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3Ds see Foreign policy

4-H Canada

5 Wing see Canadian Forces--Aircraft, Flight training

8 Wing see Canadian Forces--8 Wing/CFB Trenton

12 Wing see Canadian Forces--12 Wing/CFB Shearwater

14 Wing see Canadian Forces--14 Wing/Greenwood

20/20:Building Our Vision for The Future see Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME)

24 hour observation see Criminals/offenders

50 cent (rap performer)

75/25 principle see Public Service--Employees

921 L'Ancienne-Lorette Squadron see Canadian Forces--Cadets


A Canada For All: Canada's Action Plan Against Racism see Discrimination and racism--Combatting

"A Capital Experience" see Haliburton--Kawartha Lakes--Brock constituency--High school students

A Time of Change, A Time for Change see National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman--Annual report for 2004-2005

A&E; Television Network

A.M. Sormany High School, Edmunston, NB

Abandoned mines see Mines/mining industry

Abattoirs see Slaughterhouses (abattoirs)

Aberhart, William see Budget 2005--New Democratic Party

Abitibi--Baie-James--Nunavik--Eeyou constituency see Aboriginal education and training--Post-secondary; Highways and roads--Quebec

Abitibi-Consolidated Inc.

Abitibi-Témiscamingue region see Aboriginal peoples/communities; Disabled and handicapped persons--Fundraising telethon; Mongrain-Samson, Françoise

Abitibi-Témiscamingue international film festival see Festival du cinéma international en Abitibi-Témiscamingue

Ablonczy, Diane (CPC--Calgary--Nose Hill)

Aboriginal Achievement Awards see House of Commons visitors--Canada

Aboriginal Achievement Foundation

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee

Aboriginal and treaty rights see Aboriginal claims/land claims; First Nations/Indians--Treaty land entitlement agreements; Oil and gas revenues--First Nations; Veterans--Aboriginal veterans

Aboriginal claims/land claims

Aboriginal education and training

Aboriginal fishing rights see Fisheries--Nova Scotia

Aboriginal games see Hockey

Aboriginal Healing Foundation

Aboriginal health

Aboriginal health care

Aboriginal health transition fund see Aboriginal health care

Aboriginal land claims see Aboriginal claims/land claims

Aboriginal languages see Attikamek Language Day

Aboriginal peoples/communities

Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable see Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable

Aboriginal Peoples Television Network

Aboriginal policing see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Aboriginal self-government

Aborginal Youth Suicide Prevention Walk see Suicide


Abbott, Jim (CPC--Kootenay--Columbia)

Abbotsford, BC airport see Airports

ABS see Avalanche airbag system (ABS)

Abuja, Nigeria see Corruption--Chrétien


Acadian associations

Acadian communities see Francophones outside Quebec


Acadie--Bathurst constituency

ACAP see Airport Capital Assistance Program (ACAP)

Accenture see Government on-line services (Internet)

Access to information

Access to Information Act

Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-201)--Martin, Pat

Access to Information Act (amd.--Crown corporations and Canadian Wheat Board)(Bill C-276)--Harrison

Access to Information Commissioner see Information Commissioner

Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee

Accidents see Highway safety/accidents; Traffic accidents

Accountability see Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA); Canadian Grain Commission; Corporations

Accountability Act see Government integrity

Accounting see Corporations; Government finances

Accrual accounting see Government finances--Accounting practices

Accused persons see Courts--Testimony of witnesses

Actionplan for gender equality see Government programs--Accountability framework

Acting Speakers

Adams, Hon. Peter (Lib.--Peterborough)

Adaptation measures see Textile and clothing industry--Crisis, Tariffs

Addiction see Drug and substance abuse--Youth; Marijuana

Address to Parliament see Mexico (United Mexican States)--Fox


Adjournment motions under S.O. 52 see Emergency debates (adjournment motions under S.O. 52)

Adjournment proceedings (Late Show) see House of Commons proceedings; Procedure

Administrative monetary penalty (AMP) see Industry

Adoption (children)

ADR see Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Advance Payment Program see Agriculture--Cash advance programs

Advanced Technology Vehicles Program see Automobiles/motor vehicles--Emission standards

Adventure education see Outers Program

Adventurer see Voyer, Bernard

Adult education

Adult children see Child support

Adultery see Nigeria

Advance payments see Agriculture; Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)--Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program; Canadian Wheat Board

Adventure tourism see Tourism industry

Advertising see Canada Post Corporation; Child pornography; Consumers; Drugs and pharmaceuticals; Trans fats (trans fatty acids)

Advertising contracts see Sponsorship program

Advisory council on the status of women see Women

Aeronautics Act (amdt.)(Bill C-62)--Minister of Transport (Lapierre, Jean)

Aéroports de Montréal see Airports--Rent paid to federal government; Montréal-Mirabel International Airport; Montréal-Trudeau International Airport

Aerospace industry see Aircraft/aerospace industry

Affirmative Industries

Affordable housing see Housing

Affordable Housing Initiative see Housing


AFN see Assembly of First Nations (AFN)


African Canadians see Black Canadians

African Union see Africa--New Partnership for Africas Development (NEPAD)

Aga Khan

Age of consent (sexual relations)

Age of Sail Museum see Lighthouses--Port Greville, NS

Aged see Caregivers--Tax measures

Agents Orange and Purple see Canadian Forces--Chemical weapons/agents

Aging society

Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act (amdt.--approval of a proposal)(Bill C-376)--Benoit

Agricultural co-operatives

Agricultural fairs

Agricultural pest control products

Agricultural Pest Control Products Replacement Act (Bill C-381)--Benoit

Agricultural Policy Framework (APF)

Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-69)--Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (Mitchell)

Agricultural products

Agricultural research stations

Agricultural Supply Management Recognition and Promotion Act (Bill C-264)--Myers

Agricultural transfer savings plans see Farmers--Retirement


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