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Habitat for Humanity see Housing--Affordable, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Hackett, Finola

Hadjis, Dimitrios

Hadjis, Evangelos

HAGI Community Services for Independence see Disabled and handicapped persons--Independent living

Haida Gwaii, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia see Oil and gas industry--Offshore exploration

Hailey, Arthur


Hakala, Arnie

Halde, Jean-René see Business Development Bank of Canada

Haldimand--Norfolk constituency

Haley Station, ON see Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC)

Halfway houses see Howard House (halfway house)

Haliburton--Kawartha Lakes--Brock constituency

Halibut see Aquaculture

Halifax, NS see Employment--Foreign workers; Health care--Access, availability; Housing; Hurricanes--Hurricane Juan; Louisiana and Mississippi, United States--Hurricane Katrina; Marine transportation security (ports, etc.); National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee--Travel

Halifax Chamber of Commerce/2004 HRM Economic Summit

Halifax constituency see Education, post-secondary

Halifax explosion

Hall, William see Victoria Cross

Halton ON see Childcare--National program, Benefits,

Hamas (terrorist group) see United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)

Hamilton, David

Hamilton, MCpl Jason Cory see Afghanistan--Canadian Forces role, Star of Courage

Hamilton Mountain constituency see Job Finding Club

Hamilton, ON see Firefighters--Deaths in line of duty; Settlement and Immigration Services Organization of Hamilton

Hamilton Gallery of Distinction

Hamilton Health Sciences see Cornerstone Awards

Hamilton International Airport see John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport

Hamilton Police Service

Hamilton Spectator

Hamm, John see Nova Scotia

Hand, Bob see Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation

Handguns see Firearms

Hands Across the Border see Hurricanes

Hanger, Art (CPC--Calgary Northeast)

Hanna, John Junior see Hockey

Hans Island


Hanson, Anne Meetitjuk see Nunavut

Hanukkah (Festival of Lights)

HapMap see Medical research

Harasymiw, Eugene

Harbour Breton, NF see Fisheries--Atlantic, Groundfish processing

Habours see Ports/harbours

Hard hats see Occupational health and safety

Hardy, John See Tom W. Bonner Prize

Hariri, Rafik see Lebanon

Harm reduction measures see Drug and substance abuse

Harmony Movement Award

Harper, Hon. Stephen (CPC--Calgary Southwest; Leader of the Opposition)

Harris, George see Private family trusts

Harris, Jack

Harris, Richard (CPC--Cariboo--Prince George)

Harrison, Jeremy (CPC--Desnethé--Missinippi--Churchill River)

Hartland, NB see Craig Manufacturing

Harvey, Alexandre

Hassan, Margaret--Iraq--CARE International head of operations Margaret Hassan

Hate crimes

Hate propaganda/speech

Hats see Ukraine--Election, Canadian observers role

Haut-Saint-François region, Quebec see Place aux Jeunes

Hay West campaign see Agriculture--Drought

Hayart, Philippe see Murder

Haydon, Margaret see Public Service--Wrongdoing

Hazardous Materials Information Review Act (amdt.)(Bill S-40)--Minister of Health (Dosanjh)

Hazardous products see Asbestos--Chrysotile; Smoking--Cigarettes; Cosmetics; Housing--Insulation

Hazardous Products Act (amdt.--prohibited product--hooks)(Bill C-436)--McDonough

Hazardous waste see Toxic/hazardous waste

Head Harbour Passage see Marine transportation--Oil tankers

Hearn, David see Golf

Head start programs

Head tax see Chinese Canadians


Health and safety see Occupational health and safety

Health care

Health care funding

Health care industry see Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)--Relief efforts

Health care providers

Health Department

Health emergencies

Health emergency response teams see Public healtH

Health Infoway see Public health

Health Minister see Food safety--Inspection system

Health Partners International of Canada

Health products see Natural health products

Health research

Health sciences research

Health Standing Committee

Health Transition Fund

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