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TEAM Projects

Cleaner Fossil Fuels

With its rich supply of natural resources, Canada has become heavily dependent on fossil fuels to supply our stationary energy grid and help fulfill our transportation needs. There is a great deal to be gained by investing in cleaner fossil fuels, such as improved air quality resulting from lower than average greenhouse-gas intensity per unit of activity, increased power-production efficiency leading to cost savings for users, and greater Canadian competitiveness in the global marketplace resulting from these lower costs.

Cleaner fossil fuel technologies can also be exported to the many countries around the world that are dependent on fossil fuels to meet their energy requirements. Energy-efficient and low emission technologies for the production of bitumen and heavy oil; cleaner upgrading and refining processes; unconventional low-carbon resources, such as coal-bed methane and hydrates; and advanced clean-coal technologies that include carbon dioxide capture and storage are all exportable – and can create jobs and wealth for Canada.

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