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Competition Bureau of Canada

Competition Bureau

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Enforcement guidelines

Enforcement guidelines are an articulation of the Bureau's enforcement policy with respect to the various provisions of the Competition Act, the Consumer Packaging and Labeling Act, the Textile Labeling Act, the Precious Metal Marking Act and the Criminal Code based on the Bureau's past experience, jurisprudence and accepted economic theory.

Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet

Accuracy Requirements for Net Quantity Declarations

Canadian Guidelines with Respect to the Sale and Marketing of Diamonds, Coloured Gemstones and Pearl: Revised Edition 2003 [PDF]

Draft Enforcement Guidelines on the Abuse of Dominance in the Airline Industry

Enforcement Guidelines on the Abuse of Dominance Provisions

Enforcement Guidelines: The Abuse of Dominance Provisions (Sections 78 and 79 of the Competition Act) as Applied to the Retail Grocery Industry

Federal Labelling Requirements for Upholstered Furniture

Guide for the Labelling and Advertising of Pet Foods

Guidelines on the Deceptive Notice of Winning a Prize Provision Section 53 of the Competition Act

Guide to "Made in Canada" Claims

Guide to the Advertising of Consumer Textile Articles

Guide to the Labelling of Down and Feathers

Guide to the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act and Regulations

Guide to the Precious Metals Marking Act and Regulations

Guide to the Textile Labelling and Advertising Regulations

Intellectual Property Enforcement Guidelines

Intellectual Property Enforcement Guidelines - Draft for Consultation Purposes Only

Interception of Private Communications

Interpretation Bulletin on the Marketing of Canadian Diamonds

Interpretation Guidelines #3

Labelling Assessment Tools

Labelling of Fabric Sold at Retail

Labelling of Textiles

Merger Enforcement Guidelines (September 2004)

Merger Enforcement Guidelines (March 2004 - Draft for consultation)

Merger Enforcement Guidelines (March 1991)

Misleading Representations and Deceptive Marketing Practices: Choice of Criminal or Civil Track under the Competition Act

Notifiable Transactions and Advance Ruling Certificates Under the Competition Act: Procedures Guide

Notifiable Transactions under Part IX of the Competition Act - Interpretation Guidelines

Ordinary Price Claims:Subsections 74.01(2) and 74.01(3) of the Competition Act

Predatory Pricing Enforcement Guidelines

Price Discrimination Enforcement Guidelines

Promotional Contests - Section 74.06 of the Competition Act

Section 55 and 55.1 of the Competition Act - Multi-level Marketing and Pyramid Selling

Staying 'On-side' When Advertising On-line: A Guide to Compliance with the Competition Act When Advertising on the Internet - Draft

Telemarketing : Section 52.1 of the Competition Act

The Merger Enforcement Guidelines as Applied to a Bank Merger

What Every Jewellery Dealer Needs to Know about the Marketing of Imported Platinum

What Every Jewellery Dealer Needs to Know about the Precious Metals Marking Act and Regulations


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