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Nadeau, B. Fernand

Nadel, Peter and Dan see Grammy Awards

Nafaa, Ahmed and Mohamed see Refugees--Palestinians, Brothers

NAFTA see North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Nagano, Japan see Special Olympics

Naglingniq, Jennifer see Murder

Nairobi, Kenya see Land mines (anti-personnel mines)--Mine Free World Summit

Naivasha agreement see Sudan

Nanaimo, BC

Nanaimo--Cowichan constituency

Nantel, Ernest see Volunteers

Nanticoke power plant see Coal-fired thermal electric power

Nanton, AB see War memorials--World War II Bomber Command monument

Napanee, ON see Canadian National Railway Company (CNR)

Nappan Experimental Farm

NASA see United States space program

Nash, Steve see Basketball

National Aboriginal Day

National Advisory Committee on SARS and Public Health (Naylor)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration see NASA

National Anthem

National anti-smoking prevention campaigns see Smoking

National Appreciation Day

National Appreciation Day Act (Bill C-439)--Kramp

National Arts Centre

National Arts Centre Orchestra

National apprenticeship program see Skilled trades and technology workforce

National Awards for Tourism Excellence see Rodd Hotels and Resorts

National Basketball Association (NBA) see Basketball--Nash, Steve

National Capital Act (amdt.--Gatineau Park)(Bill C-444)--Broadbent

National Capital Commission (NCC)

National Capital Region see Highways and roads; Public Service--Employees

National Child Benefit

National Child Day

National Child Exploitation Coordination Centre see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation

National Crime Prevention Centre

National crime prevention strategy see Crime prevention

National Day Against Homophobia

National Day of Mourning see Workplace fatalities

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

National debt

National Defence Act see Criminal Code, DNA Identification Act and National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-13); DNA identification/evidence--National DNA databank

National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee

National Defence Department

National Defence Department and Canadian Forces Ombudsman

National diabetes strategy see Diabetes

National DNA databank see DNA identification/evidence

National drug strategy see Drug and substance abuse

National emergency measures protocol see Peterborough, ON--Floods

National emergency respose system see Emergencies/disasters

National Engery Plan 2 (NEP2) see Oil and gas industry--Alberta tar sands

National energy science and technology strategy (proposed)

National Flag Day

National Forest Week

National Hockey League see Demers, Jacques

National historic sites see Historic/heritage buildings, sites and monuments

National Gallery of Canada

National Hockey League (NHL)

National home care program see Home care

National Housing Day see Housing--Affordable

National interest

National League for Democracy see Myanmar (Burma)--Aung San Suu Kyi

National Literacy Secretariat see Literacy

National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States)

National Nursing Week

National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week see Organ donations/transplants

National Ovarian Cancer Month Act (Bill C-358)--Skelton

National parks

"National PEP Your Workplace Week" see Labour relations

National pharmaceutical/pharmacare strategy see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Affordable

National Pollutant Release Inventory see Pollution

National prostate strategy see Prostate cancer

National Public Service Week

National Research Council of Canada

National Risk Assessment Centre see Border, Canadian--Canada Border Services Agency

National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

National securities commission see Securities industry

National security

National seniors secretariat see Senior citizens

National standards see Child care

National Teachers Week

National unity

National Veterans Funeral Honours Act (Bill C-262)--Gallant

National Volunteer Week

National Weapons Enforcement Support Team see Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Transfer

National Wildlife Federation see National Wildlife Week

National Wildlife Week

National Women's Centre Day

Nationhood see Canadian Forces--Historical role; Quebec

Native Brotherhood of B.C see Fisheries--Salmon, Pacific

Native Women's Association of Canada see Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable--Initiatives; Violence against women--Aboriginal women

NATO see North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Natuashish, NL see DAvis Inlet--Innu community

Natural health products

Natural law see Marriage--Same-sex couples

Natural resources

Natural resources industries

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

Nature Conservancy Canada see Sutton Mountains

Nautical charts see Marine transportation--Electronic nautical charts

Nautical Data International (NDI) see Marine transportation--Electronic nautical charts

NAV Canada

Navigating the Waters see Disabled and handicapped persons--Canadian Association of Independent Living Centres

Navigational aids see Canadian Coast Guard

Navy Appreciation Day

Naylor, Dr. David see National Advisory Committee on SARS and Public Health (Naylor)

Naylor Report see National Advisory Committee on SARS and Public Health (Naylor)

Nazism see Lalanne Dr. Ile

NBA see National Basketball Association (NBA)

NB Power

NCC see National Capital Commission (NCC)

NDI see Nautical Data International (NDI)

Necessities of life see Children

Nechako River Bridge see Highways and roads--British Columbia, Prince George, BC

Needle Aid Ltd. see Medical technology

Needle exchange program see Penitentiary inmates

Neighbour to Neighbour Centre (Hamilton, ON) see Job Finding Club

Nelis Dupont, Monika see Montreal Children's Hospital

Nelson, Sharon

Nelson, Chief Terrence see Anti-semitism--Ahenakew

Nelson Mandela Children's Fund

NEPAD see New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD)

Nepean, ON see National Defence Department--Office building consolidation

Nepean--Carleton constituency

Nestlé Canada Inc.

Netherlands see Euthanasia; World War II

Neustadt ON

Nevada see International Police & Fire Games, 2004, Nevada

Neville, Anita (Lib.--Winnipeg South Centre)

New Brunswick see particular subjects

New Brunswick Economic Council see Les Jardins Inn

New Brunswick Potato Museum and Learning Centre

New Brunswick trail see Sentier Péninsule

New Canadian Program see Immigration/immigrants--Settlement and integration services

New Deal for Canada's Cities and Communities see Municipalities

New Democratic Party

New England Journal of Medecine see Trans fats (trans fatty acids)

New Glasgow Fire Department see Dingwall, Huntley

New Homes Month

New Horizons program see Senior citizens

New media industry

New Mexico see Aircraft/aerospace industry--Government policy

New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) see Africa

New Westminster, BC see Rail transportation/railways

New Westminster--Coquitlam constituency

New York Fries see Trans fats (trans fatty acids)

New Zealand see House of Commons proceedings--Adjournment proceedings

Newcastle disease

Newcombe, Dr. Hanna see Peace Research Institute

Newfoundland and Labrador

Newfoundland Regiment see World War I--Battle of the Somme

Newman, Cpl Richard see Afghanistan--Canadian Forces role

Newmarket--Aurora constituency

Newspaper Awards see Ontario Newspaper Awards

Newspapers see Brabant newspapers; Dartmouth North Echo; La seigneurie; New York Daily News; terre de chez now, La

Newton--North Delta constituency

New York, NY see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

New York Daily News see Gagliano, Hon. Alfonso

NEXUS program see Border, Canadian--Canada-United States co-operation

NFL Global Junior Championship IX see Football

NGOs see Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)

NHL see National Hockey League (NHL)

Niagara escarpment

Niagara Falls, ON see Border, Canadian

Niagara Folk Arts Festival

Niagara-on-the-Lake ON see Scouts--World Scout Jamboree

Niagara region, ON see Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC); Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)

Niagara Regional Police Service see Border, Canadian--Security concerns

Nicholson, Hon. Rob (CPC--Niagara Falls)

Nickel Belt constituency


Night lighting

Nisga'a Final Agreement

Nisga'a First Nation see Robinson, Rod

Nishnawbe-Aski Nation see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Government measures, Assistance programs

NMD see National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States)

No Faster Way see Refugees--Family reunification

No fly list see Air transportation security

Nobel Peace Prize

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Generic medications, Developing countries; Foreign Affairs and International HIV/AIDS--Asia; Trade Department--Reorganization; Foreign aid

Non-Insured Health Benefits see Aboriginal health care--Drugs and pharmaceuticals

Non-Medical Use of Drugs Special Committee see Marijuana--Decriminalization

Non-Resident Firearm Declaration Forms see Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)

Non-votable items see House of Commons proceedings--Private Members' Business

NORAD see North American Aerospace Command (NORAD)

Noranda Inc.

Norman Bethune Co-op see Housing--Co-operative housing, Burnaby--Douglas constituency

Norman Patterson School of International Affairs see Carleton University

Normandy, Battle of see World War II--D-Day


Norquary, Geoff see Martin, Right Hon. Paul--References, Comparison

Nortel Networks Limited see Corporations--Government grants

North American Aerospace Command (NORAD)

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