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Chalk River, ON see Atomic Energy of Canada Limited

Challenger jets see Government aircraft

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Châteauguay

Chamberlain, Hon. Brenda (Lib.--Guelph)

Chambers, John Gilbert

Chambers of commerce see Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Châteauguay; Eastern Montreal Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Fort Frances Chamber of Commerce; Greater Charlottetown Area Chamber of Commerce; Halifax Chamber of Commerce/2004 HRM Economic Summit; Kamloops Chamber of Commerce; Milton Chamber of Commerce Community Awards; Orléans Chamber of Commerce

Champagne, Gilles see Laurentian Pilotage Authority

Chan, Hon. Raymond (Lib.--Richmond; Minister of State (Multiculturalism))

Chandler, QC see Gaspésia paper mill; Rail transportation/railways--Quebec

Changxing, Lai see China--Human rights violations

Chaoulli, Dr. Jacques see Supreme Court of Canada

Chapais QC

Chaplains see Canadian Forces

Chapman, Don see Citizenship--"Lost Canadians"

Charafeddine, Mohammed see Murder

Charbonneau, Anouk see Golf--Quebec junior champions

Charbonneau, Jean-Louis see Farm Family of the Year award

Charbonneau, Yvon see United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)--Canadian ambassador

Charest, Hon. Jean see Quebec

Charitable donations

Charitable organizations

Charlottetown, PEI

Charter of rights see Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Charter of the French Language

"Charter of Values of Public Service" see Public Service--Professional conduct

Chartrand, Michelle see Public Service Human Resources Management Agency--President

Châteauguay Municipal Library

Châtelaine magazine

Chattels see First Nations/Indians--Repossession of chattels sold on reserves

Chatters, Dave (CPC--Battle River; CPC--Westlock--St.Paul)

Chaudiére-Appalaches ATR see Quebec--Regional development

CHBA see Canadian Home Builder's Association (CHBA)


Cheese sticks see Dairy industry--Supply management system, Import controls

Chemanis, BC see Arts/culture/heritage

Chemical weapons see Canadian Forces

CHEO see Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario

Cherfi, Mohamed see Refugees

Cherrier, André see Duck breeding

Chesterville, ON see Nestlé Canada Inc.

Cheuk, William see Canadian Wheat Board--Directors

Chevalier, Dominique

Chevrier, Marielle

Chickens see Poultry industry

Chief Actuary Act (Bill C-404)--Ablonczy

Chief Electoral Officer

Chief of Defence Staff see Canadian Forces

Chief Public Health Officer

Child abduction

Child abuse see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation

Child care

Child care workers see Child care

Child custody

Child Custody and Access Arrangements Special Joint Committee (36th Parl., 1st Sess.) see Divorce, Children

Child disability benefit see Disabled and handicapped persons--Tax measures

Child Exploitation Tracking System (CETS) see Child pornography

Child labour

Child pornography

Child poverty

Child prostitution

Child protection legislation (Bill C-2)

Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation

Child sexual predation offence see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation

Child soldiers see International conflicts; Trafficking in persons (human trafficking)

Child support

Child tax benefit see Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)


Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)

Children's Wish Foundation of Canada see Dionne, Prosper; St. Clair Business Improvement Association

Chile see Hydro Quebéc--Baril, Gilles; International relations--Canadian role


Chinese Canadian Recognition and Restitution Act (Bill C-333)--Mark

Chinese Canadian Recognition and Restitution Act (Bill C-333)--Oda

Chinese Canadians

Chinese New Year

Chinook helicopters see Canadian Forces--Helicopters

Chipewas of Nawash First Nation


Chlorinated substances action plan see Water--Drinking water, Treatment

CHLSD Vigie les Chutes

CHOI-FM radio station

Cholesterol see Trans fats (trans fatty acids)--Advertising

Chong, Michael (CPC--Wellington--Halton Hills)

Chopra, Shiv see Public Service--Wrongdoing

"Choosing a Way Forward: The Future Management of Canada's Used Nuclear Fuel" see Nuclear Waste Management Organization

Choueiri, Salim see Child prostitution

Chrétien, Right Hon. Jean see Corruption; Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Generic medications, Developing countries; Liberal government (Chrétien); Parole--Chrétien, Michel; Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--No campaign; Saint-Maurice--Champlain constituency; Sponsorship program, Gomery Inquiry Commission

Chrétien, Michel see Parole

Christmas see Afghanistan--Canadian Forces role; Bethlehem Walk; Christmas Full of Caring Dinner; Dartmouth--Cole Harbour constituency--Christmas celebrations; Kamloops Christmas Light Tour; Newton--North Delta constituency--Christmas wish list

Christmas Full of Caring Dinner

Christopherson, David (NDP--Hamilton Centre)

Chronic disease

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Chronic wasting disease see Elk industry

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