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Chrysotile fibre see Asbestos


Churchill, Sir Winston see de Monchaux, Paul

Churchill constituency see Aboriginal peoples/communities

Churchill Falls accord see Hydro-electric power

CIDA see Canadian International Development Agency


CIHI see Canadian Institute for Health Information

CIHR see Canadian Institutes for Health Research

Cinema see Gémeaux Awards (Quebec cinema and television)

Cirone, Domenic see Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal

CIS national hockey championships see Hockey--University of Alberta Golden Bears

Citation for Citizenship awards see Immigration/immigrations--Settlement and integration services, New Canadians Program

Cité-des-Jeunes A.M. Sormany, Edmunston, NB

Cité étudiante de la Haute-Gatineau

Cities see Municipalities

Citizen's Advisory Committee Awareness Week


Citizenship Act

Citizenship Act (amdt.)(Bill S-2)--Reynolds

Citizenship Act (amdt.--adoption)(Bill C-76)--Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Volpe)

Citizenship Act (amdt.--prohitions)(Bill C-77)--Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Volpe)

Citizenship and Immigration Department

Citizenship and Immigration Minister see Sgro--References

Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee

Citizenship judges

Citizenship Revocation: A Question of Due Process and Respecting Charter Rights see Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee--Reports, Tenth

Citizenship Week

Civil Code of Quebec see Federal Law-Civil Law Harmonization Act, No. 2 (Bill S-10)

Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)

Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38) Legislative Committee

Civil Rights in Public Education see Marriage--Same-sex couples

Civil rights movement see Parks, Rosa

Civil unions see Marriage--Same-sex couples

CKAC see Radio stations

CKPR see Television stations

CKTB radio

Clarence-Rockland, ON see Official languages policy (bilingualism)

Claresholm, AB see Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)--Relief efforts

Clarity Act see Quebec separation/sovereignty

Clarity Act (Bill C-20)(36th Parl., 2nd Sess.) see Sponsorship program--Funding, Unity Reserve Fund

Clarity Communications see Entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship--Youth Entrepreneurship Award

Clark, Cody see Volunteers

Clark, Peter D. see Standards Council of Canada

Clarkson, Right Hon. Adrienne (Governor General)

Clarkson, Wayne see Telefilm Canada

Clavet, Roger (BQ--Louis-Hébert)

CLC see Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)

Cleary, Bernard (BQ--Louis-Saint-Laurent)

Clean Air Day

Clean coal technology see Coal

Clean Fund see Climate Fund

ClearOut 41 Plus

Clerk of the House of Commons see Corbett, William; O'Brien, Audrey Elizabeth

Climate change see Cooling systems--Deep lake water cooling; Fisheries--Salmon, Pacific; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)

Climate Fund see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)

Clinical trials see Health

Clocks see Jewellery industry--Excise tax

Cloning see Human cloning

Closure see Budget 2005--New Democratic Party, Legislation; Procedure--Closure; House of Commons proceedings--Sittings of the House, Extending; Legislative process

Cloutier, MGen Maurice Gaston (Gus)

Le Club Belge, Manitoba see Belgium community

Club Richelieu

CNIB see Canadian National Institute for the Blind

CNR see Canadian National Railay Company (CNR)

Clostridium difficile bacterium see Hospitals

CME see Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME)

CMHC see Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

CNIB see Canadian National Institute for the Blind

Coaches see Sports

Coaker Foundation see Port Union, NL--Union built town


Coal-fired thermal electric power

Coal minining industry see Ridley Terminals Inc.

Coalition of African Canadian Organizations

Coast guard see Canadian Coast Guard

Cobden, ON see Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)--Renfrew County

Cocaine see Marine transportation security (ports, etc.)--Smuggling


Cod see Fisheries--Atlantic

Coderre, Hon. Denis (Lib.--Bourassa)

Coffee see Canadian Forces--Stopford, WO Matthew

Coffin, Paul

Coffin Communications see Sponsorship program--Funding, Unity Reserve Fund

Coins see Remembrance Day/Veterans Week; World War II--VE DAy (Victory in Europe)

Colbex Inc.

Cold Metal Products (Hamilton, ON) see Bankruptcy--Workers' pensions

Cole Harbour Heritage Farm Museum

Cole Harbour Place

Colitis see Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month

Collacutt, Scott see CEL Surplus

Collective bargaining rights

Collective marketing strategies see Supply marketing

College and Community Innovation Pilot Program see Lévis-Lauzon CEGEP--Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

Collingwood Church of God see Volunteers

Collingwood Regional Airport see Airports

Collins, Robbie see Golf

Colorectal cancer


Columbia River see Water pollution

Comartin, Joe (NDP--Windsor--Tecumseh)

Com Dev (Cambridge, ON) see O'Donovan, Val

Combat boots see Canadian Forces--Military equipment

Commander in Chief (Canadian Forces) see Governor General

Commission for Africa see Africa

Commissioner of Official Languages

Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development see Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow) see Health care funding--Federal funding

Commisso, Antonio see Immigration/immigrants

Committees, Legislative see Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38) Legislative Committee

Committees of the Whole House

Committees, Parliamentary

Commodity prices see Corn industry

Common law partners, see Immigration/immigrants--Family class

Common public culture see Immigration/immigrants--Quebec policy

Common Sense Revolution see Ontario--Progressive Conservative government (Harris/Eaves)

Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (2005, Malta)

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association see Interparliamentary delegations

Communicable disease see Infectious disease

Communications Canada

Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union see Pay equity--Bell Canada

Communications Security Establishment (CSE)

Communities in Bloom awards see Ogema, SK

Communities initiative see Municipalities

Community Access Program (CAPC)

Community Care

Community care see Home care services

Community Care Worker Week

Community economic development

Community economic development agencies see Enterprise South East

Community Economic Development Corporations see Montreal, QC

Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC)

Community leadership see Kitchener-Waterloo ON

Community organizations see Immigration/immigrants--Settlement and integration services

Community programs

Community service groups see Income Tax Act (amdt.--community service group membership dues)(Bill C-233); Volunteers

Community Wheels Program

Comox, BC see Airports

Compassionate care see Caregivers--Employment insurance


Competition Act

Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-19)--Minister of Industry (Emerson)

Competition Act (amdt.--investigations by Commissioner and class proceedings)(Bill C-387)--Martin, Pat

Competition Bureau


*BiCompleting the Cycle of Electoral Reform see Electoral reform

Compton, Anne see Governor General's Literary Awards

Compton--Stanstead constituency see Entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship--Gala des Lauréats du Haut-Saint-François

Comptroller General of Canada

Comptrollership system see Government finances

Computer systems see Canadian Cuber Incident Response Centre

Computers see Government computers

Computers for schools program

Comrie, Bill see Entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship--Canadian Entrepreneur of the Year

Comuzzi, Hon. Joe (Lib.--Thunder Bay--Superior North; Minister of State (Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario) until June 28, 2005

Concealed weapons see Weapons

Conditional release see Penitentiary inmates

Conditional sentences see Sentences (convicted criminals)

Confederation Bridge, PEI see Terry Fox Marathon of Hope--25th anniversary

Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN) see Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts--Quebec general strike

Conference Board of Canada see Budget surplus--Projections; Economy/economic conditions--Strength, International comparison; Equalization payments--Saskatchewan

Conference of the Parties, Buenos Aires see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)

Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)

Conference on the Governance of High Seas Fisheries and the UN Fish Agreement see Fisheries--Atlantic Foreign fleets, Overfishing

Confessions see Murder--Lemiski, Janis

Confidence convention see House of Commons proceedings; Supreme Court of Canada--Justices

Conflict diamonds see Mining industry

Conflict of interest

Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders

Congo, Democratic People's Republic

Connors, Trevor

Consanguinity see Marriage--Same-sex couples

Conscientious Objection Act (Bill C-397)--Siksay

Conscientious objectors

Conscription see Veterans--Aboriginal veterans

Conseil Montcalm des Chevaliers de Colomb de Loretteville

Conservation area see Sutton Mountains

Conservation Baie Missiquoi see Teddy Roosevelt Conservation Award (Vermont)

Conservative government (Klein) see Alberta

Conservative Party of Canada

Consoltex Inc. see Textile and clothing industry


Construction industry

Consumer Measures Committee see Banks and financial institutions


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