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O Canada see National Anthem

Oak Ridges Moraine

OAS see Old Age Security (OAS)

Oath of allegiance see Members of Parliament; Parliament of Canada Act (amdt--oath or solemn affirmation)(Bill C-335)

Oaths see Courts--Testimony of witnesses

Oaths of Office (Pro Forma)(Bill C-1)--Prime Minister (Paul Martin)


Obhrai, Deepak (CPC--Calgary East)

O'Brien, Audrey Elizabeth (Clerk of the House of Commons)

O'Brien, Lawrence (Lib.--Labrador; deceased Dec. 16, 2004)

O'Brien, Pat (Lib.--London--Fanshawe; Ind.--London--Fanshawe effective June 6, 2005)

Occupational health and safety

Occupational Health and Safety Week

O'Connor, Justice Dennis see Arar, Maher

O'Connor, Gordon (CPC--Carleton--Mississippi Mills)

O'Connor, Patrick see Income tax

Ocean Pier Inc. see Enterprise South East

Ocean Ranger see Oil and gas exploration


Oceans Act see Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3)

Oceans Action Plan

O'Donovan, Val

Oda, Bev (CPC--Durham)

l'Odyssée primary school

Odoevsk see Fisheries--Atlantic, Grand Banks

OECD see Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Office of Infrastructure of Canada

Officers of Parliament

Offenders see Criminals/offenders

Office of the Science Advisor see Science and Technology

Official Languages Act

Official Languages Act (amdt.--promotion of English and French)(Bill S-3)--Boudria

Official Languages Action Plan see Official languages policy (bilingualism)

Official Languages Commissioner see Commissioner of Official Languages; Official Languages Act--Strengthening;; Official languages policy (bilingualism)--Official Languages Action Plan

Official Languages in Education Program see Education

Official languages policy (bilingualism)

Official Languages Standing Committee

Offshore oil and gas projects see Nova Scotia--Economic and employment growth

Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties

Ogema, SK

Ogilvy Renault law firm see Sponsorship program, Gomery Inquiry Commission

O'Hara, Linna see Volunteers

Ohsweken, ON see Child care--Stneridge Children's Centre

Oikiqtani Inuit Association

Oil and gas exploration

Oil and gas industry

Oil and gas pipelines see Mackenzie Valley pipeline

Oil and gas products

Oil and gas revenues

Oil and oil products

Oil for food program see Iraq

Oil sands see Employment--Foreign workers; Energy--Infrastructure; Oil and gas industry--Alberta oil sands

Oil spills

Oil tankers see Marine transportation

Okanagan--Shushwap constituency see Stinson--References

Oktoberfest, Kitchener-Waterloo ON

Old Age Security (OAS)

Old Age Security (amdt.--monthly guaranteed income supplement)(Bill C-301)--Gagnons, M.

Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc.

Older Adult Justice Act (Bill C-348)--St. Amand

Older workers

O'Leary, Terrie see Government contracts--Earnscliffe

Oleic canola see Trans fats (trans fatty acids)

Oliver, Cecil

Olivier Soapery

Olsen, Mackenzie.

Olympics see Canadian Olympic Committee; Special Olympics; Sports--Amateur athletes

Olympics and Paralympics 2004 Summer Games (Athens, Greece)

Olympics and Paralympics 2010 Winter Games (Vancouver-Whistler, Canada)


OMB see United States--Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

Ombudsman for Older Adult Justice

Ombudsmen see Credit ombudsman; First Nations/Indians; National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman; Ombudsman for Older Adult Justice; Victims of crime

Omischl, Steve see Skiing

Omnibus command and control project see Canadian Forces

O'Neil, Juliet, see Arar, Maher--United States arrest and deportation of Canadian citizen to Syria

O'Neil, Tim see Budgect surplus--Projections

One tonne challenge see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing

"One tonne gum challenge" see Royal Canadian Mint--Dingwall, Resignation, severance


Ontario corporate income tax see Corporate income tax

Ontario fishing regulations see Fisheries

Ontario Fishery Regulations, 1989

Ontario health premium/tax see Canadian Forces--Health care; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Health care premium

Ontario gap see Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental)

Ontario Lacrosse Association see Lacrosse

Ontario legislature see Members of Parliament

Ontario Newspaper Awards

Ontario Police Association see Justice system

Ontario Pork Congress

Ontario Special Olympic Provincial Winter Games

Ontario Special Services at Home (SSAH) program see Disabled and handicapped persons--Adults

Open Doors, 2005, Ontario

Open Government Act see Access to Information Act--Amending

Open net fish farms see Fisheries--Salmon, Pacific

Open skies agreement see Air transportation--Canada-United States open skies agreement

Opening of Parliament see Parliament--38th Parl., 1st Sess.

Operation Athena see Canadian Forces--Foreign operations, High risk missions

Operation Blue Star see India

Operation Rudolph see Afghanistan--Canadian Forces role

Operation Triple Play see Terrorism--Combatting

Oppel, Kenneth see Governor General's Literary Awards

Opposition days see Supply days

Option Canada see Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--No campaign

Orangeville Farmers` Market

Orangeville, ON see Rotary Club of Orangeville; "Taste of Autumn"

Orchestras see National Arts Centre

Orca whales

Order In Council 1946-3264 see Veterans--Benefits denied to veterans without discharge papers

Order in Council appointments

Order of Canada see Aga Khan; Bosc, Paul Sr.; Hulse, Reverend Canon Robert

Order on Nova Scotia see McNeil, Theresa

Order Paper questions

Orders in Council see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department--Reorganization

Ordre de la Pléiade

Organ donations/transplants

Organisation de Valleyfield pour les personnes atteintes de cancer

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) see Agriculture; Child care--Early childhood education; Economy/economic conditions--Strength, International comparison; Environmental performance

Organization of American States

Organized crime

Orleans, ON see Charitable organizations--St. Vincent de Paul

Orléans Chamber of Commerce

Orléans Francophone Involvement Movement (MIFO)

Ortona, Battle of see World War II--Battle of Ortona

Osbourne, Robert see Auto theft

Oshawa, ON see General Motors of Canada Limited; Ports/harbours

Osoyoos Baptist Church see Marriage--Same-sex couples, Johnson


Ottawa, ON

Ottawa Chamber Music Society see Ottawa Concert Hall

Ottawa Citizen see Arar, Maher--United States arrest and deportation of Canadian citizen to Syria; Official languages policy (bilingualism)

Ottawa Concert Hall

Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre Foundation

Ottawa--Orléans constituency

Ottawa River see Emergencies/disasters-Financial assistance, Disaster Financial Assistance Program (DFAA) role

Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board

Ottawa South constituency see Culter, Alan

Ottawa Talent Initiative

Ottawa West--Nepean constituency see Catterall--References

Ouellet, Hon. André

Ouellette-Lavoie, Francine

Ouellette, Yvon see New Brunswick Potato Museum and Learning Centre

"Our Cultural Sovereignty: The Second Centruy of Broadcasting" see Canadian Heritage Standing Committee--Reports, First

Outaouais Business and Professional Women's Network (RÉFAP)

Outaouais region see Quebec separation/sovereignty

Outers Program

Outfitting industry

Outremont Yard see Ports/harbours--Montreal, QC

Ovarian Cancer

Overfishing see Fisheries--Atlantic

Overfors, Sergeant Roy

Overseas Memorial Sites Student Visits Assistance Act (Bill C-234)--Stoffer

Owen, Hon. Stephen (Lib.--Vancouver Quadra; Minister of Western Economic Diversification and Minister of State (Sport))

Owen Sound, ON

Oxfam Québec

Oxford constituency

Oxygen cannisters see Canadian Forces--Submarines, HMCS Chicoutimi

Oxygène 9 see Hydro Québec--Baril, Gilles

Ozonator see Sanitec Canada

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