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Competition Bureau of Canada

Competition Bureau

For small and medium enterprises

The Competition Bureau is committed to improving our accessibility among all of our stakeholders. Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) are an extremely important component of the Canadian economy and with this in mind we believe that a better understanding of the role of Competition law in the context of the needs of the SME community is important.

Under the Competition Act, the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (non-food products), the Textile Labelling Act and the Precious Metals Marking Act, the Bureau ensures that SMEs have an equitable chance in participating in the Canadian marketplace. This means that the Bureau ensures that SMEs are not facing artificial constraints to their ability to compete put in place by their competitors.

By way of written opinions, the Bureau can advise SMEs on whether their proposed business plans would raise issues under the Act. This section is designed to provide relevant information and plain-language explanations of a variety of Competition Bureau topics as they apply to SMEs. The Competition Bureau is committed to making every effort to improve this section so that it best serves the SME community. With this in mind we invite you to provide us with your feedback and suggestions.

Abuse of dominance


Marketing Practices - Prohibitions

Marketing practices – Mandatory requirements

Refusal to Deal

Vertical Restraints

Fees and Service Standards


International Affairs

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