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Emigration see Brain drain


Employment Equity Act

Employment initiatives see Disabled and handicapped persons--Canadian Association of Independent Living Centres

Employment insurance

Employment insurance account

Employment Insurance Act

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--amounts not included in earnings)(Bill C-350)--Godin

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--benefit period increase for regional rate of unemployment)(Bill C-371)--Godin

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--increase of benefits)(Bill C-390)--Mark

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--change of title to Unemployment Insurance Act)(Bill C-372)--Godin

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--compassionate care benefits for care-givers)(Bill C-256)--Stoffer

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--elimination of waiting period and repayment of premiums)(Bill C-346)--Epp

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium setting rate)(Bill C-280)--Asselin

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--establishment of Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund)(Bill C-424)--Godin

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--improvement of the employment insurance system)(Bill C-278)--Brunelle

Employment Insurance Act (admt.--length of benefit period)(Bill C-422)--Godin

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--no interest payable by claimants on benefit repayments or penalties)(Bill C-351)--Godin

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--percentage of insurable earnings payable to claimant)(Bill C-374)--Godin

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--pregnancy benefit)(Bill C-425)--Godin

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--qualification for and entitlement to benefits)(Bill C-373)--Godin

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--removal of waiting period)(Bill C-423)--Godin

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--single qualification period and benefit period for workers 45 years of age or more)(Bill C-421)--Godin

Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--training entitlements)(Bill C-352)--Godin

Employment Insurance Act and Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-437)--Ritz

Employment Insurance Commission see Canada Employment Insurance Commission

EnCana Corporation

End of life care see Palliative care--Government role

Endangered species see Species at risk

EnerGuide program


Energy conservation/efficiency

Energy Costs Assistance Measures Act (Bill C-66)--Minister of Finance (Goodale)

Energy power plants see SE2 (Sumas Energy 2, Inc.)

Energy Price Commission Act (Bill C-229)--Martin, Pat

Energy price review commission

Energy prices

Energy science and technology strategy see National energy science and technology strategy

Energy Supplies Emergency Act see Gasoline prices

Engineering scholarships see Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation

Engineers see Transport Department--Personnel

Enhancing the Values of Redistribution: Recommendations from the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Following the Representation Order of 2003 see Electoral boundaries--Redistribution

Ensure Marriage Canada see Marriage

Enterprise South East

Entraide Bois-de-Boulogne




Environment and Sustainable Development Commissioner

Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee

Environment Commissioner see Fisheries--Salmon, Pacific

Environment Department

Environment week

Environmental assessment

Environmental awareness see Ecosystem--Preservation; l'Odyssée primary school

Environmental clean-ups see Lake Saint-Pierre--Canadian Forces shells fired in lake; National Defence Department--Lands; Oil spills--Terra Nova; Ports/harbours--Oshawa, ON--Saint John, NB; Sydney rar ponds--Clean-up

Environmental funding see Lake Simcoe

Environmental indicators

Environmental initiatives see Aliments de Santé Laurier

Environmental mortage see Environment

Environmental organizations see Environment--Budget 2005 measures

Environmental performance

Environmental petitions see Auditor General's reports--2005

Environmental protection see Enviro-Action

Environmental sustainability index see Environmental performance

Environmentalists see Dr. Victor Cecilioni Award for Environmentalist of the Year; Maurice, Normand; Nobel Peace Prize--2004 recipient


Epp, Ken (CPC--Edmonton--Sherwood Park)

Equality see Trafficking in persons (human trafficking)--Human rights; Women

Equality rights see Canadan Charter of Rights and Freedoms; Quebbec Charter of Rights and Freedoms; Marriage--Same-sex couples

Equalization payments

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