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Competition Bureau of Canada

Competition Bureau

Canada - Costa Rica Agreement Could Provide Framework for Competition Policy in FTAA

OTTAWA, April 23, 2001 - The competition chapter in the Canada - Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement, signed by the two countries in Ottawa today, could serve as a model for a competition policy framework in a Free Trade Area of the Americas agreement.

The chapter builds on competition provisions in previous free trade agreements and sets out a framework that will promote greater certainty in both markets and more effective enforcement against anti-competitive activities.

The establishment of a concrete framework for cooperation, coordination and consultation will enhance the ability of competition authorities in both countries to address anti-competitive activities, which are increasingly transnational. Such cooperation is increasingly important as firms extend their business links internationally because of such trends as growing international trade, complex mergers, cross-border strategic alliances, and electronic commerce.

The text of the agreement, including the chapter on competition policy, is available on the web site of Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

For additional information, please contact:

Michel Marquis
Communications Directorate
Competition Bureau
(819) 953-4257

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