Committee’s role, to set a future direction and to confirm membership. The Committee could be viewed as a partnership - its members offer their expertise and advice, and the DSP offers them useful information – of great value to the Program.

Ms. Meyboom-Hardy recognized that a principal challenge for the DSP is to ensure departments provide their publications as required under the Government of Canada Communications Policy. It was intended to meet with the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS), as “owner” of the Communications Policy, to explore how compliance could be improved.  Equally, DSP would work with the new Service Canada to ensure information flows. Also, the transfer of the DSP to Library and Archives Canada had been determined to be not cost effective and a report from the Steering Committee overseeing the discussions would be made available to explain the decision.  

Questions and Answers/Discussion

Q. Is there a strategy for the discussions with the TBS?

A. It is hoped to meet with the Assistant Secretary responsible for the Communications Policy and to ask what can be done to improve compliance. First, perhaps there could be a review of departments’ websites to identify the gap between what they list as publications and DSP holdings.  The process of discussion is just starting and suggestions from Committee members are welcome.   

Q. What kind of entity will Service Canada be?

A. It is difficult to provide concrete information at this time. The concept started three to four years ago as part of the modernization of services to Canadians and the realization that technology, such as the Internet was now available that could provide citizens with additional access to government services.  The initial work was undertaken in the former Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) and from this it was realized that a government-wide, integrated approach could be taken to service provision.

Q. What is the reporting relationship to Parliament, the political entity?

A. Human Resources and Skills Development Minister Belinda Stronach is the Minister responsible.  Treasury Board has provided a number of authorities to the Service Canada initiative to continue to develop plans.

Q. Past experience indicates that, to ensure views are listened to, depends ultimately on where a program is located within government?     

A. Service Canada will focus on providing Canadians with “one-stop shopping” access to government services.  The DSP gives services to Canadians.  So its mandate is closely aligned with that of Service Canada.

The DSP, along with other GISB programs slated to move to Service Canada, will do so with its budget intact.  The Order-in-Council, when it comes, will refer specifically to the DSP.

Review of the Agenda and Approach

Mr. Normandeau reviewed the agenda and outlined the approach to be used during the meeting. He emphasized that the agenda could be amended as required by the Committee in the light of its discussions during the course of the meeting.


Update on the DSP/LAC Steering Committee, Mr. Marc Saint-Pierre, Director General 

Mr. Saint-Pierre provided an update on the work of the DSP/LAC Steering Committee and the decision not to move the DSP to Library and Archives Canada (LAC), referring to the documentation provided to Committee members.

Questions and Answers/Discussion   

Q. It appeared until recently that the DSP was moving to LAC. What was the debate and

discussion that changed this?

A. The Consulting and Audit Canada (CAC) report prepared as part of the process of

considering the transfer identified eleven core DSP functions. It became clear that moving some of those functions was problematical for LAC and that it was not ready to take over warehouse or customer service functions. Also, with the e-bookstore project DSP has been putting in place, the DSP-publishing link is very close. Moreover, in discussion at the Treasury Board, it was felt that there was little value-added in a government context and that integration would be difficult. So, a variety of factors came together over time that led the Steering Committee to conclude that a transfer was not appropriate.

The proposed merger discussions took place over a period of time and against a complex backdrop of governmental change and movement with a number of factors entering into the situation and final decision. It was noted that Library and Archives Canada viewed the CAC report as critical but was surprised by its conclusions since it considered that there was potential for merging or transferring of some DSP functions that were logical as part of a mandate for LAC. Nonetheless, the publishing and warehousing functions were unfamiliar to the LAC and this was also a time when the former National Library of Canada and National Archives of Canada were themselves merging in a long and arduous process of discussion ending in 2004. It was also noted that LAC is committed to examining the feasibility of a portal for electronic documents. 

There had been movement on various commitments made as part of the 15 April 2005 statement announcing the winding up of the Steering Committee and the decision not to transfer the DSP to LAC. Moreover, there were possibly many areas where the DSP and LAC could support each other in delivering better services to the community and new ideas were always welcome, although resources were an ever present limitation. Nonetheless, the community would appreciate some stability.   

Overview of the Depository Services Program, Ms. Christine Leduc, Director

Ms. Leduc gave a slide presentation on the DSP, copies of which were provided to Committee members.

Questions and Answers/Discussion

Q. Australian and American studies estimate that some 80% of government materials never reach depository programs. What is the figure for the DSP?

A. It is hard to know. It can vary between 40% and 80% based on the small tests the DSP has undertaken. Much depends on if there are specific Memoranda of Understanding with departments and departmental size and the level of decentralization within a department.

It was noted that there are now problems with items such as Termium, which libraries previously received free of charge but now must pay for access.

Q. Is the DSP system as described fully in place?

A. It is but development work is on-going. Given the magnitude of the DSP’s system, it was an achievement to have brought it up and running under a five-year timescale.

Detailed statistics on business volume will be provided to members by Mr. Lepkey

Update on DSP Activities, Mr. Gay Lepkey, Manager, Documentation Services     

Mr. Lepkey gave a slide presentation updating DSP documentation section operations and activities, copies of which were provided to Committee members.

Questions and Answers/Discussion

It was noted that while currently DSP assigns ISBN numbers to Government of Canada publications this function is scheduled to return to LAC in January 2007.

Although licences for authorized library sites to access GIS information download have expired, DSP is preparing new ones and NRCan has no intention of disconnecting the service.

The new information management site at the TBS – the “IM Portal” – is an excellent resource.

Statistics Canada recently made a change in its link to DSP from the DSP home page to the DSP StatsCan publication index as more efficient and useful for users. Moreover, the DSP is moving its General Index page into the publicly viewable area so users can see all of the StatsCan publications  - some of these cannot be accessed but there will be appropriate messaging noting the restriction and how to obtain access.

The question of ensuring designated contacts for Infodep at libraries is problematical and requires a clear understanding of commitments by all parties. There is a need for improved communication and continuous relationship building. In this context, the projects underway by the DSP Documentation Section will help the Program’s relations with libraries and the DSP might consider sending out a notice giving information on these projects. Equally, possibly the associations could take steps to assist by communicating about the matter with their members and encouraging them to keep their designates up to date. However, the question of designates, and how many there are in a given institution, was often complex because of the organization and distribution of job functions, particularly in large institutions such as university library systems.    

It was noted that the DSP site search engine left much to be desired in terms of its operation and the ability of users to find information. While the DSP acknowledged the question, its ability to respond was limited by resources.

In regard to compliance, it was noted that there was no specific, in-depth study of the reason for departments’ lack of compliance with the DSP, but the reason usually offered was affordability. The Program’s check of one large department revealed both the resource argument and confusion within different parts of the organization. Nonetheless, there is also a need to educate departments about the DSP and its benefits and this requires more resources – at present the Program has three people chasing copies of publications and dealing with communications – and hopefully the Treasury Board will understand and respond to this need.

Publications that do not reach DSP may reach Libraries and Archives Canada. Since 1995 LAC has had legislated authority as the legal depository for all federal publications and this gives a certain advantage but in practice the LAC shares the same problems with the DSP – awareness, education, re-education, constant contact with departments. There is the possibility that a publication could be missed by both DSP and LAC – there is no guarantee. LAC makes an effort to go to departments and its acquisition is broader than the DSP. Moreover, LAC only asks for two copies of a publication whereas DSP asks for a minimum of 60 and possibly up to several hundred.

An advocacy effort underlining the importance of the DSP to an informed citizenry and the need for compliance might be considered by the associations as part of their lobbying efforts and would be helpful. A properly structured campaign could pinpoint non-compliant departments and exert political level pressure. On the other hand, this may not in fact be useful and associations would be reluctant to target departments as opposed to an overall campaign for access to government information. DPSIn the current government context, the emphasis is on results and in considering advocacy, one question is what are the results the DSP achieves for the Government of Canada and how can libraries give evidence of such results.

However, perhaps even before a campaign, there is a need to make a case inside government for the DSP as a central access to information and try to return to the time – pre-decentralization and Government-On-Line - when government publishing units simply sent copies of publications to the DSP automatically.

The CLA annual meeting in Ottawa offers an opportunity to place the issue of the DSP and compliance on the agenda, raise its profile and possibly invite guests from government to take part in discussions. DSP has indicated to the CLA Government Documents Access Group its willingness to participate in the meeting.

Next year the new Provincial and Territorial Library Directors Council (PTLDC) will meet in Ottawa, in June. One of the questions to be considered is the increasing role of public libraries as the interface between citizens and government as federal information becomes harder to obtain. Public libraries believe there has been a downloading of federal responsibility to the lowest level and in many small communities the public library is the only place left to access government information. The use of electronic publishing adds to the burden since information is not well organized and is difficult to find and, once found, must be printed out further adding to the costs of an already stretched resource. There is a responsibility when considering cost-saving and use of electronic publishing to maintain access to information for all Canadians.   

In the context of compliance, there seems relatively little discussion of the movement from print to electronic publication and the acceptability of this substitution. Discussions with libraries indicate that large depository institutions prefer hard copy whereas small selective depositories with resource problems and limited shelf space are embracing electronic publications – it offers them more works without straining shelf space. 

In fact, electronic publishing does not offer the access to all Canadians that the DSP does and so libraries print for access and for preservation. CARL will be holding a major meeting of stakeholders in the Fall on preservation of electronic publications. 

Statistics Canada’s last survey of Canadians’ library use in 1998 indicated library use was the most frequent leisure activity and an important Internet access point and it appears unlikely this has changed.    

It is important for the DSP to have this type of information to convince departments that we continue to need print. More testimonials and success stories would help to show that by providing 200 copies of a publication a department effectively serves millions of Canadians. The library community can assist the Program by providing feedback on end users and data for discussions with TBS and when libraries receive copies of publications and the DSP does not.

It should be remembered that academic and public libraries are very different. For academic libraries, the problem is not getting electronic publications but rather marginalization of government documents, which are not important outside government specialist areas because of access – colleagues cannot find them. They do not know documents exist. There is a need to work on the problem of developing government document specialists and making information easily accessible.        

The continuum of e-publications and print is not straightforward. E-publications are moving quickly into people’s consciousness and use - people are using public libraries to access electronic publications. The print-electronic relationship is complicated and more research is needed. 


Updating our Terms of Reference, Ms. Christine Leduc

Ms. Leduc presented a draft (19th August 2005) of possible updated Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Committee, copies of which were provided to Committee members together with the LAC’s 1981 mandate and the 1993 Report of the Working Group to Restructure the LAC.  She noted that the present draft TOR drew upon the previous to attempt to capture what the Committee was about, that is, to support and advance the DSP and help it get resources, to define its membership and to ensure that members could make a contribution to its success. It was a document for discussion and feedback. She also noted that the 1993 draft had never been adopted.    

Members made a variety of comments and suggestions concerning the draft TOR as a result of which possible amendments to the draft were prepared by the DSP and presented for consideration at the beginning of the second day of the meeting. 


Update on Customer Service Activities, Ms. Doreen Keogh, Manager, Customer Service, DSP 

Ms. Keogh gave a slide presentation on the DSP Customer Relations and its activities and services, copies of which were provided to Committee members

Update on Warehousing and Distribution Services, Mr. Scott Stilborn, Project Manager, Gilmore

Mr. Stilborn provided an overview of current operations noting that:

  • the warehouse handles over 15,000 publications, of which 3,000 approximately were on-demand and the rest physical, shelved copies;
  • the warehouse’s only function is to receive and ship orders – it receives orders electronically five times daily and ships upon receipt;
  • between April 2004 and end of July 2005, 198, 519 orders were filled, of which some 12,151 were electronically dispatched – the inventory management system in use prevents acceptance of order if there is no inventory in the warehouse;
  • the system reports daily to the DSP and provides financial tracking;
  • day-to-day, 37 staff work two shifts;
  • because of Gilmore’s company size, like Wal-Mart it obtains discounts, rebates and service advantages from the couriers it uses. 



Update from Statistics Canada on the Census, Mr. Bernie Gloyn, Assistant Director Communications and Library Services Division, Mr. Toney Moren, Chief, Information Management    

The SC representatives gave slide presentations, copies of which were made available to members.

Update from Treasury Board Secretariat, Ms. Nancy Brodie, Information Management  

In the interests of time, Ms. Brodie limited her presentation to providing an overview of the Treasury Board’s role and the policy and government environment within a program such as the DSP operates. The full slide presentation was made available to members who were invited to pose any questions directly to Ms. Brodie.  In the course of her remarks, Ms. Brodie referred to two reports prepared by Library and Archives Canada on dealing with handling of government information and asked that web citations for these be referenced in the minutes, namely: 

Management of Government Publications Survey 2002

Survey of Management of Government Holdings 1999

Update from Library and Archives Canada, Ms. Liz McKeen, Director, Resource Description Division, Published Heritage Branch

Ms. McKeen gave a slide presentation on on-going LAC federal publication services and planned initiatives and changes, copies of which were provided to Committee members.

Update from the Library of Parliament, Ms. Cynthia Hubbertz, Chief, Collection Development

Ms. Hubbertz, in the interests of time, first, provided an update of the situation with regard to Research Branch publications and their availability via LAC and the DSP and offered to be the conduit for questions/enquiries via email; second, gave a progress report on the Gateway to Parliamentary Publications and the retrospective scanning of bills and asked members to provide their views to her at their leisure as to whether it would make sense to scan first reading of bills as part of the project; third, also asked members whether the reconstituted debates of Parliament for 1871 should, apart from being available via the web, continue as well to be made available in microfiche.       


Presentation by the National Research Council Canadian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, Mr. Cameron MacDonald, Director, Publishing (NRC Research Press) 

Mr. MacDonald gave a slide presentation on the NRC-CISTI publishing and information activities, copies of which were provided to Committee members.

Presentation by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Mr. Greg Goy, Manager, Products and Services

Mr. Goy provided an overview of the reports provided to the DSP by the CMHC’s Market Analysis Centre and the importance of the DSP in ensuring housing market information distribution.    

Presentation by Natural Resources Canada, Map Depository Program, Mr. Benoit Piché, Project Manager, Centre for Topographic Information Sherbrooke, CTIS  

Mr. Piché gave a slide presentation on the NRCan-DSP Memorandum of Understanding on Geospatial Data Products, copies of which were made available to Committee members.

It was noted that slide presentations would be made available electronically to members.  


Updating Our Terms of Reference Discussion Continued

Building on their discussions on Day I, and the possible draft amendments to the TOR developed and presented by the DSP, Committee members continued their consideration of the draft TOR reviewing each section in turn.  

It was noted in discussion of the draft Terms of Reference that:

  • Reference to PWGSC should be dropped given the uncertainty of future government organization.
  • It was important to indicate in the TOR that DSP-LAC members would act as a communication link to their communities with regard to the DSP – the notion of accountability.

The DSP-LAC would be expected to meet more than once a year. The DSP committed to holding two meetings annually and they would revisit this commitment after two years.

The meetings would normally be held in spring and late summer/early autumn.

Any working groups or sub-committees struck for particular projects would be supported as had been done in the past by the DSP.      

A clear acknowledgment of the use of both official languages in DSP-LAC business and the freedom of members to use either language should be made.

Achieve an appropriate turnover of members would be a challenge. There was a need to ensure a continuity of memory and experience while assuring new blood.  The mechanics of ensuring a transition would also have to be worked out.

The Director responsible for the DSP will develop a proposal for rotation of members.

Following a resignation, it would be expected that a replacement would be appointed to complete the term.  

Choosing the non-association representatives on the committee would most usefully be done through a general public call put out by the DSP through the DSP-LAC and the library community, assembly of candidates by the Director responsible for the DSP and transmission via email of a list with summary details to DSP-LAC members for advice and reaction and a consensus. This would allow also for determining if there were gaps in representation that needed to be dealt with specifically. Following feedback from the DSP-LAC library members, the Director responsible for the DSP should decide on the candidates to be selected as members. Operational issues around selection criteria, nomination – can a person nominate his or her self, whether non-association representatives are in fact representatives at some level and other matters will need to be addressed.

The question remained nonetheless whether other library associations – for example, the public libraries - should be more specifically involved. 

The Committee membership seeks a balance in that while there are three representatives from depository libraries, two must be from selective libraries since these constitute 75% of the DSP’s members.   

The question of two representatives from each of the associations will need to be dealt with by the individual associations. If necessary, this provision can be amended later. 

Statistics Canada should be a DSP-LAC member given its role and its view of the DSP-LAC as a very important channel. Equally, a place should be available to allow for inviting author departments to attend the committee. This may be useful in dealing with issues of compliance.   

While consideration might be given to changing the name of the Committee toward indicating a partnership with the library community, the title for the present should be the DSP Library Advisory Committee.

A complete text of the amended Terms of Reference is appended to these Minutes as Appendix A.

Recommendations for Encouraging Compliance

The DSP-LAC considered that it would be useful to assist the DSP in its attempts to ensure compliance from departments and agencies by making the following recommendations.


  1. The DSP and Library and Archives Canada continue to co-operate to increase the ability to locate material and achieve a comprehensive program.

  2. The Library Advisory Committee expresses its concern at the lack of compliance by departments with the DSP and offers its support for the DSP’s approach to the Treasury Board Secretariat toward ensuring such compliance.

  3. Individual library members of the Committee invite their respective organizations to express their concern with regard to lack of compliance by departments with the DSP, and thereby with the Government of Canada Communications Policy, by way of letters to the DSP with copies to the Treasury Board Secretariat, and that, on an individual basis, they seek concrete examples and useful statistics, taking care not to mix qualitative or anecdotal and quantitative examples, concerning non-compliance that can be furnished to the DSP in support of its discussions with the Treasury Board.

  4. The DSP take steps to raise the awareness of departments with regard to compliance through its membership on interdepartmental groups, through for example the Committee of Director Generals of Communications and directly through personal contacts. 

The DSP-LAC took note of the two years of extensive and detailed discussions between the DSP and Library and Archives Canada concerning their possible merger and the various initiatives for continuing and enhanced collaboration that had been identified as a result and that a final report of this exercise remained to be completed.  

Recommendation concerning the DSP and the CLA Annual Conference

The DSP-LAC recommended that the DSP work with the CLA’s Access to Government Information Group to ensure a presence and raise the Program’s profile at the forthcoming CLA Annual Conference in Ottawa.

Next Steps

The draft TOR will be sent to members for comment or clarification, but not for substantive changes, two weeks after the meeting. Members will then have two weeks to provide their comments to the DSP. 

Closing Comments 

It was considered that the meeting had been a success, particularly in terms of its format and approach to dealing with a great deal of information given the length of time since the Committee had last met. 

The meeting offered an opportunity for a new start for the DSP-LAC and in the future there would be a more pro-active approach to communicating with the library community.   

The timing of future meetings raised various questions and would be the subject of a proposal by the Director responsible for DSP.

It would be helpful to consider developing an orientation manual or kit setting out the information useful to new members to help them function, ensure submissions were provided well in advance to allow members to reflect on them, and to organize the agenda around horizontal policy issues, for example, standards, compliance and open source, rather than vertical, specialized (silo) questions.

Last updated: 2005-12-05 Important Notices