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Sponsorship program, Gomery Inquiry Commission, 1507(26:1805), 1689(29:1850), 2912-3(47:1225), 2923-4(47:1350), 3793(62:1015), 4593(74:1740), 5074(82:1050-5), 5444(88:1025-30), 5462-3(88:1225-35), 5941(96:1640-5)

Sponsorship program, Gomery Inquiry Commission, Report

Sport fishery see Fisheries


Sports-Quebec gala

Spousal abuse see Family violence

Spouses see Immigration/immigrants--Family class; Income tax; Public safety officers--Deaths in line of duty, Education benefits

Spring Credit Advance Program see Agriculture--Cash advance programs

Spruce Grove AB

Spruce Falls Power and Paper Company (Kapuskasing, ON)

Spruce longhorn beetle see Forest industry--Nova Scotia

Squamish First Nation see Pacific Environmental Centre

Squirrels see Ground squirrels

Srebrenica massacre see Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan Canadians see Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)--Relief effotrs, Montreal, QC Sri Lankan community

St. Amand, Lloyd (Lib.--Brant)

St. Augustine's High School choir

St. Catharines, ON see Underground Railroad

St. Catharines Museum

St. Clair Business Improvement Association

St. Clare's Catholic School see Russian Federation--Terrorist kidnapping of children in school in Beslan

St. Denis, Brent (Lib.--Algoma--Manitoulin--Kapuskasing)

St-Hilaire, Caroline (BQ--Longueuil--Pierre-Boucher)

St. Jean Baptiste Day

St. John the Evangelist Church, Elora, ON see Hulse, Reverend Canon Robert

St. John`s, NF see Agriculture--Research, Cool Climate Crop Research Centre

St. John's South--Mount Pearl constituency

St. Lawrence River

St. Lawrence Seaway

St. Norbert Heritage Park see Fort Garry Historical Society

St. Peters Bay, PE

St. Theresa Point First Nation see Aboriginal education and training

St. Vincent de Paul organization see Charitable organizations

Stackhouse, Reg see Marriage--Same-sex couples

Stadacona Papers see Papiers Stadacona Ltée

Stalin regime see Soviet Union

Stamps see Postage stamps

Standard of living

Standards see Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network)

Standards Council of Canada

Standing committees see Committees, Parliamentary

Standing Orders

Stanstead, QC see Des outils pour la vie

Star Académe

Star of Courage see Afghanistan--Canadian Forces role

Starr, Michael

State Immunity Act and Criminal Code (amdt.--terrorist activity)(Bill C-367)--Day

State Immunity Act and Criminal Code (amdt.--terrorist activity)(Bill C-394)--Day

Statelesness see Citizenship

Statements by Ministers

Statistics see First Nations/Indians

Statistics Act (amdt.)(Bill S-18)--Minister of Industry (Emerson)

Statistics Canada

Status Indians see First Nations/Indians

Status of Women, Office of the Coordinator

Status of Women Standing Committee

Status of Women Department

Status Report: Financial Analysis Relative to Meat Packing Companies in the context of the BSE Crisis of 2003--Phase I see Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee--Reports, Second

Statutory Instruments Act (amdt.--disallowance procedure for statutory instruments)(Bill C-205) (2nd Session, 37th Parliament) see Regulations--Review/disallowance, C-205 (Grewal)

Statutory release see Penitentiary inmates

Staying Alive Inc. see Fire safety

Stays of proceedings see Criminals/offenders--Mental disorder

Ste. Anne's Hospital see Hospitals--Montreal, QC

Steckle, Paul (Lib.--Huron--Bruce)

Steel industry

Stelco see Steel industry--union

Stem cell research

Stephenson, Ann see Marriage--Same-sex couples, Electronic petition

Stephenville, NF

Stewart, CWO Frederick Scott see Bosnia and Herzegovena--Canadian Forces role

Stewart Martha see Visitors to Canada--Visas

Stewiacke, NS see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Stiles, Todd see Bravery--Frahani, Kevin

Stinson, Darrel (CPC--Okanagan--Shuswap)

Stock fraud see Bre-X Minerals Ltd.

Stoffer, Peter (NDP--Sackville--Eastern Shore)

Stoneridge Children's Centre see Child care

Stoning see Nigeria--Adultery

Stony Mountain Institution (penitentiary)

"Stop Bullying Today" see Bullying

Stopford, WO Matthew see Canadian Forces

Storeshaw, Mike see Conservative Party of Canada--Hill staffers

Stormont--Dundas--South Glengarry constituency

Stormont--Dundas--South Glengarry Sud constituency see Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Bill C-429)

Strahl, Chuck (CPC--Chilliwack--Fraser Canyon; Deputy Speaker and Chair of Committees of the Whole)

Stratford Festival see Patterson, Tom

Stratton, Ont. see Kay-Nah-Chi-Wah-Nung Historical Centre

Street racing

Streit, Marlene Stewart see Golf


Strikebreakers see Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts

Strikes see Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts

Strippers see Exotic dancers/strippers

Stronach, Hon. Belinda (CPC--Newmarket--Aurora;Lib.--Newmarket--Aurora effective May 17, 2005; Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development and Minister responsible for Democratic Renewal effective May 17, 2005)

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