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Canada's Student Participation Program

Invitation letter for Canadian student participation

Dear Canadian Student,

Canada's Student Participation Program at the International Astronautical Congress is an annual initiative that started in 2004.

The Congress is an excellent meeting point for all space experts, providing students the opportunity to create many valuable contacts with professionals and like-minded students, both from within Canada and from the entire world. Throughout the Congress, the students have the chance to interact with professionals, learn from their expertise and listen to their views on the future of space. The students are incorporated into the congress, bringing an appreciated element of youthful insight and energy into workshop and plenary sessions.

The Congress primarily attracts students majoring in space-related studies. However, past years have involved a large segment of students who are not studying core space topics but subjects in related fields (e.g. engineering, law, medicine, etc.). For many students this is an opportunity that produces a strong motivation towards their studies and future career path.

The 2006 congress of the IAF will be held October 2 to 7 in Valencia, Spain. There will be several opportunities for an entire new group of students to learn about the future of space at the IAF Congress. Again for this year's student program, students who have already participated in the previous IAF congresses are invited.

Reflecting the Canadian Space Agency's commitment to encouraging the development of the next generation of space professionals, students of all university levels are invited to propose a paper. Abstracts will be judged by a committee of Agency experts, prior to being forwarded for consideration by the IAF technical Committee. Abstracts selected for either oral or poster presentation at IAC 2006, will be considered for subsidy funding from the Canadian Space Agency on a priority basis.

It is a great pleasure to invite you on behalf of the Canadian Space Agency and the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), to the 57th IAF Congress, with the theme "Bringing Space Closer to People."

The registration and terms of participation are explained in the accompanying Web pages.

We hope to see many of you in Valencia in October!

General Program Information

IAC 2006 LOGO Do you seek a unique and challenging learning experience? Are you ready to present your space-related research to members of the space community? If your answer is yes to either of these two questions, the 57th International Astronautical Federation (IAF) Congress in Valencia, Spain is the place to be!

Every year the CSA subsidizes Canadian university student attendance and organizes a student program in collaboration with other space agencies from around the world as part of the annual congress of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). In 2006 the IAF Congress will be held in Valencia, Spain. The IAF Congress is where leading members of industry and organizations concerned with all aspects of space meet.

The students who attend the Congress participate in the numerous technical sessions and networking events, interact with top space professionals and meet like-minded students from around the world. On top of all this, students are given the chance to present their own research to the space community. If you are a Canadian student, have a keen interest in space, and would like to take part in this year's Congress, then now is the time to start preparing your application. The deadline to submit your application is February 17, 2006 and CSA subsidies are limited to 20 students. So send your completed application in as soon as possible!

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Who will the CSA subsidize?

The CSA will subsidize up to 20 Canadian students, providing funding to help defray a portion of travel costs to Valencia, congress registration fees, meals and accommodations. Any costs incurred beyond the amount of the subsidy are the responsibility of the student.

If you have any questions, please have a look at the FAQ. If you still have questions, don't hesitate to contact us at

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Terms of Participation

Term 1.

The Student Participation Program application consists of two elements:

  1. A completed subsidy application form submitted by mail, which includes:
    • Proof that you are a current student
    • Proof that you are a Canadian citizen
  2. The submission of an abstract of your scientific/technical project/paper endorsed by a professor/teacher.

To write an abstract, please follow the Instructions for Authors (PDF document)

Term 2.

Canadian Citizens who are current undergraduate or graduate students are eligible to apply.

Please note that due to limited funding, priority for being approved for a subsidy will be awarded in the following order:

  1. Students selected for oral presentations who have NOT attended an IAC prior to 2006
  2. Students selected for oral presentations who have attended an IAC in the past
  3. Students selected for poster presentations who have NOT attended an IAC prior to 2006
  4. Students selected for poster presentations who have attended an IAC in the past
  5. Students not selected for either oral or poster presentations who have NOT attended an IAC in the past

Term 3.

Applications processed:

  • Only fully completed subsidy applications with all relevant documentation will be processed,

  • Subsidy applications must be completed using the downloadable form and must be submitted by mail to:

    IAC 2006Space Awareness and Learning Program
    Canadian Space Agency
    6767 Route de l'Aéroport
    Saint-Hubert, Quebec J3Y 8Y9

  • Decisions by the CSA Student Participation Program Committee with regard to applications are final.

Term 4.

You must be enrolled as a current university/college student at the time of the congress.

Term 5.

Benefits under the CSA Student Participation Program include:

  • Subsidy to be used to cover travel, registration, meals and accommodations.
  • Full participation in the international student program as well as in Canadian-specific events held during the congress.

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Step-by-Step Application Procedure

Step 1. - Student Application

  1. Download and complete the subsidy (PDF document) application form. Send the completed application form, with proof of your student status, Canadian citizenship and your abstract (if applicable) to:

    IAC 2006Space Awareness and Learning Program
    Canadian Space Agency
    6767 Route de l'Aéroport
    Saint-Hubert, Quebec J3Y 8Y9

    Note that the application deadline to the CSA participation program is February 17, 2006, even though the deadline for IAC submission is March 10. This is to provide time for the CSA pre-selection.

    Check IAC deadlines

  2. Around the end of February, a list of short-listed students who have passed the CSA evaluation committee for abstract and subsidy review will be contacted by e-mail. All students are permitted to upload their abstracts to the IAF website, however only these students will be offered subsidies contingent on their abstract being accepted for oral or poster presentation. These students will have to upload their abstract themselves onto the IAC website. The CSA will forward recommendations to the IAF selection board, however please note that CSA recommendations are not guarantees of selection. All selections are at the discretion of the IAF.

  3. By the end of March, the selected participation to the congress will be known.

Step 2. - Travel Precautions

  1. Insurance: We advise you to check if you are adequately insured for traveling abroad and participating in this program. The CSA does not provide insurance.
  2. Passport or visa requirements: Please check that you have the required entry documents (passport, or visa) to go to Valencia, and that they are valid based on the entry requirements to Europe.

    If you have any questions, please have a look at the FAQ. If you still have questions, don't hesitate to contact us at

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Useful Guidelines for Preparing Your Abstract

To prepare an abstract suitable for both the CSA Student Participation Program and for presentation in the IAC Technical Sessions, the following guidelines can be used.


Abstracts must be between one-half and one full page in length approximately 300 to 400 words.

Abstracts must be written in English.

Do not include formulas, tables, or drawings in your abstract.

Mandatory information to include on the abstract form:

Recommendations for better selection:

Your abstract content should be:

Your abstract body can be:

  • results-oriented, lessons learned
  • applicable knowledge, describing a technique, or sharing knowledge

Selecting the symposium and session for your abstract:

As part of the application procedure the abstract must be submitted in one of the IAC 2006 Technical Sessions. When submitting the abstract via the online application, a symposium and session must be selected. This way, the abstract can be sorted into the correct category for review. Important Note - If your paper fits a symposium but none of the sessions listed, fill in "tbd" for the session name on the abstract form.

If you have any questions, please read the FAQ. If questions remain, please contact

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57th IAC Congress Technical Program

Summary of IAC Sessions

The 57th International Astronautical Congress' technical program includes the following symposia and sessions.

How to choose the session to apply?

Students can apply for two categories of sessions:

Any technical session as a regular participant. Your abstract will then be in competition with ones from professionals in the field from all over the world. If selected this will be an opportunity to present to experts in your domain and to get technical feedback

Session E2. 36th Student Conference
Presentation of space-related papers by undergraduate and graduate students who participate in an international student competition. This session is open only to students; there is no technical topic and it is a competition between the various presenters.

How to write your abstract?

For advice on how to write your abstract (and later your paper or poster), please read the Instructions for Authors (PDF document) on the official IAC 2006 website.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the deadline for the application to the CSA Student Participation Program for IAC 2006 Valencia?

The deadline to complete and submit your application is February 17, 2006.

Who can participate in the CSA Student Participation Program to IAC 2006 in Valencia?

The program is open for all University students who are Canadian citizens.

When does the Congress take place?

The 57th IAC Congress will take place October 2 to 7, 2006.

When do I have to arrive?

You should arrive in Valencia, Spain, sometime on September 30 and depart on October 7.

Where does the Congress take place?

The 57th IAC Congress will take place at the Valencia International Congress Center, Valencia, Spain.

Where do I find information about the technical sessions (conferences) during the congress?

Please visit the Official IAC2006 website for more information and IAC Technical Sessions.

What about transportation?

You must arrange your own transportation to and from, as well as in and around, Valencia.

Where will I stay? What about food and who pays for it?

A special group rate for hotels will be secured in collaboration with the European Space Agency. Accommodations will be situated close to the congress and the centre of town. However students are responsible for paying for accommodations and meals during their stay in Valencia. Students who do not confirmed their request to be included in the group-rate accommodations by the pre-determined deadline must secure accommodations on their own.

Do I need any kind of insurance to go to Valencia?

Yes, you need medical and third party liability insurance. It is your responsibility to take out this insurance. The CSA cannot provide any financial help for insurance.

How are the students selected?

The CSA Student Participation Program Committee will select students

  • among the fully complete applications
  • based on the variety of themes of the personal works
  • and based on the quality of the abstract

Please note that due to limited funding, priority for being approved for a subsidy will be awarded in the following order:

  1. Students selected for oral presentations who have NOT attended an IAC prior to 2006
  2. Students selected for oral presentations who have attended an IAC in the past
  3. Students selected for poster presentations who have NOT attended an IAC prior to 2006
  4. Students selected for poster presentations who have attended an IAC in the past
  5. Students not selected for either oral or poster presentations who have NOT attended an IAC in the past

Decisions by the CSA Student Participation Program Committee are final.

When and how will I know whether I have been selected?

As soon as the CSA's preliminary evaluation is complete by the end of February 2006, all applicants who have satisfied the CSA's evaluation committee criteria will be contacted by e-mail. These students will have been pre-authorized for subsidy funding contingent on their abstract being accepted for oral or poster presentation by the IAF. The definitive list of CSA subsidized students will be posted at the beginning of April, after the IAF selection and a second round of CSA selection.

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Updated: 2006/01/16 Important Notices