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The help page is intended to facilitate the navigation of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Commisson site. Browsing our Web site is assisted by the use of the top and side navigation bars.

Site Map

The Site Map is a guide providing users with a quick overview of the layout and content of this Web site.

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Search Engine

The search engine offers quick access to information through bilingual (French or English) keyword or phrase searches. To assist you in the use of the proper operators and syntax, go to the Tips for Searching page.

What is PDF?
Portable Document Format (PDF) is a special document format from Adobe Systems, Inc. software company. The file format allows users to create Web-ready documents that preserve the look of the original documents, even down to the fonts and text colours. The PDF file can then be viewed by anyone with an Acrobat Reader. Adobe freely distributes Acrobat Reader, the software necessary to view, print, navigate and search PDF files.

When properly configured on a workstation, the Adobe Acrobat Reader software can be launched by the browser whenever a PDF file is encountered. You can find out more about the Acrobat Reader and PDF at the Adobe Systems Incorporated Web site.

As well as representing the printed pages of your document, PDF supports additional navigational aids such as hyperlinks (links to URL addresses), bookmarks (links to jump from page to page) and links to sound files and video files.

Accessible PDF
Facilitates the search for plug-in tools to help make Adobe PDF files accessible to users with visual disabilities.

The accessible plug-in can be obtained from: Adobe System’s Incorporated accessible information page.

The tools found at the above URL convert PDF documents into simple HTML or ASCII text which can then be read by a number of common screen-reading programs that synthesize the HTML as audible speech.

If you are still unable to locate the information on the program or service you desire, please contact us.

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External Hyperlinks

Some of the information on this Web site has been provided by external sources. The Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission Web site is not responsible for the quality, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose of products or services available on external sites and listed or described on our menu; nor is it responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information contained on the Web site supplied by external sources.

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Official Languages

The Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission Web site is bound by the Official Languages Act and relevant Treasury Board policies and all information is available in both French and English. However, users should be aware that some information on external sites to which we link is available only in the language in which it was provided.

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Universal Accessibility

The current Web site has been modified to facilitate accessibility and to ensure that everyone, not only those with the latest Internet resources, will benefit from its features. While this site is designed to accommodate all types of Internet software and browsers, including earlier versions, some viewing problems can occur when using older software. We are continually striving to correct such problems. Please contact us if you are experiencing technical difficulties.

The Canada site encourages you to provide feedback on the search engine, navigability, accessibility and information presentation. We also encourage you to send other questions, comments and suggestions so that we can better serve you.