Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

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april 2005

On April 1, 2005, the Canadian Coast Guard became a Special Operating Agency within Fisheries and Oceans Canada. This makes the Coast Guard the largest Special Operating Agency in Canada.

The transition to a Special Operating Agency means that the Canadian Coast Guard will be able to focus on what it does best – provide essential and valuable services to mariners in Canadian waters.

The SOA status will allow the Coast Guard to seek more authority and flexibility to be more business-like and to deliver services more effectively to its clients. In addition, it will allow for greater control of its financial resources.

The transition will also position the CCG to respond to its enhanced role under Canada’s national security agenda, while improving traditional services through continuous renewal.

By making the Coast Guard an SOA, the Government of Canada has acknowledged the importance and unique status of the Coast Guard. At the same time, it has affirmed that the Coast Guard, as an integral part of the delivery of the DFO program, will remain within DFO. The Coast Guard makes up almost a half of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and plays a number of roles in the department’s mandate – from scientific research, to conservation and protection to helping ensure maritime security. That important role within DFO will continue.

The implementation of the SOA will not begin and end on April 1st. The changes associated with this initiative will continue over many years and the end result will be a stronger Canadian Coast Guard.

On December 12th, 2003, Prime Minister Martin announced changes to the structure of the Government of Canada. One of those changes was to create the Canadian Coast Guard as a Special Operating Agency (SOA) within Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). The design and operation of the CCG as an SOA was approved by Treasury Board on March 21, 2005, effective April 1, 2005.

The Government made the Canadian Coast Guard an SOA as part of its ongoing priority to ensure high quality, efficient and effective service to the public. Special operating agencies are one of the means of delivering government services with sensitivity to client requirements. In addition, they provide service delivery organizations with increased management flexibility.

SOAs are not independent legal entities and no legislation is required for their establishment. Employees of SOAs remain public servants.


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    Last updated : 2005-04-01

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