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"Doing Business With...." Debuts in Vancouver
January 18, 2006 - ITAC's "Doing Business With..." program has operated since 2002 giving large ITAC members with established partnership programs an opportunity to meet potential partners and suppliers from the technology community. The program has operated successfully in Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa (Doug Cooper, Country Manager for Intel Canada will present Doing Business with Intel on February 2 in Ottawa). On February 1, Doing Business With ... will make its debut before a Vancouver audience in a half day event co-presented by ITAC and BCTIA. A senior representative from Telus will kick things off. A panel comprised of Al Hurd, President EDS Advanced Solutions, Ross Rose, Director, e-government Systems, MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates and Caroline Dunn, Executive Vice-President, Growth Strategies for Sierra Systems will follow. At lunch, the focus will shift to "Doing Business with India" as Pankaj Agarwal, the CEO of Momentum Technologies and a member of the NASSCOM/ITAC Committee, and Bernard Courtois, President and CEO of ITAC, discuss business opportunities for Canadian companies in India. Many companies, including IBM, Microsoft, HP, Sun, Agilent, Siemens and eBay have participated in this program. BCTIA is keenly interested in having senior executives from ITAC's membership make presentations to potential partners in British Columbia. So, if your company is seeking ways to promote its partner programs in British Columbia (or elsewhere,) please contact Micheline Levesque at mlevesque@itac.ca and she will work with BCTIA to schedule the event.

January 17, 2006 - Highlights: Ronan McGrath to Address NASSCOM Conference, ICT Industry Urges Party Leaders to Address Canada’s Future Prosperity,  "Doing Business With...." Debuts in Vancouver,
Ballmer Wakes Up Ottawa Tech Community
and More.

ICT Industry Urges Party Leaders to Address Canada’s Future Prosperity
January 6, 2006 - On behalf of Canada’s information and communications technology (ICT) industry, the Information Technology Association of Canada is urging federal party leaders to deal with the issue of Canada’s future prosperity in the current election campaign.
“We know election campaigns get driven by a dynamic of their own, particularly in their final stages,” says Bernard Courtois, President and CEO of the Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC), “but we feel Canada’s productivity and prosperity is too big an issue to be ignored in the process.”
For the full text of the news release please click here: English  / French

CSLS Study Explains Why Canadian ICT Investment Is Less Than U.S.
December 12, 2005 - Virtually no growth of labour productivity in the Canadian business sector occurred in 2003 and 2004, and the gap between American and Canadian labour productivity has grown significantly. Lagging ICT investment has been identified as a possible cause of the weak growth and the gap between the two countries. A new study by the Centre for the Study of Living Standards has identified the factors that have caused this investment gap. These include:
  • The industrial structure of Canada versus the United States. Canada has smaller shares of ICT intensive sectors, such as the cultural and information industry (including telecommunications and finance).
  • The size distribution of employment. Canada has a larger share of employment in small and medium sized enterprises. SMEs typically spend less on ICT than larger firms.
For the full text of the news release, please click here. For the study's executive summary, please click here. For the CSLS study (130 pgs), "What Explains the Canada-US ICT Investment Intensity Gap?" please click here.

Ballmer Wakes Up Ottawa Tech Community
December 6, 2005 - Steve Ballmer, the CEO of Microsoft Corporation, addressed a record-breaking crowd in Ottawa on December 6 at a special Technology Executive Breakfast hosted by ITAC and OCRI. In his inimitable fashion, Steve shared his vision of the next decade of technology. "I have tremendous enthusiasm for what we'll be able to do over the next ten years," he said. "We're fortunate as an industry because we all get to participate in the transformation of human endeavour." Steve sees the future, not surprisingly, as software-driven and swept by the continuing current of Moore's Law. He also believes we will see vast improvements in the human-computer interface (driven by voice recognition) and will also witness improvements in system and device interoperability and ubiquity.

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Upcoming  Meetings / Events
February 1, 2006
Doing Business With Telus (And Others)

February 2, 2006
Doing Business with Intel of Canada Ltd.

February 8, 2006
ITAC Board Directors Meeting

February 22, 2006
Senior Leaders Breakfast - Keynote Speaker - Heather Black, Assistant Privacy Commissioner of Canada

March 15, 2006
The Swedish Experience - eHealth In Sweden

Feature Item
Executive Forum on Microelectronics David Orton, CEO of ATI Technologies, provided a compelling start to the 11th Annual Executive Forum on Microelectronics on November 29th. Elaborating on the conference theme "Creative Destruction," he described ATI's growth from a start-up memory chip company to its current position as the leader of the global graphics components marketplace - and, at an annual $2-billion in revenues, the undisputed leader in Canadian microelectronics. Orton described the various "inflection points" that ATI encountered throughout its history and demonstrated that the company's success was due in part to its willingness to exit invested lines of business and cannibalize product lines.

Member News

ITAC Welcomes

Canadian MedicAlert
Empress Software Inc.
Imex Systems
Info-Tech Research
MD Management

as New Members

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ITAC High Tech Compensation Survey 2005 Mercer  High Tech Comp Survey