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Employment Insurance Regulations - Part I - Unemployment Benefits

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Current EI (Main) Regulations

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Allocation of Earnings for Benefit Purposes

     36. (1)  Subject to subsection (2), the earnings of a claimant as determined under section 35 shall be allocated to weeks in the manner described in this section and, for the purposes referred to in subsection 35(2), shall be the earnings of the claimant for those weeks.

     (2)  For the purposes of this section, the earnings of a claimant shall not be allocated to weeks during which they did not constitute earnings or were not taken into account as earnings under section 35.

     (3)  Where the period for which earnings of a claimant are payable does not coincide with a week, the earnings shall be allocated to any week that is wholly or partly in the period in the proportion that the number of days worked in the week bears to the number of days worked in the period.

     (4)  Earnings that are payable to a claimant under a contract of employment for the performance of services shall be allocated to the period in which the services were performed.

     (5)  Earnings that are payable to a claimant under a contract of employment without the performance of services or payable by an employer to a claimant in consideration of the claimant returning to or beginning work shall be allocated to the period for which they are payable.

     (6)  The earnings of a claimant who is self-employed in employment other than farming, or the earnings of a claimant that are from participation in profits or commissions, shall be allocated to the week in which the services that gave rise to those earnings are performed and, where the earnings arise from a transaction, they shall be allocated to the week in which the transaction occurred.

     (7)  The earnings of a claimant who is self-employed in farming shall be allocated

(a) if they arose out of a transaction, to the week in which the transaction occurred; and

(b) if they were received in the form of a subsidy, to the week in which the subsidy was paid.

     (8)  Where vacation pay is paid or payable to a claimant for a reason other than a lay-off or separation from an employment, it shall be allocated as follows:

(a) where the vacation pay is paid or payable for a specific vacation period or periods, it shall be allocated
(i) to a number of weeks that begins with the first week and ends not later than the last week of the vacation period or periods, and

(ii) in such a manner that the total earnings of the claimant from that employment are, in each consecutive week, equal to the claimant's normal weekly earnings from that employment; and
(b) in any other case, the vacation pay shall, when paid, be allocated
(i) to a number of weeks that begins with the first week for which it is payable, and

(ii) in such a manner that, for each week except the last, the amount allocated under this subsection is equal to the claimant's normal weekly earnings from that employment.

     (9)  Subject to subsections (10) and (11), all earnings paid or payable to a claimant by reason of a lay-off or separation from an employment shall, regardless of the nature of the earnings or the period in respect of which the earnings are purported to be paid or payable, be allocated to a number of weeks that begins with the week of the lay-off or separation in such a manner that the total earnings of the claimant from that employment are, in each consecutive week except the last, equal to the claimant's normal weekly earnings from that employment.

     (10) Subject to subsection (11), where earnings are paid or payable to a claimant by reason of a lay-off or separation from an employment subsequent to an allocation under subsection (9) in respect of that lay-off or separation, the subsequent earnings shall be added to the earnings that were allocated and, regardless of the nature of the subsequent earnings or the period in respect of which they are purported to be paid or payable, a revised allocation shall be made in accordance with subsection (9) on the basis of that total.

     (11) Where earnings are paid or payable in respect of an employment pursuant to a labour arbitration award or the judgment of a tribunal, or as a settlement of an issue that might otherwise have been determined by a labour arbitration award or the judgment of a tribunal, and the earnings are awarded in respect of specific weeks as a result of a finding or admission that disciplinary action was warranted, the earnings shall be allocated to a number of consecutive weeks, beginning with the first week in respect of which the earnings are awarded, in such a manner that the total earnings of the claimant from that employment are, in each week except the last week, equal to the claimant's normal weekly earnings from that employment.

     (12) The following payments shall be allocated to the weeks in respect of which the payments are paid or payable:

(a) payments in respect of sick leave, maternity leave or adoption leave or leave for the care of a child or children referred to in subsection 23(1) of the Act;

(b) payments under a group sickness or disability wage-loss indemnity plan;

(c) payments referred to in paragraphs 35(2)(d) and (f);

(d) workers' compensation payments, other than a lump sum or pension paid in full and final settlement of a claim made for workers' compensation payments; and

(e) payments in respect of the care or support of a family member referred to in subsection 23.1(2) of the Act.

     (13) A payment paid or payable to a claimant in respect of a holiday or non-working day that is observed as such by law, custom or agreement, or a holiday or non-working day immediately preceding or following a holiday or non-working day that occurs at the establishment of the employer or former employer from whom the claimant receives that payment, shall be allocated to the week in which that day occurs.

     (14) The moneys referred to in paragraph 35(2)(e) that are paid or payable to a claimant on a periodic basis shall be allocated to the period for which they are paid or payable.

     (15) The moneys referred to in paragraph 35(2)(e) that are paid or payable to a claimant in a lump sum shall be allocated beginning with the first week that those moneys are paid or payable to the claimant in such a manner that those moneys are equal in each week to the weekly amount, calculated in accordance with subsection (17), to which the claimant would have been entitled if the lump sum payment had been paid as an annuity.

     (16) The moneys allocated in accordance with subsection (14) or (15) shall not be taken into account in the allocation of other earnings under this section.

     (17) For the purposes of subsection (15), the weekly amount shall be calculated as the amount of the lump sum payment divided by 1,000 and multiplied by the weekly annuity equivalent, as set out in Schedule II, corresponding to the age of the claimant at the date the lump sum is paid or payable.

     (18) Earnings that are payable to a claimant under a government program intended to encourage re-employment and that are payable to the claimant as a supplement to earnings arising from a contract of employment shall be allocated to the period for which they are payable.

     (19) Where a claimant has earnings to which none of subsections (1) to (18) apply, those earnings shall be allocated

(a) if they arise from the performance of services, to the period in which the services are performed; and

(b) if they arise from a transaction, to the week in which the transaction occurs.

     (20) For the purposes of this section, a fraction of a dollar that is equal to or greater than one half shall be taken as a dollar and a fraction that is less than one half shall be disregarded.

SOR/97-31, s. 19; SOR/2003-393, s. 5.

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Last modified :  2006-01-16 top Important Notices