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About the Government of Canada Web siteYou are leaving the Canadian Ice Service Web Site.  Please be advised that rules and regulations governing Government of Canada Web sites, including official language requirements do not apply beyond this point.
    About EC
    About CIS
        Our Mission
        Our Business
        Our Resources
Ice Conditions
My Products

    Product Search
    Product List
    Display Options
Ice Codes
    Egg Code
        Code Background
        How it Works
        How it is Organized
        Conditions/ Factors
        Ice Symbols
        Egg Code Tables
        Egg Code Examples
        Gulf of St. Lawrence
        St. Lawrence River
        East Coast
        Great Lakes
        Arctic 2
    CIS Colour Code
    WMO Colour Codes
        Sea Ice
        Lake Ice
        Table of Contents
        List of Figures
        List of Tables
        List of Photos
    Chapter 1
        Floating Ice
        Stages of Developement of Sea Ice
        Stages of Development of Lake Ice
        River Ice
        Ice of Land Origin
        Forms of Ice
        Arrangement of the Ice
        Ice Surface Features
        Stages of Melting
        Terms related to navigation
    Chapter 2
        Aerial Ice Observation
        Shipboard Ice Observation
        Iceberg Observations
        Shore Station Ice Observation
        Ice Thickness Observations
    Chapter 3
        Preparation of Ice Charts
        Dissemination of Aerial Ice Charts
        Dissemination of Shipboard Ice Charts
        The Egg Code
        Symbols Used on Ice Charts
        Supplementary Procedures for Indicating
        Colour Coding Ice Charts
        Examples of the Use of the Egg Code
    Chapter 4
        Iceberg Coding and Message Preparation
        Iceberg Coding Tables
        Notes on Iceberg Coding Procedures
        Examples of Iceberg Coded Report
    Chapter 5
        Daily Ice Analysis Charts
        Regional Ice Charts
        Image Analysis Charts
        Examples of the Use of the Egg Code
    Chapter 6
        Shore Ice Report Format
        Dissemination of Reports
        Example Of Shore Ice Report
    Chapter 7
        Weekly Ice Thickness Reports
        Ice Thickness Monthly Report
        Examples of Ice Thickness Reports
    Ice Terminology
    Sea Ice (HTML)
    Sea Ice (PDF)
    Lake Ice (HTML)
    Lake Ice (PDF)
    Icebergs (PDF)
    Ice Pilot (PDF)
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Ice Archive
    On-line Charts
        About Data
    Ice Thickness
    Contact Us
    Regional Medians
    Seasonal Summary
    Annual Arctic Ice Atlas
        Regional Ice Analysis
        Regional Mosaics
        Previous Years
        Order Atlas
    Climatic Ice Atlas - Northern Waters
        Support Maps
        Support Text
        Order Atlas
    Climatic Ice Atlas - East Coast
        Support Maps
        Support Text
        Order Atlas
    Climatic Ice Atlas - Great Lakes
        Support Maps
        Support Text
        Order Atlas
    Atlas of Canada
    Contact Us
Education Corner
    Sea Ice Cycle
    Ice Dynamics
    Ice Strength
    Types and Forms
    Canadian Waters
        Where do we find sea ice?
        Navigating through ice
        Sea Ice Cycle
        Stages of Development
        Forms of Ice
        Stages of Melting
        Surface Features
        Water Convection
        Air Convection
        Wave Erosion
    Sea Ice (PDF)
    Sea Ice (HTML)
    Lake Ice (PDF)
    Lake Ice (HTML)
    Icebergs (PDF)
Ice Services
    Web Services
        Floe Edge
        User Profile
    Products Available
    Service Plus
    Special Products
        Ice Links
        Marine Links
        Ice Safety
    Ice Models
        Sea Ice Models
        Iceberg Models
        Ice and Icebergs
        Polar Bear
        Satellite and RADAR

Site Index for Guest

Canadain Ice Service - Thin First-year Ice, First Stage
Canadian Ice Service - 30 Year Median of Ice Concentration
Canadian Ice Service - About CIS
Canadian Ice Service - About Data
Canadian Ice Service - About Environment Canada
Canadian Ice Service - About On-line Archive Data
Canadian Ice Service - Amundsen Weather Forecast
Canadian Ice Service - Annual Arctic Ice Atlas
Canadian Ice Service - Annual Arctic Ice Atlas
Canadian Ice Service - Annual Arctic Ice Atlas
Canadian Ice Service - Annual Arctic Ice Atlas
Canadian Ice Service - Annual Arctic Ice Atlas
Canadian Ice Service - Annual Arctic Ice Atlas
Canadian Ice Service - Annual Arctic Ice Atlas
Canadian Ice Service - Annual Arctic Ice Atlas
Canadian Ice Service - Archive Data - On-line Data
Canadian Ice Service - Archive Questions
Canadian Ice Service - Arctic Egg Code Example
Canadian Ice Service - Arctic Egg Code Example 2
Canadian Ice Service - Area of Interest
Canadian Ice Service - Arrangement
Canadian Ice Service - Atlas of Canada
Canadian Ice Service - Basic Access - Bulletins
Canadian Ice Service - Basic Access - Charts
Canadian Ice Service - Big Floe
Canadian Ice Service - CIS Colour Code
Canadian Ice Service - CIS Colour Legend
Canadian Ice Service - Charts Available
Canadian Ice Service - Climate Overview
Canadian Ice Service - Climatic Atlas
Canadian Ice Service - Climatic Ice Atlas Northern Canadien Waters 1971-2000
Canadian Ice Service - Climatology
Canadian Ice Service - Climatology Overview
Canadian Ice Service - Climatology Products
Canadian Ice Service - Climatology Publications
Canadian Ice Service - Climatology Questions?
Canadian Ice Service - Climatology Terminology
Canadian Ice Service - Collections - Ice Thickness
Canadian Ice Service - Collections - New Arctic Program Stations (Fall 2002)
Canadian Ice Service - Collections - Original Program Stations
Canadian Ice Service - Conditions / Factors affecting the Egg Code
Canadian Ice Service - Consultation
Canadian Ice Service - Contact Us
Canadian Ice Service - Contact Us
Canadian Ice Service - Contact the Ice Archives
Canadian Ice Service - Custom Service
Canadian Ice Service - Daily Ice Chart Extents
Canadian Ice Service - Daily Ice Hazard Bulletin Sample
Canadian Ice Service - Daily Ice Hazard Bulletin Sample
Canadian Ice Service - Daily Iceberg Bulletin Sample
Canadian Ice Service - Daily Iceberg Limit Charts Sample
Canadian Ice Service - Display Options
Canadian Ice Service - East Coast Egg Code Example
Canadian Ice Service - Education Corner - Overview
Canadian Ice Service - Egg Code
Canadian Ice Service - Egg Code Background
Canadian Ice Service - Egg Code Examples Overview
Canadian Ice Service - Egg Code Ice Symbols
Canadian Ice Service - Egg Code Tables
Canadian Ice Service - FAQ - Access to Ice Products
Canadian Ice Service - FAQ - Interpretation
Canadian Ice Service - FAQ -Climate
Canadian Ice Service - FAQ -Icebergs
Canadian Ice Service - Fast Ice - Satellite Data
Canadian Ice Service - First Year Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Floe Edge
Canadian Ice Service - Floe Edge Information Service
Canadian Ice Service - Floe Edge Location - Lancaster Sound
Canadian Ice Service - Floe Edge Location for Amundsen Gulf
Canadian Ice Service - Floe Edge Service
Canadian Ice Service - Forms of Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Giant Floe
Canadian Ice Service - Glossaries
Canadian Ice Service - Great Lakes Egg Code Example
Canadian Ice Service - Grey Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Grey-white Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Growlers
Canadian Ice Service - Gulf of St. Lawrence Egg Code Example
Canadian Ice Service - Help
Canadian Ice Service - How the Egg Code Works
Canadian Ice Service - How the Egg Code is Organized
Canadian Ice Service - Ice / Weather Service
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Archive Collections
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Archive Overview
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Archive Overview
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Cakes
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Codes Overview
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Conditions
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Links
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Model Application
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Model Laboratory
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Pilot Service
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Safety
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Safety
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Services
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Services - Departure from Normal Concentration
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Services Publications
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Strength
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Strength
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Strength
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Strength
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Strength Sample Chart
Canadian Ice Service - Ice Terminology
Canadian Ice Service - Ice in Strips
Canadian Ice Service - Ice of Land Origin
Canadian Ice Service - Iceberg Air Convection
Canadian Ice Service - Iceberg Colour
Canadian Ice Service - Iceberg Glossary
Canadian Ice Service - Iceberg Insolation
Canadian Ice Service - Iceberg Melt
Canadian Ice Service - Iceberg Migration
Canadian Ice Service - Iceberg Model Example
Canadian Ice Service - Iceberg Models
Canadian Ice Service - Iceberg Movement
Canadian Ice Service - Iceberg Overview
Canadian Ice Service - Iceberg Shape
Canadian Ice Service - Iceberg Size
Canadian Ice Service - Iceberg Water Convection
Canadian Ice Service - Iceberg Wave Erosion
Canadian Ice Service - Icebergs
Canadian Ice Service - Image of the Month
Canadian Ice Service - Important Notices
Canadian Ice Service - Lake Ice Climatic Atlas - Great Lakes 1973-2002
Canadian Ice Service - Lake Ice Climatic Atlas - Great Lakes 1973-2002
Canadian Ice Service - Lake Ice Climatic Atlas - Great Lakes 1973-2002
Canadian Ice Service - Lake Ice Climatic Atlas Great Lakes 1973-2002
Canadian Ice Service - Lake Ice Climatic Atlas Great Lakes 1973-2002
Canadian Ice Service - Lake Ice Climatic Atlas Great Lakes 1973-2002
Canadian Ice Service - Lake Ice Climatic Atlas Great Lakes 1973-2002
Canadian Ice Service - Lake Ice Climatic Atlas Great Lakes 1973-2002
Canadian Ice Service - Lake Ice Climatic Atlas Great Lakes 1973-2002
Canadian Ice Service - Lake Ice Symbols
Canadian Ice Service - Lake Ice Symbols
Canadian Ice Service - Lancaster Ice Chart
Canadian Ice Service - List of Figures
Canadian Ice Service - Local Forecast Lancaster Sd.
Canadian Ice Service - Local Weather
Canadian Ice Service - MANICE - For More Information
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Aerial Ice Observation
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Arrangement of the Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Chapter 1
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Chapter 2
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Chapter 3
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Chapter 4
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Chapter 5
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Chapter 6
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Chapter 7
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Colour Coding Ice Charts
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Daily Ice Analysis Charts
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Dissemination of Aerial Ice Charts
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Dissemination of Reports
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Dissemination of Shipboard Ice Charts
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Example Of Shore Ice Report
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Examples of Ice Thickness Reports
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Examples of Iceberg Coded Report
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Examples of the Use of the Egg Code
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Examples of the Use of the Egg Code
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Figure 3.2
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Floating Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Foreward
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Forms of Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Ice Thickness Monthly Report
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Ice Thickness Observations
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Ice of Land Origin
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Iceberg Coding Tables
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Iceberg Coding and Message Preparation
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Iceberg Observations
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Image Analysis Charts
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - List of Photos
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - List of Tables
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Notes on Iceberg Coding Procedures
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Preparation of Ice Charts
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Regional Ice Charts
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - River Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Shipboard Ice Observation
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Shore Ice Report Format
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Shore Station Ice Observation
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Stages of Development of Lake Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Stages of Development of Sea Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Stages of Melting
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Supplementary Procedures for Indicating
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Symbols Used on Ice Charts
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Terms related to navigation
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - The Egg Code
Canadian Ice Service - Manice - Weekly Ice Thickness Reports
Canadian Ice Service - Manice Introduction
Canadian Ice Service - Manice Table of Contents
Canadian Ice Service - Manice- Ice Surfaces Features
Canadian Ice Service - Map - Amundsen Gulf
Canadian Ice Service - Map - Lancaster Sound
Canadian Ice Service - Marine Links
Canadian Ice Service - Medium First-year Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Medium Floe
Canadian Ice Service - Medium Lake Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Multi-year Ice
Canadian Ice Service - My Products
Canadian Ice Service - My Products
Canadian Ice Service - National Atlas
Canadian Ice Service - Navigating Through Ice
Canadian Ice Service - New Ice
Canadian Ice Service - New Lake Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Nilas
Canadian Ice Service - Old Ice
Canadian Ice Service - On-Line Archive
Canadian Ice Service - On-line Archive - Daily Ice Analysis Charts
Canadian Ice Service - On-line Archive - Ice Thickness Data
Canadian Ice Service - On-line Archive - Regional Ice Analysis Charts
Canadian Ice Service - On-line Archive - Regional Medians
Canadian Ice Service - Our Business
Canadian Ice Service - Our Clients
Canadian Ice Service - Our Mission
Canadian Ice Service - Our Resources
Canadian Ice Service - Overview
Canadian Ice Service - Pancake Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Photos - Aircraft
Canadian Ice Service - Photos - Ice and Icebergs
Canadian Ice Service - Photos - Polar Bears
Canadian Ice Service - Photos - Satellite and RADAR
Canadian Ice Service - Photos - Ships
Canadian Ice Service - Product Query
Canadian Ice Service - Products Available
Canadian Ice Service - Products Available - Bulletins
Canadian Ice Service - Products Available - Charts
Canadian Ice Service - Products Available - Ice Models
Canadian Ice Service - Products and Services Overview
Canadian Ice Service - Project Modules
Canadian Ice Service - Query Results
Canadian Ice Service - Recommended Route for the Gulf of St.Lawrence
Canadian Ice Service - Reconnaissance
Canadian Ice Service - Regional Ice Chart Extents
Canadian Ice Service - Resource Overview
Canadian Ice Service - Satellite Data
Canadian Ice Service - Satellite Images
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice - Where do we find it?
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - Chapter One
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - Chapter Two
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - East Coast
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - East Coast - 1971-2000
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - East Coast 1971-2000
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - East Coast 1971-2000
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - East Coast 1971-2000
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - East Coast 1971-2000
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - East Coast 1971-2000
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - Northern Canadian Waters 1971-2000
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - Northern Canadian Waters 1971-2000
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - Northern Canadian Waters 1971-2000
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - Northern Canadian Waters 1971-2000
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - Northern Canadian Waters 1971-2000
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - Northern Canadian Waters 1971-2000
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - Northern Canadian Waters 1971-2000
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - Northern Canadian Waters 1971-2000
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - Northern Canadian Waters 1971-2000
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - Table of Contents
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas - Terminology
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Climatic Atlas East Coast of Canada 1971-2000
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Cycle
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Cycle
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Deformation
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Disintegration
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Dynamics
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Formation
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Forms
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Growth
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Model Example
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Models
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Overview
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Symboles
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Symbols
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Symbols
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Terminology
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Terminology
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Types
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice Types and Forms
Canadian Ice Service - Sea Ice in Canadian Waters
Canadian Ice Service - Seasonal Outlook
Canadian Ice Service - Seasonal Outlook
Canadian Ice Service - Seasonal Outlook Sample
Canadian Ice Service - Seasonal Summary
Canadian Ice Service - Second Year Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Service Plus
Canadian Ice Service - Site Map
Canadian Ice Service - Small Floe
Canadian Ice Service - Small Ice Cake - Brash
Canadian Ice Service - Sources of Ice Data
Canadian Ice Service - Special Products
Canadian Ice Service - Spring Tides
Canadian Ice Service - Spring Tides Table
Canadian Ice Service - St. Lawrence River Egg Code Example
Canadian Ice Service - Stages of Melting
Canadian Ice Service - Subscribers
Canadian Ice Service - Subscription Services
Canadian Ice Service - Subscription Services - How to Register
Canadian Ice Service - Subscription Services - Overview
Canadian Ice Service - Subscription Services - Products Available to Subscribers
Canadian Ice Service - Subscription Services - Products Available to Subscribers
Canadian Ice Service - Subscription Services - Products Available to Subscribers
Canadian Ice Service - Subscription Services - Products Available to Subscribers
Canadian Ice Service - Subscription Services - Products Available to Subscribers
Canadian Ice Service - Subscription Services - Products Available to Subscribers
Canadian Ice Service - Subscription Services - Products Available to Subscribers
Canadian Ice Service - Subscription Services - User Profile
Canadian Ice Service - Subscription Services - User Profile
Canadian Ice Service - Surface Features
Canadian Ice Service - Temperature Normals
Canadian Ice Service - Temperature Normals
Canadian Ice Service - Temperature Normals
Canadian Ice Service - Temperature Trend for Nanisivik
Canadian Ice Service - Temperature Trend for Pond Inlet
Canadian Ice Service - Thick First-year Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Thick Lake Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Thin First Year Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Thin Lake Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Thin first-year ice, second stage
Canadian Ice Service - Tide Tables
Canadian Ice Service - Vast Floe
Canadian Ice Service - Very Thick Lake Ice
Canadian Ice Service - WMO Colour Code
Canadian Ice Service - WMO Colour Code Legend - Lake Ice
Canadian Ice Service - WMO Colour Code Legend - Sea Ice
Canadian Ice Service - Web Services
Canadian Ice Service - Weekly & Monthly Regional Ice Charts Sample
Canadian Ice Service - Welcome
Canadian Ice Service - What Are Ice Models?
Canadian Ice Service - What's New
Canadian Ice Service - What's New
Canadian Ice Service - What's New
Canadian Ice Service - Winds
Canadian Ice Service - Winds
Canadian Ice Service - Winter Position of the Floe Edge
Canadian Ice Service - Winter Position of the Floe Edge
Canadian Ice Service - Winter Temperature Graphs
Canadian Ice Service - Winter Temperature Graphs
Canadian Ice Service - Young Ice
Canadian Ice Service > Contact Us
Canadian Ice Services - Stages of Development
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IMSB - About Applied Sciences
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IMSB Welcome
Ice Resources
Lancaster Sound Satellite Images
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Services Clients and Partners Directorate - Help
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