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Finding Information

Site Specification


General Enquiries

For general enquiries, please use our Contact Us page.

Ordering Publications

Available publications are listed in the Catalogue of Published Materials. You can access electronic versions or order print copies of available publications directly from the catalogue.

Print copies of available Industry Canada publications are distributed by Public Works and Government Services Canada.

To expedite delivery of print publications, place your order online via the Industry Canada catalogue of available print publications at the Government of Canada Publications website.

You may also direct your order to:

Publishing and Depository Services
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0S5
Tel. / Toll free: 1 800 635-7943 (Canada & US)
Tel. / Local: (613) 941-5995
Fax / Toll free: 1 800 565-7757 (Canada & US)
Fax / Local: (613) 954-5779
TTY #: 1 800 465-7735

Hours of operation: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET

Ordering Publications On-Line:

Publications that are available in hardcopy can be ordered on-line. At the bottom of each entry is an Order On-Line button. Simply click on it, fill out the on-line form and your order will be processed.

Technical Help

The Industry Canada departmental website is maintained by the Communications and Marketing Branch of Industry Canada. For technical problems (e.g. broken links, error messages, etc.) or to comment on this site only, please contact:

Communications and Marketing Branch
Industry Canada
Room 214E, West Tower
C.D. Howe Building
235 Queen Street
Ottawa ON  K1A 0H5
E-mail: Webmaster

Strategis Help

If you are experiencing problems accessing Strategis, the department's business and consumer site, please refer to their Contact Us or Help pages.

You may also call the Strategis Help Desk at 1 800 328-6189 (Canada) or (613) 954-5031. Business hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours, you can leave a voice message, or send an e-mail.

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Page Structure

Each page has the same layout.





Français Toggles the current page you are viewing between English and French.

Contact Us The Contact Us page contains an on-line form to submit your questions, as well as how to contact us by telephone/fax/TTY, or mail. Links to our sectors/branches/offices contactsmedia relations contactsminister's officesenior officialsregional offices, telephone directorypublications order-desk, technical help and Strategis help are also provided.

Help The page you are currently on.

Search Links to the search page for the Industry Canada site and contains links to the Strategis site search page and a link to the Government of Canada search page. A link to our Tips for Searching page is also included.

Canada Site Click on the Canada Site button to go to Government of Canada's main website.

What's New The What's New section includes a listing of the information added to the Industry Canada website in the past 15 days. Links to What's New pages on other Industry Canada sites and Industry Portfolio sites can also be found here.

Site Map The Site Map shows the arrangement of the site.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page includes answers to common queries about technical issues, the department, publications, business and other related items.

Links The Links section includes an extensive listing of about 600 links including links to the Industry Portfolio partners, Industry Canada sectors and branches, departmental and other related government programs, products and services, publications, business information by sector, sponsored/partnered sites, and other related sites.

Home Clicking on this will take you back to the home page, which includes the What's New box.


The content on the left menu bar is grouped into several sections:

The Department:

  • Industry Canada's mandate includes three strategic objectives (a fair, efficient and competitive marketplace; an innovative economy; and competitive industry and sustainable communities).

  • The department structure contains information on the sectors and branches in the department and the organizational structure.

  • Regional offices: In support of Industry Canada's mandate, the regional offices serve the needs of their regional clients through the delivery of programs and services, and support the development and understanding of national policies, programs and regulations.

  • The biographies section lists the biographies of the Minister of Industry, the Parliamentary Secretary, the Minister of State, the Deputy Minister and the Associate Deputy Minister.

  • The senior officials page contains the contact name and coordinates for the Minister’s Office, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Industry, the Minister of State (Federal Economic Initiative for Northern Ontario), other senior officials in the Department, regional offices, and Industry Portfolio partners.

  • The Industry Canada telephone directory is located on the Government Electronic Directory Services (GEDS) website. This is a searchable database, and information retrieved includes the names, titles, telephone numbers, fax numbers and mailing addresses of departmental employees.

  • The history section includes information about past ministers of the department, ministers of dissolved departments and agencies now merged into the current department, secretaries/ministers of state, and milestones.

  • Acts includes "Acts Under the Responsibility of the Minister of Industry" and "Regional Agency Legislation."

  • For details about Expenditure Review reductions at Industry Canada, please visit the Expenditure Review page. For more information about the government-wide exercise, please see the Expenditure Review website.

  • The Management Accountability Framework was developed by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) to provide deputy heads and all public service managers with a list of management expectations that reflect the different elements of current management responsibilities.

Media Room:

  • News releases (including links to news rooms of other Industry Canada and related websites). All news releases more than six months old are placed in the archives.

  • Speeches by the Minister of Industry. An archive section is also included.

  • E-mail subscription to receive the latest news releases, media advisories, information bulletins and information about upcoming events released by the department. There is also a listing of other Industry Canada E-mail lists that you can join.

  • A photo gallery which can be viewed by date, by category, or by representative. An archives view is also available.

  • Upcoming events (including media advisories/events, a calendar of events, a list of dedicated days and weeks, and Industry Portfolio events). Note that media advisories/events are automatically removed from the site two days after the event is over.

  • Webcasts and multimedia. This section identifies various Webcasts, videos and multimedia tools available from Industry Canada and the Industry Portfolio. These are used to highlight products and services, feature success stories, provide information, present speeches, and take you on virtual tours. The presentations are available in a variety of formats.

  • Media relations contacts. The Communications and Marketing Branch Media Relations team in Ottawa can serve you in both official languages. Media relations officers are available from 8:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. Monday to Friday (Ottawa time). They can provide media relations advice, and help you find departmental experts to answer your questions.

Information by Subject:

  • The Business and Industry section contains information on various Canadian industries; industry and business issues such as manufacturing performance, financing, human resources, and incorporation; information on the Canadian business environment including statistics, company directories, and business information by industrial category; as well as resources for small business.

  • The Consumers section contains information on a variety of subjects available for consumers including resources, services, tips and on-line tools.

  • The Economy section contains links to websites that contain statistics and analyses of Canadian industries and the economy.

  • The Environment section contains various websites dealing with all aspects of the environment including eco-efficiency, sustainable development and climate change.

  • Industry Canada and the Industry Portfolio have many websites related to innovation, science and technology, and research.

  • The Intellectual Property page links to resources on copyrights, patents, trademarks, industrial designs and integrated circuit topographies.

  • Information on Internet consumer issues (on-line shopping, dealing with spam, and finding an Internet Service Provider), and electronic commerce can be found here.

  • The Marketplace Regulations section includes resources on regulations (e.g. Investment Canada Act, corporate and insolvency law), standards (e.g. labelling, Standards Council of Canada, Measurement Canada) and business process information (e.g. incorporation, business mergers, Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy).

  • Industry Canada is the lead department for radio, spectrum and telecommunications issues.

  • Regional Development: Industry Canada and the Industry Portfolio have various agencies and initiatives that promote economic development, jobs, investments and infrastructure in communities right across Canada.

  • Trade and Investment: Industry Canada has various websites that provide a wealth of information on trade including importing, exporting, and researching international markets. Also included is information for investors interested in companies and regulations in the Canadian market.

  • Industry Canada has many websites for youth who are interested in finding information about programs that can help them with their schools, finding a job and learning information and communications technology (ICT) skills.

Programs and Services:

  • The programs and initiatives page includes links to a variety of programs and initiatives provided by Industry Canada and the Industry Portfolio.

  • The on-line services page includes interactive Web-based tools and services Industry Canada and the Industry Portfolio have to offer.

On-Line Forms:

  • The on-line forms page contains the department's most-requested electronic forms for businesses and Canadians.


  • The Catalogue of Published Materials contains a listing of Industry Canada publications in various formats that are available for distribution.

  • Corporate publications include corporate documents such as Main Estimates, Performance Reports and Annual Reports.

  • Special reports are commissioned by Industry Canada with the intention of encouraging analysis and discussion of specific issues.

  • Industry Canada and the Portfolio partners publish a number of on-line newsletters to help keep you up-to-date on the latest events, products and information.

  • The publishing toolbox contains information and resources to assist all departmental staff and contract suppliers with Industry Canada publishing activities.

  • The Archives collection contains past publications.

Industry Portfolio:

  • Information on the 15 federal departments and agencies that make up the Industry Portfolio can be found here.


  • Industry Canada and the Industry Portfolio offer a variety of awards that acknowledge and reward outstanding achievements attained in a variety of areas.

Success Stories:

  • A listing of success stories from Industry Canada and the Industry Portfolio.

Access to Information:

  • The access to information (ATIP) page includes information about the services of the ATIP office, frequently asked questions, definitions, how to submit a request, publications, links and contacts for ATIP offices in the Industry Portfolio.


  • The Acronyms section shows many of the acronyms used for Industry Canada sectors, branches, products, programs and services. Also included are many acronyms for spectrum and telecommunications, intellectual property, the internet, industry, trade, economic and business terms, international organizations, other government departments, and other terms commonly used throughout various Industry Canada websites.

Employment Opportunities:

  • Includes information about Industry Canada employment policies in addition to general employment, recruitment, student and internship programs.

Minister's Message:

  • In the Minister's Message section, the Minister outlines what the Department is doing to help Canadians and where information can be found on the website.

Proactive Disclosure:

  • The Disclosure of Travel & Hospitality Expenses site provides information on the travel and hospitality expenses incurred within Industry Canada by the Minister, Minister of State (Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario), Parliamentary Secretary, and their exempt staff, and by senior level employees at the Deputy Minister, Associate Deputy Minister, Assistant Deputy Minister and equivalent levels.

  • The Disclosure of Contracts site provides information on contracts over $10 000 issued by or on behalf of Industry Canada.

  • The Disclosure of Position Reclassifications site provides information on the reclassification of occupied positions on a quarterly basis.


Industry Canada also has a business and consumer information website, called Strategis, which is organized in the following categories:


The Footer displays the date of the last update and provides links to the top of page and to important notices.

  1. Date Modified shows the last time the current page was updated or reviewed in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

  2. The Top of Page arrow promptly returns you to the top of the page you are currently viewing.

  3. The Important Notices contains valuable copyright information regarding the reproduction (commercial and non-commercial), use of third-party materials, disclaimer, privacy and official languages of Government of Canada website content.

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Finding Information


Users may search the Industry Canada website by clicking on the Search button.

The Search page also includes links to the search pages of Strategis, the department's business and consumer site, and the Government of Canada website.

Tips for Searching

Help on searching the Industry Canada site can be found on our Tips for Searching page.

Site Map

Information on the organization of the Industry Canada website can be found on our Site Map.

Frequently Asked Questions

Information on the more popular questions to the Industry Canada website can be found on our Frequently Asked Questions page.

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Site Specification


Most content is available in HTML format (like this page). Many documents are also available in other formats, such as:


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Date Format

All pages use the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard for all-numeric date display (YYYY-MM-DD).

Accessibility Message

This website has been designed with a view to making the information accessible to all users, including persons with disabilities who use adaptive technologies to receive and disseminate information. We encourage accessible Internet site development and maintenance and invite your comments and suggestions for improvement of the accessibility of this site. Contact us by e-mail.

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  • locate a document you wish to download

  • right click on the link to the PDF document and select Save Target As (Internet Explorer) / Save Link As (Netscape) from the drop-down menu;

  • indicate the directory you wish to save the file in and click Save; and

  • you can then view the document off-line using your Adobe™ Acrobat™ software.

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Registering for E-mail Updates

Once you have registered to receive e-mail updates, you will automatically receive all news releases, information bulletins, events and media advisories released by Industry Canada for the categories you have selected.

Registering On-Line
The Webmaster cannot register users to the e-mail list or substitute one name for another. If you would like to subscribe, please go to our Register to Receive E-mail Updates page and click on New Registration.

To Unsubscribe
To unsubscribe from the e-mail list, please send a message to the Webmaster. This cannot be done on-line.

Forgotten Password
If you forget your password, you will need to send a message to the Webmaster who will unsubscribe you from the list. You will then need to subscribe to the list again. Your password is encrypted and cannot be accessed by anyone, including the Webmaster.

To Update Your Profile
If you would like to update your profile (e.g. change your password or e-mail address, add/remove categories etc.), please click on the Login (registered users only) button located on the Register to Receive E-mail Updates page.

Reading Text of E-mail Messages
If you are having difficulty reading the text of the messages sent from the e-mail list, you can always visit the What's New section of the website to read the text there.

Important Notices

Please check our Important Notices page for information on:

  • Copyright/Permission to Reproduce
    • Non-commercial Reproduction
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    • Third-party Materials
  • Privacy Notice
  • Disclaimer
  • Official Languages
  • Accessibility Notice
  • External Hyperlinks

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Date Modified: 2005-11-15 Top of Page Important Notices