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Kadis, Susan (Lib.--Thornhill)

Kaggwa, Edith see Refugees

Kalkat, LGen H.R.S.

Kamloops, BC see Canadian Forces--Excercise Cougar Salvo 2005; Sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Caza, David James

Kamloops Chamber of Commerce

Kamloops Christmas Light Tour

Kamloops--Thompson--Cariboo constituency

Kamp, Randy (CPC--Pitt Meadows--Maple Ridge--Mission)

Kanata, ON see Ottawa Talent Initiative

Kanesatake First Nation

Karetak-Lindell, Nancy (Lib.--Nunavut)

Karygiannis, Hon. Jim (Lib.--Scarborough-Agincourt)

Kashechewan First Nation

Kathrada, Sheik Younus see Hate propaganda/speech

Katyn Forest massacre

Kaufman, Justice Fred see Truscott, Stephen

Kaur, Dr. Inderjit

Kawartha Participation Projects see Disabled and handicapped persons--Independent living

Kawartha-Chrysler Peterborough Lakers see Lacrosse--Ontario Lacrosse Association

Kay-Nah-Chi-Wah-Nung Historical Centre

Kazemi, Zahra see Iran

Keata Pharma inc.

Keating, Charles V.

Keddy, Gerald (CPC--South Shore--St. Margaret's)

Kedgwick Vocal Music Festival, New Brunswick

Keene, ON see Nelson, Sharon

Keeseekoose First Nation

Kelowna BC

Kempling, Chris see Marriage--Same-sex couples, Religious rights

Kenney, Jason (CPC--Calgary Southeast)

Kenora constituency

Kenora, ON see Abitibi Consolidated Inc.; Afghanistan--Canadian Forces role, Christmas gifts

Kent, Fred

Kentville, NS see Atlantic Food and Horticulture Research Centre

Kenya see Nobel Peace Prize--2004 recipient

Kerry, John see United States

Keskinada Loppet

Keyes, Hon. Stan

Khalra, Jaswant Singh see India

Khalsa Day celebrations see Sikh community

Khan, Wajid (Lib.--Mississauga--Streetsville)

Kicking Horse Pass see Highways and roads--British Columbia

Kidnapping see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Arcana-Martinez, Sergio; Haiti--Canadian kidnapped

Kidney disease

Kids Come First care centre see Child care

Kids First Parent Association see Child care--National program

Kids for a Cure see Diabetes

Kigutaq, Neil see Canadian Forces--Cadets, Royal Canadian Air Cadets

Kijowski, Ruth Lund see Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)--International services, Armenia

Kildonan--St. Paul constituency

Kilgour, Hon. David (Lib.--Edmonton--Mill Woods--Beaumont; Ind.--Edmonton--Mill Woods--Beaumont effective April 13, 2005)

Kimberley Process see Diamond mining industry--Conflict diamonds

King, Barry see Canadian Centre for Substance Abuse

King government see Liberal government (Martin)--Non-confidence, 1926

Kingsclear Reformatory see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation

Kingston ON

Kingston and the Islands constituency see Milliken--References

Kinsella, Warren see Government contracts--Earnscliffe

Kipling Collegiate Institute, Toronto ON

Kitchener, ON see Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)--Relief efforts

Kitchener-Waterloo ON

Kitchener--Waterloo constituency see Health sciences research; Immigration/immigrants--Settlement and integration serices, New Canadian Program

Kitchener--Wilmot--Wellesley--Woolwich constituency

Kitching, Bruce see Firefighters, Deaths in line of duty

Kitcisakik First Nation

Kiwanis International

Knights of Columbus


Knowles, John Evans

Knowles, Kristopher see Organ donations/transplants

Knowles, Hon. Stanley see Winnipeg Centre constituency

Kodak Canada Inc.

Komarnicki, Ed (CPC--Souris--Moose Mountain)

Konowal, Philip see Victoria Cross

Korea see North Korea

Korean students see Immigration/immigrants

Korean War

Kotto, Maka (BQ--Saint-Lambert)

Kramp, Daryl (CPC--Prince Edward--Hastings)

Krantz, Gordon see Milton ON--Mayor

Krentz, Hugh A. see Standards Council of Canada

Kroeger College Award see Vandezande, Gerald

Ku Klux Klan see Discrimination and racism--Volpe

Kuniliusic, Peter see Arctic--Sovereignty

Kwicksutaineuk First Nation

Kwikwetlem First Nations lands

Kyoto Protocol see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming); Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties--Newfoundland and Labrador (Hibernia offshore project) and Nova Scotia

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