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MDS Nordion see Nuclear reactors--Construction

Meadowridge Rotary Club see Methamphetamine/crystal meth

Meaford, ON see Canadian Forces--Chemical weapons/agents, Agent Orange

Measner, Adrian see Canadian Wheat Board


Meat packing industry see Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee (3rd Session, 37th Parliament); Blue Mountain Packers; Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE); Slaughterhouses (abattoirs)

Meat products see Food safety--Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)

Médaille de l'Assemblée nationale du Québec see Cercle des artistes peintres et sculpteurs du Québec

Medak pocket see Croatia

Medals see Awards, decorations, medals

Médecins du Monde Canada


Medical aid see Afghanistan--Health Partners International of Canada medical aid shipment

Medical and diagnostic clinics/equipment

Medical Equipment Fund

Medical Expense Tax Credit

Medical health professionals see Doctors/physicians; Emergency response workers; Health care providers; Nurses

Medical insurance see Health care--Private medical insurance

Medical records see Health care--Patient records

Medical research

Medical schools see Northern Ontario School of Medicine

Medical technology

Medicine Hat, AB see Canadian Idol

Meduxnekeag Nature Preserve (New Brunswick)

Mégantic--Compton--Stanstead constituency see Gérin

Megatrials see Courts

MEK see Mujahedin-E-Khalq (MEK)(terrorist group)

Melanie and Keith II see Search and rescue

Melbourne, QC see Usinatech Inc.

Melet Plastics Inc.

Melina and Keith II see Fisheries and Oceans Department--Hospitality and travel expenditures

Member of Parliament for a Day contest

Members of the House of Commons Recall Act (Bill C-383)--Poilievre

Members of Parliament

Memorial Chamber see Canadian Forces--Peacekeeping role, Deaths

Memorial Cross

Memorials see War memorials

Memorial Cross Act (Bill C-266)--Stoffer

Memorial Cup see Hockey

Memorial sites see Verterans--Overseas memorial sites

Memory Project see Veterans

Ménard, Odette

Ménard, Réal (BQ--Hochelaga)

Ménard, Serge (BQ--Marc-Aurèle-Fortin)

Mennonites see Vietnam--Canadian Mennonite workers

Mens rea see Traffic accidents--Failure to stop at scene

Mentally disabled persons see Veterans

Mental disorder see Criminals/offenders

Mental health

Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental health community see Affirmative Industries

Mental illness

Mental Illness Awareness Week

Menzies, Ted (CPC--Macleod)

Mer et Monde

Mercador awards see Exports

Merchant Navy see World War II

Mercure award see Marcel Baril Ltée

Meritorious Service Cross

Merrifield, Rob (CPC--Yellowhead)

Merritt, BC see Sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Caza, David James

Methamphetamine/crystal meth

Methane see Municipal waste--Landfill sites

Methyl bromide see Pesticides


Métis Nation of Saskatchewan

Metropolitan Community Church

Métrostar Gala

Mexican agricultural workers see Employment insurance

Mexican family see Immigration/immigrants


Mexico-Canada interparliamentary meeting see Interparliamentary delegations

Meyers, Nickolaus

Mi, Tao see China--Human rights violations

Mi'kmaq see Lobster fishery

Michael Wallace community playground

Michaud, Ann-Véronique see Speed skating

Michigan see Border, Canadian--Windsor, ON crossing

Microfinance initiatives see Developing countries

Microsoft Canada Co. see Blindness/visual impairment--Print

Middle East see Entraide Bois-de-Boulogne

Middle East conflict

Middle income Canadians see Tax reductions--Low and middle income Canadians

MIFO see Orleans Francophone Involvement Movement (MIFO)

Mignacca, Tony see Liberal Party--Corruption

Migratory birds

Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (amdt.)(Bill C-15)--Minister of the Environment (Dion)

Milfoil see Asian milfoil

Military Cross see Hollyer, LCol Edgar

Military equipment

Military justice system see Canadian Armed Forces

Military Police Complaint Commission


Mill, John Stuart see Marriage--Same-sex couples

Millennium Bureau of Canada

Millennium Partnership Program see Canada Millennim Partnership Program

Millennium Scholarships

Miller, Daron see Entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship--Youth Entrepreneurship Award

Miller, Dougald

Miller, Larry (CPC--Bruce--Grey--Owen Sound)

Milliken, Hon. Peter (Lib.--Kingston and the Islands; Speaker)

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