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The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page includes answers to common queries about technical issues, the department, publications, business and other related items.

Aboriginal Business

Business and Industry

Competition Bureau


Corporations Canada


Electronic Commerce

Employment Opportunities



Intellectual Property

Measurement Canada

Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB)


Radio, Spectrum and Telecommunications

Regional Development

Science and Technology


Trade and Investment

Aboriginal Business

What services does Aboriginal Business Canada (ABC) provide?

Industry Canada's ABC program promotes the establishment and growth of Aboriginal businesses. For eligible applicants, the program provides financial assistance, information, resource materials, and referrals to other possible sources of financing or business support. Clients must be individuals of Canadian Indian, Métis, or Inuit heritage, or majority-owned Aboriginal organizations or development corporations. ABC also supports Aboriginal business and financial institutions to strengthen their networks, and their capacity to provide services and deliver programming that benefits Aboriginal entrepreneurs. For more information, visit the website at

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Business and Industry

Where can I find a list of Harmonized System (HS) codes and the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes?

You can search for a manufacturing industry using HS and NAICS codes on the following websites:

I would like to know what Canadian companies manufacture certain products. Where can I find this information?

You can search for Canadian companies from different databases in Strategis:

Where can information, reports and statistics on the Canadian small business sector be found?

For statistics, visit the "Key Small Business Statistics" section of the Small Business Research and Policy website.

The Small Business Quarterly provides a quick overview of key small business statistics, trends and recent developments. It includes information on performance trends, job creation, business formations, self-employment, loans, bankruptcies and exports.

Where can I find information to help small business?

Information on small business help can be found at the Business Support and Financing page on Industry Canada's Strategis site. This will lead you to:

  • Canada Business Service Centres which have information on financial assistance for business at both the federal and provincial levels

  • Sources of Financing. This database will match your financial needs with institutions able to meet them

  • Performance Plus. Using Canadian SME tax and employment data, Productivity Plus enables people to use credible data for important business processes such as business planning and benchmarking

Where can I find information on Canadian industry statistics and trends?

Please check the Canadian Industry Statistics page for information on Canadian industry statistics.

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Competition Bureau

Where can I find information on gasoline prices in Canada?

Information on gas prices can be found on the Competition Bureau's website.

How can I obtain a CA number for a fashion/clothing label?

Users may search for CA numbers or register for a CA number online on the Competition Bureau's website.

Where can I find information on complaints about a certain company, misleading advertising/deceptive marketing practices, and language labelling requirements?

The Competition Bureau's frequently asked questions page addresses these concerns.

The Competition Bureau takes complaints for anything that falls under the scope of the Competition Act, the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, the Textile Labelling Act, and the Precious Metals Marking Act. A complaint against a company can be filed through the Competition Bureau's Enquiry/Complaint Form.

Where do I find out about product labels and Industry Canada code stickers?

The Labelling Assessment Tools of the Competition Bureau can help you meet the mandatory labelling requirements and voluntary guidelines for the marketing of consumer articles such as pre-packaged consumer goods (except food products), clothing and other consumer textile articles, and gold, silver and platinum jewellery or other items made of precious metals.

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Where can I make a complaint about a Canadian company?

Consumers may first want to deal with the company directly in addressing their complaint. Check the “How to Complain Effectively” page for tips.

Companies may want to check the Customers First page for links on how to effectively handle consumer complaints.

To register a formal complaint, please check the following websites below:

How can I protect myself from identity theft?

The Consumer Measures Committee has a web page addressing the common questions related to identity theft as well as tips on reducing your risk, frequently asked questions, what to do if it happens to you, and a checklist.

I would like to sign up for a no telemarketing/no junk mail list. Where can I find this information?

For information on ways to eliminate or reduce the amount of direct mail and telemarketing received, please go to the link to the Canadian Marketing Association — Do Not Contact (do not call list) Service within the Telemarketing section of the Canadian Consumer Guide.

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Corporations Canada

Where can I get copies of blank forms (e.g. Articles of Incorporation, Articles of dissolution)?

Many administrative forms related to the Canada Business Corporations Act are available on the Internet in PDF (Portable Document Format) format. Simply print, fill out and return.

Where can I find information about incorporation?

Incorporation kits are available on the Corporations Canada website under Online Filing. You may also want to check their Frequently Asked Questions questions page or their Frequently Asked Questions page under Guide to Federal Incorporation.

Where can I find information about incorporating a Not-for-Profit Organization?

For instructions on incorporating a not-for-profit organization, please visit the Not-for-Profit Organizations (Canada Corporations Act, Part II) section on the Corporations Canada website where you will find online forms, information kits, fees, legislation and other related documents.

If you have specific questions on incorporating as a non-profit organization, please contact Corporations Canada directly.

I would like to dissolve my company. Where can I find the information required?

If you plan on dissolving a company, you will find the necessary information in the Dissolution Kit located on the Corporations Canada website. The form(s) are also available online for downloading. Or, if you prefer to file online, please go to the Corporations Canada Electronic Filing Centre.

If you have specific questions on dissolving a company, please contact Corporations Canada.

I would like to know if a certain company is active, inactive, dissolved, discontinued, bankrupt, etc.?

You can search the status of a company on the Federal Corporations Data On-Line website.

Where can I find out if a certain organization is registered and/or incorporated?

Companies in Canada can be incorporated at either the federal or provincial level.

You can search for federally incorporated companies on the Corporations Canada online database for federally incorporated companies.

For provincially or territory registered or incorporated companies, please contact one of the Provincial Registrars.

How I can get a copy of the Industry Canada Certificate of Compliance?

A Certificate of compliance can be ordered online through the Corporations Canada Electronic Filing Centre.

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I would like to make a comment to the Minister's Office; where can I contact the Minister?

The Minister can be reached at the following address:

The Honourable David L. Emerson
Minister of Industry
C.D. Howe Building
5th Floor, West Tower
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0H5
Tel.: (613) 995-9001
Fax: (613) 992-0302

How do I locate the mailing address or phone number of an Industry Canada employee?

Most Industry Canada employees are listed in the Telephone Directory.

Where can I find the websites of various sectors and branches in Industry Canada?

Most of the sectors/branches in Industry Canada can be found in the Business Information by Industry Canada's Sector Branches section or the Business Information by Industrial Category section on the Strategis site.

Another resource is our Links — By Category section. Many of the web pages for sectors such as the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), the Competition Bureau, the Office of Consumer Affairs or the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada can be found here.

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Electronic Commerce

Where can I find information about internet shopping security and e-commerce?

Users may find information on e-commerce on the Information by Subject — Internet page, as well as The Digital Economy in Canada website.

Information on security and privacy can be found on the Frequently Asked Questions: Principles for Electronic Authentication page as well as the Privacy for Business page.

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Employment Opportunities

How can I find out about job opportunities at Industry Canada?

Federal government departments do their hiring of outside people through the Public Service Commission of Canada.

You may also wish to look at the Employment and Learning Resources section of Strategis (Industry Canada's business and consumer site), the Strategis For Job Seekers link, or our Jobs web page.

To contact the Human Resources Branch of this department, please write to:

Human Resources Branch
Industry Canada
2nd Floor, West Tower
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0H5

For information on employment openings in Canada in general, you might also wish to visit the Human Resources and Skills Development Canada website, or contact its local office as listed in the Blue Pages of the telephone directory.

The Human Resources Management website also links to information on job postings in Canada. Choose "Hiring" and then "Post Jobs" from the left menu bar.

As well, the Job Bank site provides a listing of jobs from employers across Canada.

I am interested in moving to Canada and finding a job. Where can I find information?

A good starting point is to visit the Canada International website. Please click on GOING TO CANADA. You will find various links to government services and resources and information about working in Canada.

For information regarding hiring foreign workers, please visit the "Hiring Students, Interns & Foreign Workers" section on the Human Resources Management (HRM) website.

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Where can I find information on obtaining business funding?

A central starting point is the Financing section on the Strategis website.

The Financing section, On-line Services section, and the Links section on the Industry Canada departmental website also provides good reference points.

Additional business financing information can be obtained from the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC).

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Where can I find information on government acts and bills?

Information can be found at Canada's Parliament site.

The Canada Gazette can also be of help.

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Intellectual Property

Where can I find information about patents, trade-marks, copyrights, industrial designs, and integrated circuit topographies?

The Canadian Intellectual Property Office is responsible for areas such as patents, trade-marks, copyrights, industrial designs and integrated circuit topographies. Check their Frequently Asked Questions page for more information on what these terms mean, how to apply, and what steps are involved.

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Measurement Canada

How can Measurement Canada help consumers and what services does it provide?

Check Measurement Canada's Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to questions such as, “What can I do if I suspect that my electricity or gas meter is inaccurate?”, “What should I know about buying propane for my barbecue?”, and “What can I do if I have received less firewood than I paid for?”.

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Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB)

Where can I find information on the procedures and implications of declaring bankruptcy?

Check the Frequently Asked Questions page on the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) website for the most commonly asked questions on declaring bankruptcy. For additional information, please contact the OSB.

Can trustees and proposal administrators file on-line?

Yes. Please check the Trustee Information and Services — Frequently Asked Questions for information on the procedures for filing online with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy.

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Who do I contact to get information on a publication released by Industry Canada?

Just heard about a new publication released by Industry Canada and want to know where to access it? Available publications are listed in the Catalogue of Published Materials. You can access electronic versions or order print copies of available publications directly from the catalogue.

Print copies of available Industry Canada publications are distributed by Public Works and Government Services Canada.

To expedite delivery of print publications, place your order online via the Industry Canada catalogue of available print publications at the Government of Canada Publications website.

You may also direct your order to:

Publishing and Depository Services
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0S5
Tel. / Toll free: 1 800 635-7943 (Canada & US)
Tel. / Local: (613) 941-5995
Fax / Toll free: 1 800 565-7757 (Canada & US)
Fax / Local: (613) 954-5779
TTY #: 1 800 465-7735

Hours of operation: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET

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Radio, Spectrum and Telecommunications

I own an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate. Who do I contact if my address has changed or I need a replacement copy?

You would need to notify the amateur radio service group of Industry Canada of this change. Please check the Amateur Certification — Fact Sheet for the coordinates.

Who do I contact if I need a replacement copy of a Radio Operator Certificate (Aeronautical)?

You would need to contact your nearest Industry Canada Spectrum Management office for assistance. Please direct your enquiries to the Spectrum Management district offices coordinates for your area.

A Radiotelephone Operator's Restricted Certificate (Aeronautical) is required by the operator of radiotelephone equipment on board aircraft and at aeronautical land (fixed and mobile) radio stations using aeronautical mobile frequencies. Please check RIC-21 — Study Guide for the Radiotelephone Operator's Restricted Certificate (Aeronautical) for information on where to apply, candidate requirements, eligibility, and more.

Where can I find information on obtaining a Restricted Operator's Certificate (Maritime)?

The Canadian Power & Sail Squadrons was given the authority and responsibility by Industry Canada for the issuance of Restricted Operator Certificates (Maritime) to pleasure craft operators.

My neighbour's radio/television equipment is causing interference with my reception. What can I do?

Information on this matter can be found at the Spectrum Management — Solving Interference Problems page.

The “Interference to Public Safety from Pirate Devices — Frequently Asked Questions” page can also be of assistance for interference that affects public safety and search and rescue agencies.

Where can I find information on radiocommunication facilities (antennas and towers) and Industry Canada's procedures for tower location, environmental concerns and community consultation?

Please check the Radiocommunication Towers, Environmental Assessment and Safety Code 6 — Frequently Asked Questions for information on:

  • “Why are towers necessary?”;
  • “Should I be concerned about the tower falling and damaging my property?”;
  • “Why must the tower be painted and have lights?”; and
  • “Will my radio and TV reception be affected by the proposed tower?”.

The Antenna Structures page also contains valuable information.

For further assistance, please contact your nearest Spectrum Management office of Industry Canada.

Where can I find information on radio equipment certification and standards?

The Certification and Engineering Bureau — Frequently Asked Questions page provides information on application procedures, technical requirements/standards, Unique Product Numbers (UPN), fees, and contacts.

I live in a rural northern community and don't have access to broadband. Where can I find information on the Broadband for Rural and Northern Development Pilot Program?

Please check the Broadband — High-capacity Internet for all Canadian communities — Frequently Asked Questions page for information on how the program works.

Where can I find information on Direct-to-Home satellites?

Please check the Frequently Asked Questions section of the Direct-to-Home (DTH) Satellite Broadcasting page for answers to questions such as:

  • “What is the DTH grey market?”;
  • “Am I allowed to import a DTH satellite system from the United States?”; and
  • “What DTH programming is available to Canadians?”.

I would like some information on cell phone jamming technology (also known as cell phone silencers) in Canada.

For information on jammers, please visit the Cell Phone Silencer web page.

I am looking for information on available radio callsigns.

Each callsign is unique. To see the availability of callsigns, please visit the available callsign list for broadcasting stations on the Spectrum Management site.

For further assistance, please contact your nearest Spectrum Management office of Industry Canada.

Where can I find information about two-way radios (Family Radio Service Devices)?

For information on Family Radio Service Devices, please visit the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications website.

Where can I find a list of radio frequencies used in Canada?

Please check the "Canadian Table of Frequency Allocations". For specific information on allocation to or use by particular organizations, please contact your nearest Industry Canada Spectrum Management office for assistance.

Where can I get information on radiocommunications, telecommunications, spectrum and radio frequencies?

Check the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications website for information about:

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Regional Development

What types of federal infrastructure funding programs exist?

Improving the quality of life in cities and communities is one of the main priorities of the Government of Canada. Infrastructure Canada coordinates federal efforts to build a “New Deal for Cities and Communities.” The four major programs overseen by Infrastructure Canada are:

In Ontario, Industry Canada delivers the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program (COIP) and the Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (COMRIF) in partnership with the Government of Ontario.

What services does the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern and rural Ontario (FedNor) provide?

FedNor promotes economic growth, diversification and job creation, and helps build self-reliant communities in northern and rural Ontario, by working with community partners and other organizations to improve small business access to capital, information and markets. FedNor is able to promote economic growth throughout the North by focussing on a number of key initiatives:

  • The Northern Ontario Development Program supports projects in six key areas: community economic development, innovation and technology, telecommunications infrastructure and applications, trade and tourism, human capital, and business financing support.

  • The Eastern Ontario Development Program promotes socio-economic development in rural Eastern Ontario by building local capacity for development and creating the necessary conditions for increased business and employment opportunities.

  • Social Economy is a pilot initiative aimed at helping social economy organizations and enterprises to succeed through two key initiatives: capacity-building and financing.

  • The Economic Development of Official Language Minority Communities is designed to strengthen Canada's linguistic duality and enhance its capacity to participate in the knowledge economy through a number of initiatives.

More information on FedNor programs and services is available at

What types of services does the Ontario network of Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) provide?

The objective of the CFDCs in Ontario is to support communities in the development and diversification of their economies through strategic community planning and implementation, repayable financing for local businesses, and a variety of business services for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and social enterprises. Through Industry Canada and FedNor, the Government of Canada provides funding, advice, and support to 61 CFDCs (community-based, non-profit organizations) across Ontario. Check the website for additional information on CFDCs and their services.

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Science and Technology

Where can I find information on the Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC) program?

Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC) is a special operating agency of Industry Canada with a mandate to provide funding support for strategic research and development, and demonstration projects that will produce economic, social and environmental benefits to Canadians. For funding information, please check their Frequently Asked Questions page.

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I cannot access the Strategis website — who do I contact?

If you are having problems accessing the Strategis site, please E-mail Strategis Client Services at

Tel.: (613) 954-5031
Toll Free: 1-800-328-6189
TTY: 1-866-694-8389

Who do I contact to report broken links, corrections, and receiving permission to use material from the site?

For technical comments regarding the site, please E-mail the webmaster directly. Please include the URL (Web address) of the page where the error occurs.

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Trade and Investment

How do I locate information on importing and exporting?

The Trade and Investments section located on Strategis is a recommended first stop.

You can also check out our Trade Data Online page which will help you find new export markets, determine competition for your products and identify domestic opportunities for import replacement.

In addition, the Canada Border Services Agency Internet site provides sources of information on import regulations.

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Date Modified: 2006-01-30 Top of Page Important Notices