Alberta Chamber of Resources

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About ACR
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Aboriginal Project
Oil Sands Tech. Roadmap


The Alberta Chamber of Resources continues to expand the collaborative efforts within Alberta’s resource industries. ACR’s hallmark is to offer solutions and seek balance to ensure the orderly development of Canadian resources. This is the theme for the Chamber’s future—to stand up and represent the voice of our members in a powerful and credible way.

View John Zahary's "President's Message" to see just how far we have come and where we are heading.





Our Mission

"The orderly and responsible development of Alberta’s natural resources."

Contact Information

(780) 420-1030
(780) 425-4623
Postal address
1940 Manulife Place
10180-101 Street
Edmonton, Alberta 
Canada   T5J 3S4
Electronic mail

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this web site. Copyright © 2003 Alberta Chamber of Resources
Last modified: December 22, 2005