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Competition Bureau of Canada

Competition Bureau

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The general reports available in this section are studies commissioned by the Bureau from independent experts or a specific Branch within the Bureau.

Anticompetitive Pricing Practices and the Competition Act

Application of the Competition Act to the Current Fluctuations in Gasoline Prices

Competition Bureau Consultations on Fees and Thresholds Forum Agenda

Competition Bureau Discussion paper on the proposal to increase fees and revise its Fee and Service Standards Policy

Competition Bureau Fee and Standards Handbook: Draft November 2002 

Conference Board of Canada Report

Consultation on a Proposal to Verify Labour Standards in the Apparel Industry - Outcomes and Recommendations

Discussion Paper - Options for Amending the Competition Act: Fostering a Competitive Marketplace

Gasoline Empirical Analysis

International Comparative Analysis of Private Rights of Access

July 1999 Gasoline Price Increases: A Competition Bureau Examination Report

Link to Report and Schedules

Merger Review Benchmarking Report

Merger Review Performance Report

November, 1989 - Submission of the Director to the Nova Scotia Board of Public Utilities

Options for the Internationalization of Competition Policy

Predatory Pricing and State Below-cost Sales Statutes in the United States: An Analysis

Price Scanning Report 1996-1999

Program of Compliance 

Public Policy Forum Report

Report of the Advisory Panel on Efficiencies    (PDF: 344 KB)

Report of the Canada-United States Working Group on Telemarketing Fraud

Report of the Consultative Panel on Amendments to the Competition Act to the Director of Investigation and Research, Competition Act, Mr. George N. Addy, March 6, 1996

Report on the Chatham Gasoline Market

Report on the Saskatchewan Gasoline Industry

Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement

Software Claims Survey - Analysis Report

Study of A Proposal (and its alternatives) to Amend the Textile Labelling and Advertising Regulations: Applying the Conference Board's Optimal Policy Mix Framework

Study of the Historical Cost of Proceedings before the Competition Tribunal

The effects of recent volatility in international petroleum markets on Canadian wholesale and retail gasoline prices

The Impact of Sales-Below-Cost Laws on the U.S. Retail Gasoline Market

The Treatment of Efficiencies in Merger Review: An International Comparison

Whistleblowing Study

Working Group on the Interaction between Trade and Competition Policy

Search by Year


Documents 1 - 5 of 5 matches for 2005.

November 02, 2005
Market Studies - A Review by the Competition Bureau

October 31, 2005
Report of the Advisory Panel on Efficiencies

July 22, 2005
Consultation on a Proposal to Verify Labour Standards in the Apparel Industry - Outcomes and Recommendations

March 31, 2005
The effects of recent volatility in international petroleum markets on Canadian wholesale and retail gasoline prices

March 30, 2005
Gasoline Empirical Analysis

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