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Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility
Maple Leaves

Biological name search

Species Access
Canadian specimen information network

Online mapping



Maple Leaves

Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility (CBIF)

As a member of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), Canada is exploring new ways to improve the organization, exchange, correlation, and availability of primary data on biological species of interest to Canadians. By enhancing access to these data, CBIF provides a valuable resource that supports a wide range of social and economic decisions including efforts to conserve our biodiversity in healthy ecosystems, use our biological resources in sustainable ways, and monitor and control pests and diseases.

CBIF has developed the following tools to help users find the information they need.

Species Access Canada

Species Access Canada is the Canadian component of a global project to allow Internet access to information associated with the billions of specimens housed in the world's natural history collections. The Canadian network currently incorporates collections on five servers; many more will be added over the next few years.

Users can search these collections by species name, source collection, collector, or location.

Note: If you have a specimen database you would like added to Species Access Canada, please contact CBIF

Integrated Taxonomic Information System

ITIS is a catalogue of common and scientific names that will eventually include all species found in Canada, the United States and Mexico. The database also contains synonyms.

Search results pages for individual species include the taxonomic hierarchy for the species (genus, order, family, etc.). They also provide links to search engines, automatically searching on the pertinent terms for the species you select.

The Biological Observations, Specimens and Collections Gateway

The BiOSC Gateway is a global metadata search engine that cross-walks multiple distributed biodiversity networks and facilitates access to their combined holdings. As of early January 2002, the BiOSC Gateway contained approximately 2.4 million biological records. The gateway associates a biological names harvestor with a multilingual taxonomic authority file (ITIS*North America), providing international users with access to biodiversity records by scientific names, vernacular names, synonymy, country of collection or geographic coordinates. Each individual metadata record (either an individual specimen or a single observation) is hyperlinked directly to its primary source on its native biodiversity network, ensuring that end-users access detailed records exclusively via the facility of the owners who remain in full control of their records. Interactive world maps are provided for those biological records that are associated with explicit latitude and longitude coordinates.

More information about BiOSC


Butterflies of Canada is the pilot project in this section of CBIF's web site. Identifying information, photographs, distribution maps, and more are available for all butterflies found in Canada.

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Date Modified: 2003-03-25